What is this?

Discussion in 'The "Juice Box"' started by freak6264, Apr 29, 2011.

  1. freak6264

    freak6264 Myotonic when confronted

    Tore down my shed this weekend, and this was inside. I got it along with a bunch of other parts when I got my GS. Anyone recognize it? Notice the yellow plastic plug under the speedo fitting-any info is appreciated


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  2. DaWildcat

    DaWildcat Platinum Level Contributor

    Bryan, can you post some larger pics?

  3. freak6264

    freak6264 Myotonic when confronted

    Unfortunately, no. At least not right now. I had to use my phone to take those. I've never seen that little yellow plastic plug, I figured someone would know right off the bat what it is. I certainly don't. Thanks for any and all replies.
  4. N360LL

    N360LL milehi71Stage1

    I can tell if there is a identification tag riveted to the case or not. If it does have a tag, post the tag ID and I can cross reference it. It is a TH-400 with a specialized speedo adapter.
  5. freak6264

    freak6264 Myotonic when confronted

    There is a tag, I will get the numbers that are stamped on it. I wonder what the adapter is for? Interesting...I'll post the numbers later today. Thanks for the input...
  6. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    Just a shot in the dark....but could it be a plug for a cruise control setup?

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