when on the track...when to flip the stall switch?

Discussion in 'The "Juice Box"' started by EODLEGS, Feb 24, 2005.


    EODLEGS Well-Known Member

    Just like the title says....

    For those with a manual (or timer actuated) SP switch, at which point does it pay (in terms of both e.t. and mph) to switch the stall speed while under power?

    I've only taken my rig to the track once and was too busy trying to iron out other bugs rather to see at which point yielded the best result.

    Or does it really matter once you have traction and are under way...? hmmm....

    Thanks in advance.
  2. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    High stall to the top of first gear, then low stall all the way through the traps.

    EODLEGS Well-Known Member

    easy 'nuff :) .


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