used book sale at Joel's

Discussion in 'The "Pure" Stockers' started by GTX Joel, Feb 17, 2007.

  1. Dave H

    Dave H Well-Known Member

    When we first moved to Western Kentucky in 1953 (near the big Dam, swamps all around), they used to spray the entire area with DDT from crop dusters. They let us know ahead of time, and we stayed in while they flew over the house. Don't think they really knew hat much about what caused cancer back then anyway.

    What really gets me are these enviro-wackos insisting on these "wetlands" as part of land developments. Talk about mosquito factories.........Can't spray, so let's help them breed? Makes about as much sense as a lot of other stupid not drilling for oil in the Gulf so we can buy it from Castro and Chavez. Brilliant.

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