Was it over when the Nazi's bombed pearl harbor?

Discussion in 'The "Pure" Stockers' started by Jeff Sawruk, Oct 31, 2008.

  1. Jeff Sawruk

    Jeff Sawruk Well-Known Member

    Title is a reference to Animal House for those who haven't seen it!

    Really though...the season isn't over yet....Milan dragway still has two more Saturday's left for test and tune! I am planning on going on either November 8th or November 15th (depending on weather of course). Any other Pure Stockers care to join in?
  2. Keith Seymore

    Keith Seymore Well-Known Member

    Can an NMCA racer come and play? :Brow:

    I need one more shot at putting my car in the 9's...

    Also: Jeff - still lifting your dad and your family in our prayers.

  3. Chris Jones

    Chris Jones Pit bicycles rule!

    If I can get my new exhaust system done I may be interested.
    Almost done cutting and fitting it together. Need to get my friend over who welds pretty good to help me finish it. One of these days I have to learn to weld.

    What time do they open on Saturday for T & T?

    I have to work in the evening both of those Saturdays.
    Show up early and leave early if I can.
  4. Jeremy McNicol

    Jeremy McNicol We had a good time

    I might be able to do the 8th

    15th is the wifes birthday and she tells me we are going out on the town
  5. Tim Clary

    Tim Clary Well-Known Member

    I'll try and be there. Still have to see if my nosing over issue was fuel or something else. Don't want to tear into a perfectly good engine if I don't have too.:3gears:
  6. Jeremy McNicol

    Jeremy McNicol We had a good time

    Chris looks like 11 to 5 both days

    Tim remember car first this time, look for dead deer later :Smarty:

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