What trunk matt is correct for 1971 GS?

Discussion in 'Interior City' started by BQUICK, Jan 2, 2009.


    BQUICK Gold Level Contributor

    What trunk mat is correct for 1971 GS?

    gray/white or aqua/black?

    Also, what is correct trunk paint color combo?

    Did they come with a spare tire cover?

    Last edited: Jan 2, 2009
  2. gstewart

    gstewart Well-Known Member

    i trunk mat is aqua/black.
    as for a spare tire cover, u can buy a full tire enclosure, or a simple aqua/black vinyl covered circular hardboard which i believe was factory.
  3. V8Sky

    V8Sky "Scarlett"

    I have the aqua/black vinyl covered circular hardboard on my spare in my '71and originally had the rubber matching mat - but be careful with the mat as moisture can get trapped underneath and cause rust. I removed mine and mat my own trunk mat out of indoor/outdoor carpeting from Home Depot.

    BQUICK Gold Level Contributor

    So vinyl spare tire cover was not used originally? Just the circular board?

    I know the mat is bad in terms of condensation but I'm thinking shows.....maybe leave of the rest of the time?
  5. V8Sky

    V8Sky "Scarlett"

    >>I'm not sure what was used originally for the spare - mine spare had nothing covering it when I bought the car. Yeah, if you buy the mat I would only use it for car shows.
  6. Duane

    Duane Member

    Originally it was the circular board only (thick hardboard, with a hatch pattern embossed into the under-side), and depending on the year/plant it was either all black or had aqua paint "speckles" silk screened on it.

    The boards were never vinyl covered.
  7. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    Duane- Just out of curiousity, is the rattle can speckle paint acceptable in the concours class?

    The rattle can stuff comes out a bit textured. The original paint is smoother. How would you go about recreating the way the factory did it?
  8. Duane

    Duane Member

    "is the rattle can speckle paint acceptable in the concours class?"

    In the past the answer to this question has been no. If the Judges can see a raised texture to the board surface, then they know it has been painted with trunk splatter paint, which is not correct, and they deduct a point.

    Until now the options for Concours would be the all black boards that I sell (made from the correct board material), originals, or someone that could silk screen/paint it like the originals.(and I have not seen one yet)

    BQUICK Gold Level Contributor

    Still unclear on what mat color I need.
    Also, what color splatter for trunk?


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