Alright, most of us have been pulled over by the police....but what was it for?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by MR.BUICK, Jun 27, 2004.

  1. jmargel

    jmargel Well-Known Member

    Seems like some of you are bragging on doing an excessive amount of speed and not get ticketed for it. Also driving while drunk.

    This me, that is very lame. Alot of people die because of that kind of thing.

    Click there.. That will show you what you guys could have done to someone else.

    To do those things were stupid, but to brag about it is just plain immature.

    MR.BUICK Guest

    Good speech.....I don't see anyone really bragging, just saying why they got pulled over.:Do No:

  3. sixtynine462

    sixtynine462 Guest

    High school-
    Blew through a stop sign and got my first ticket- had to go to court.
    Pulled over with a truckload of people in my dad's F150 at 1:00 in the morning- We had all the under-18's up front, and a bunch of people in the back (coming from drive-in movie). I didn't have my license with me. He still let me go- just said to get home ASAP.
    High school- passed a camry in the same F150- 45+ in a 25. No seatbelt- let me go!
    Salem OH, about 5 years ago- road coming into town and I wasn't familiar with the area... went from 45 to 25, and I didn't. Nicest cop I've ever met. Let me go with a warning.
    Last summer- 80 in a 65. He passed me on I-76, and I saw him do a U-turn. I pretended not to notice, quickly pulled off on the next exit, and into a gas station. Said I was getting some washer fluid and didn't notice until he pulled up behind me at the gas station. Got out of that one... nice state trooper, if you can believe that. I really wasn't paying attention, and traffic was really light (early sunday morning).
    My luck has always held up until last month. Newton Falls cops won't let anyone go. 56 in a 35. $105
  4. gs1970455

    gs1970455 Well-Known Member

    Bragging? I don't see bragging. I see alot of good people who were young and stupid at one time (or currently going through that stage of life) getting a break and being thankful for that break and thankful that nothing horrible happened. Perhaps, even learning from their experiences and saving the speeding and bragging rights for the race tracks.
  5. 67buickva

    67buickva Evil Kitty

    Strange places u all live in. I ran 2 red lights(after stopping for both) and did a U-turn in front of a cop in Washington DC this weekend. No problem. :Brow:
  6. jmargel

    jmargel Well-Known Member

    And that's not bragging? Well you sure fooled me. You should be 'knocking on wood' that you haven't killed anyone yet. Speeding DOES kill, that's why there are places for going that kinda speed. The reason WHY people can't handle their cars at times is due to the excessive speed they are going.

    Or maybe we should just eliminate speed limits, just so long as we tell people 'You can go as fast as you want, just make sure you can keep it under control'. Yea, that'll go over well. :rolleyes:

    My aunt had to see her mom die because a drunk driver ran a red light and hit their car.
  7. txgwildcat

    txgwildcat Guest

    Sounds like a good idea to me, common sense driving:TU:
  8. crazyjackcsa

    crazyjackcsa Big and Untame

    Wow, to see some of the numbers here, the US laws are a lot more lax than in Ontario. I'll convert all the numbers into miles for you guys.

    If you are caught doing more than 30 miles over the limit it's straight to court for you. Bye bye drivers permit. 15miles over will net you a massive 150.00 fine (in Canadian funds) Plus we have demerit points, if you get say four tickets at 25 miles over the limit in a two year period, you get suspended.

    With all of that said, my land speed record is 125 in a 50, didn't get caught. My biggest ticket is 65 in a 40.
    P.S. I'm not bragging, just saying. The weavers in my opinion are far more dangerous than straight line speeders.
  9. I think my first ticket was at 18, driving my brother's 68 GS400 to Aberdeen SD with my G/F to see a movie. 68 in a 55, but it was more like 75, didn't want to miss the start time! Cops had a speed trap set up, and half a dozen cars were pulled over ahead of me... I think it was about $30 cash on the spot for being an out-of-state car. That was a lot of spending money back in 1978!

    I haven't had a speeding ticket in about 15 years though. In college had a reckless driving 'cause I allowed a couple buddies to sit on the hood of my 73 Nova while we drove to the football stadium, a couple blocks away. :Dou: Got an exhibition driving in college too, for laying rubber out of a pizza joint and up the hill next to it.

    Haven't been pulled over in the 3 years with my 68 GS350, but I'm usually a pretty careful driver with the Buick, or whatever I'm driving for that matter.
  10. Now that surprises me, you wouldn't know it by the Manitoba plates that come flying into Fargo on I-29 at least 15mph over the limit. Not all of course, but more often than not, it seems. I guess they're just enjoying the lax enforcement here. :3gears:
  11. gs1970455

    gs1970455 Well-Known Member

    As I stated in the earlier post...MOST of us were young and stupid at one time and NO WHERE in my post does it mention anything about drinking and driving. I don't drive when I've been drinking and those pull overs were years ago before I had the two little girls that I have to set an example for now and spread out in a 10 year period. If you want to see real bragging check out my post under "10 sec pass"...that's bragging. My comments in this threads were just that, comments. :puzzled:

    As far as the speed kills could be pulling into your driveway, have someone doing the speed limit, not see you turning, smack into the side of your car and kill you. People speeding aren't the only people that kill in automobiles, people who don't pay attention to what they are doing on the road, or don't know how to handle their vehicles, are people that you have to watch out for.
  12. MR.BUICK

    MR.BUICK Guest

    I agree fully:beer My grandpa had his door open on his mustang, open just enough to get out, and some guy in a red ford bronco came up and smashed into the whole driver-side of the car, and just missed my grandpa by a bit. Came out without a scratch, but as for his car, thousands of dollars of damage that he had fixed. The driver of the bronco was looking in back of him and did not see my grandpas door open and took it off anyways, along with other damage. Just the lack of common sense of the driver, not having anything to do with speed, as he was foolish enough to not pay attention to what's in front of him instead of back.

  13. Johnno

    Johnno ASSHOLE

    Two weeks ago, Thursday night, there was a sidewalk band playing in Harvard Square (Cambridge, MA) and the drummer was practically sitting in the street! Like two feet from my rear tire! So I gave him, the band, and the thirty or so onlookers a nice healthy burnout. The boys that I was with and myself included thought this was a real scream!! However, the Cambridge cop sitting across the street did'nt find this nearly as funny as we did.
  14. crazyjackcsa

    crazyjackcsa Big and Untame

    Hey Dave

    The thing with THAT is some states and provinces have a deal worked out that if I get a ticket say in Fargo, it's the same as if I got a ticket in Ontario, I have to pay it before I renew my plates. Other states don't. If you have michigan plates in Ontario and you get pulled over, toss the ticket out because after you cross back into the States, It's like it never happened.
  15. jmargel

    jmargel Well-Known Member

    I never said you were drinking & driving. But your post along with some others made it seem like it was cool at the time. Younger kids read these forums as well.

    Don't try to justify about the speeding by rationalizing that you can be in other accidents as well. I'm fully aware that people get killed due to others who are not paying attention. When you speed you have a far greater chance of losing control of your car or not being able to brake in time.

    Doing 115 mph in a 35 mph zone is just plain stupid (another poster posted this). 35 mph are usually reserved for areas that are populated. Either small towns or roads that have a good amount of traffic. What would accomplish by doing this? Getting to your destination a minute earlier? Use common sense.
  16. MR.BUICK

    MR.BUICK Guest

    Are you saying that going slow is safe?:Do No: :puzzled: Going slow(under the speed limit) is not safe as well! You can hold up traffic, make people angry, and I am sure that you could get pulled over for it just as well as you can speeding. Speeding isn't the safest way to get somewhere, but going slow isn't either. Wether you go the limit, faster, or slower, there will always be wrecks, deaths, accidents, hazards, etc. going slower or going the speed limit isn't going to prevent deaths/accidents, it's the driver and his/hers driving!:Smarty:

  17. 73Electra 225

    73Electra 225 Well-Known Member

    I hear that. I'm in the right lane on the NY Thruway last night, doing maybe 70-75 along w/everyone else when the guy ahead of me passed into the left lane, bc the guy ahead of him, Ontario plates, who now is ahead of me is barely doing 55. The limit is 65. This forces me to brake and pass hard left.
  18. MPRY1

    MPRY1 Gear Banger

    In Illinois it is now ILLEGAL to drive slower then current traffic in the left lane. So if ya want to do 55 in the left lane out here to prove how "safe" you are, expect to get a ticket. :)
  19. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    I wish it was more like the autobahn here, you pass on the left, if your not passing, your on the right.
  20. MR.BUICK

    MR.BUICK Guest

    I hate it when im in town, just cruising along, and someone pulls in front of me and goes about 15 MPH in a 25!:af: That is even hazardous! The biggest thing I hate is when im waiting at a stopsign and im waiting on a car that is going like 10 or 15 mph, and it seems like forever before I have the right of way!:rant:


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