updating from old style remote to modern power mirrors

Discussion in 'Sparky's corner' started by yuk, Jul 1, 2003.

  1. yuk

    yuk Well-Known Member

    one of the things that always has bugged me on my buicks is the amount of wind noise that rear view mirrors that are mounted on the door seem to make. sport mirrors arent too bad but the chrome mirrors can sure catch alot of air and neither style are very good for wide multi lane viewing, even the buick convex type.

    the 74 lesabre vert that i used to drive was pretty wore out and the remote mirrors had frozen cables and could not be adjusted. i had some non-remote (82-92) camaro mirrors laying around and so i kinda adapted them to my doors. i was able to get them extremely close to the "A" pillar on my car so the air would go around them instead of between them and the "A" pilar. it made the wind noise drop alot for top-down highway cruisin. and they blended excellent visaully with th A pillar.

    well, i am modernizing this current 74 lesabre vert and one of the things i am doing is installing the same camaro type of mirrors. except this time i am doing power mirrors. after some searching i have found the right candidate to be my new "power mirror switch". i wanted it to be able to fit into the original buick trim piece on the front door.i saw it on ebay it looked pretty close do being the right size.it was a GM switch so the morphing of the harness to the camaro mirrors would most likely go easier.

    it is GM part#20619687. i dont know its original application but it fits the buick trim piece 99.9% perfect. the trim bezel in the picture is just like the one i will use for the install. i did no modifications to either piece. they just fit together very well. i might put a small piece of black tape on the switch (to sort of wedge/shim it)before the final install to make it as tight as humanly possible. but like it is it would probably work forever.
    i did a check on its fit with the door and it looks like there will be no modifications needed on the door or door panel.

    Attached Files:

  2. yuk

    yuk Well-Known Member

    since i dont know which way is originally supposed to be UP ... i will,have to use my DVM to figure all that out.

    here is a pic of the back side of it.

    Attached Files:

  3. lcac_man

    lcac_man Hovercraft Technician

    I'm interested in what your doing, what mirrors did you select, I had it in mind to go with dual remote sport mirrors but like the idea of dual power sport mirrors.
  4. yuk

    yuk Well-Known Member

    i plan to use power mirrors from a late 80s camaro of firebird since they worked so well on my last vert.
    i will try to keep this post updated as i clear the electric hurdles.
  5. sbbuick

    sbbuick My driving scares people!

    I'll watch this post, too.
    I'd like to see how the mirrors look on your car.

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