Two-Tone Question

Discussion in 'Color is everything!' started by 67RivDog, Dec 30, 2008.

  1. 67RivDog

    67RivDog RivDogg is in rehab.

    Is it possible to get a two-tone effect from the same color by using different color primers or base-coats?

    Even if it turns out to be a very slight color difference, that's kind of what I'm looking for.

    The color i am contemplating is a dark sand color.
  2. supercrackerbox

    supercrackerbox Well-Known Member

    I think it would depend on how thick you lay the top coat, meaning it would have to be perfectly consistent over the entire car. Could be pretty tricky. Personally I'd just have a paint shop tint the paint as needed.
  3. 67RivDog

    67RivDog RivDogg is in rehab.

    I thought about the tinting thing also, but the paint color has a lumenescent effect to it. So I'm not sure which color they would have to increase/decrease to get a similar shade of brown. I just want it slightly off.

    I thought that the final color was dependent on the primer or base coat. I wasn't sure of that, so that's why I'm here. :pp :Do No:

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