Wanted: Old cam and rods

Discussion in '"Pay It Forward"' started by TomGS72, Feb 8, 2012.

  1. TomGS72

    TomGS72 Silver Level contributor

    Does anyone have a couple old cams and rods they don't want? I'm wanting to try to make a couple towel bars for my shop. I want to have a rod on each end of the cam. I will weld the small end of the rods to the ends of the cam. The big ends (without caps) would then attach to the wall. The cam would be the towel bar part. I saw a picture somewhere on the internet and want to have the same. These parts can be old, wore out, no good for an engine for this purpose.

    Let me know what you have.

    Thank you.

    Tom Jenkins
  2. DugsSin

    DugsSin Well-Known Member

    That is a very good idea.

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