Which is in and which is out on a Th-350?

Discussion in 'The "Juice Box"' started by rdj59, Mar 21, 2005.

  1. rdj59

    rdj59 It's like sex on ice

    is top in and bottom out or is top out and bottom in. TIA. Jeramie
  2. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    Top line is the return line to the transmission. The top line on the trans, goes to the top connection on the radiator.
  3. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    I realize thats the way the factory did it, but would there be any real difference in the way its hooked up? Your really just completing a loop through the cooler
  4. rdj59

    rdj59 It's like sex on ice

    so the top fitting on the trans is the return and the bottom fitting is the feed.
    the reason i ask is i have an external filter i am installing and don't want to get it backwards. Thanks Jeramie
  5. rdj59

    rdj59 It's like sex on ice

  6. Ken Warner

    Ken Warner Stand-up Philosopher

  7. rdj59

    rdj59 It's like sex on ice

    Thank you very much. Jeramie :beer
  8. austingta

    austingta Well-Known Member

    I have Jim Weise's thru the frame cooling lines and the directions specifically say it doesn't matter which is which-- top or bottom.

    Is that wrong? Because my transmission just went south.

  9. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    It doesn't matter, the factory used the top line at the trans, and radiator as the return line, but it is just a loop, so it doesn't matter.

    You just toasted that THM350 with the 455. Don't say we didn't warn ya :laugh:
  10. austingta

    austingta Well-Known Member

    I know it.

    But I got it back today... all redone and ready for the 455. It now has a bigger sprag, and other high capacity stuff, but upon disassembly, the original sprag was not the problem. It was fine.The lining on the clutches came apart, but were not burned up; :ball: the pieces were everywhere, and in the filter. My trans guy said it was not likely the torque, since they weren't worn out, but excessive hydraulic pressure and heat in combination with moisture being in there. He said, and I saw, that the adhesive that holds the friction material had disintegrated,and the clutch material had flaked off. I had some clutches that were half just fine and half in the pan. He said cars that sit alot are at risk for moisture! :jd: :Smarty: Who knew? :laugh: :Do No:

    Because I had driven it to Temple, which was farther than I had ever taken it, it boiled the moisture out of the fluid and steamed the adhesive off. (That is my paraphrase, and probably an understatement.).

    Anyway, it's fine now. :) They test drove it pretty far, judging by the fuel level and the guage reading 180, and on the way home, I nailed it, and it dropped a gear, and it was GONE-- :3gears: that 455 is really awesome.


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