Anybody like the band Korn?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by r0ckstarr, Feb 24, 2005.

  1. Mentalkase

    Mentalkase Desert Coonass

    Stryper is no more,they do a few gigs now and then,but they all have their own thing now.

    Seriously,all I listen to is Christian Metal,and even Christian Rap.It ain't as bad as what you might think.A lot of the bands you might not even realize were Christian.

    P.O.D. is the biggest one,but then you have another called Tourniquet.Both are known for touring with non Christian groups and have had quite a bit of success.Anyway,I could write many pages on Christian bands and individuals that people on this board would never know they were Christians.

    Boy,a guy stands up for his convictions,and even has the guts to point out the truth and gets put on an ignore list because someone can't handle the truth and speaks before thinking.Gotta love it.
  2. wormwood

    wormwood Dare to be different

    just because Christian rock dosent get played on the radio dosent mean that there arent good christian bands out there. Have you ever listened to any curent christian rock bande? i'm sure you would be pleasantly suprised, although there are a few that you may know like "switchfoot", "Creed", "P.O.D", but some lesser known bands include "Delerious", "jars of clay", "3rd day", just to name a few that are on the cutting edge of music. :Smarty:

  3. alan

    alan High-tech Dinosaur

    I like some of the DC Talk songs. Maybe I'm missing something, but I always wondered how Korn could have a "family values" tour. The few lyrics I know (Freak on a leash) aren't something I'd want to sing while walking down the hall at work! Driving in the car is another matter! (of course, you wouldn't want to be in the car while I was singing, either! :laugh: )
  4. alan

    alan High-tech Dinosaur

    That could end up being a large list!
  5. jdustu

    jdustu Beached whale

    that's fine, that's the best way to live life blissfully unaware: just turn a deaf ear to anyone that speaks the truth. i didn't respond to defend any sort of belief paradigm, just to answer the "question" you wrote:
    In the essance of that epiphany itself(finding god), would follow the next logical step: stop doing that which this newfound god believes is wrong. As he is quoted that he has become a Christian(not just religious, a specific religion with a certain set of "rules"), i think it is easy to "see" how he could decide that playing in the band would contradict some Christian principles. Perhaps in some other religious setting playing in Korn would be fine. But none of that matters, i'm just pointing out one scenario(very likely given his actuall quotes) in which a properly functioning brain could see him not staying in the band after finding god.
  6. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    When I think of "christian band", I imagine a bunch of bradyesque people wearing clothes from the 70's shouting "YEA! WE'RE HERE FOR GOD! GOD LOVES YOU!!". I had heard that POD was a christian band but I never put much thought into it since I've never seen them tout themselves as a "christian band", just a band that produces a good sound.

    I've accepted the bushites. lol I know that bad things can come out of an act of desperation. :laugh:

    Jdustu, I was solving the problem before it started. I really do hope you like it there on my ignore list though. :rolleyes:
  7. Mentalkase

    Mentalkase Desert Coonass

    That right there shows that you have a preconceived idea about Christianity and Christian music.Rather than finding out for yourself,you just go along with what you have been told and shown on tv and in movies.

    I am not bashing you Cody,just pointing out some observations.

    P.O.D. or Payable On Death are an extremely Christian group.If you read or hear interviews from them,and it is a true interview, you will hear them talk about their views and beliefs.At one point they were concentrating on reaching unsaved people,with mildly filling their music with the Gospel,but they have rededicated themselves musically to just straight out preaching the Gospel.Alive is all about accepting Christ into your life.

    What does politics have to do with any of this? You also made a comment in another post regarding knowing who he voted for.Again,what does this have to do with politics?I know long time Democrats that voted for Bush,I know long time Christians who voted for Kerry.Politics have no place in this thread.

    Have an open mind and be mature enough to have a discussion with people who do not think like you.It is a good way to grow as a person,and it also earns respect.By just throwing someone on your ignore list or trying to bash them and their views,jusst makes you look immature.

    Again,I am not bashing you,I have read many of your posts and just pointing out a few things that I have noticed.I am sure that you are a very nice guy,and easy to get along with in person.
  8. bob k. mando

    bob k. mando Guest

    I'm just glad SOMEBODY got my joke. Today's society needs to have it all spelled out for them. Really wrecked TV.

    umm, i got it? i always thought dry humor was better the less that was said .... by all parties. :beer

    Welcome to my ignore list buddy. You are member #2 of 2. I bet you voted for bush too yet.
    it's not like korn is some kind of satanic-backward-message-

    really? you'd put a majority of the voters in this country on your ignore list? i guess i'd better volunteer to be number 3. i want to get in in front just so it doesn't look like i'm trying to jump on the bandwagon, ya know?
    [hint: throwing around rash comments about politics might be the only thing more foolish than throwing around rash comments about religion. :cool: ]

    and seriously, jdustu has a point. 'the tree shall be known by it's fruit' and all that. you can't be very serious about your faith and participate in a band like 'Korn' or even 'Creed' for that matter (i loved the scott stapp interview where he said that the band had a policy that 'anything you can grow in your back yard is OK' when discussing the subject of whether or not the band had a drug policy. hmmm, so that gives you mary jane, hash, opium, peyote, 'shrooms, cocoa leaves and maybe even heroin as options? too cool). either your faith means something or it does not. obviously, it means something to Brian.
  9. 4speed73Stage1

    4speed73Stage1 Well-Known Member

  10. 4speed73Stage1

    4speed73Stage1 Well-Known Member

    Yes! I have had the great pleasure of seeing them live on a few occasions, as well as all of the other great bands of that era from the harDCore scene. I was lucky in that I grew up in NoVa in the eighties. Ahh...the good old days.
  11. sparkplug

    sparkplug Well-Known Member

    I GOT IT CREAMKORN!!!!!!!!! :TU: :TU: :TU: :TU:
  12. GranSport72

    GranSport72 Angry Right Foot Disease

    You took the thought right out of my head. :laugh:
    I was also thinking maybe his other option he could get together with Scott Staph from Creed, since he's out of a job. Call their band something like the Crazy Christians or even Staph Infection. :laugh: :laugh:
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2005
  13. Mentalkase

    Mentalkase Desert Coonass

    I actually like that name,Staph Infection.
  14. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    The guy calls me ignorant because I have a different opinion, I point out my view, he calls me ignorant again, I ignore him to prevent a bigger conflict, 2 more people start crap with me. I don't think I'm the one that's ignorant here! :rolleyes:

    I already said I accepted the bushites, why make a problem here??. Next thing I know there will be posts like "Ban mechacode because he has a different opinion and he ignored me cuz I started whining cuz he wouldn't talk to me!!111". Talk about a bandwagon! Ha!

    That's amazing that you would condemn one of the most openly christian bands just because they would use something god created but was banned by man. Better stay away from Christians for Cannabis then.
  15. alan

    alan High-tech Dinosaur

    I never paid close enough attention to really tell, but I do remember thinking "that's messed up!". :laugh:
  16. GranSport72

    GranSport72 Angry Right Foot Disease

    It is kinda catchy isn't it? :Brow:
  17. bob k. mando

    bob k. mando Guest

    I already said I accepted the bushites, why make a problem here??.

    i'm not making a problem here. you seem to have (conveniently) forgotten that you were the one who needlessly introduced politics to begin with. try rereading my 'hint'. you see, politics are completely, totally as far OFF TOPIC for this thread as you could get ... and it's generally considered to be very poor internet etiquette when people do things like that.

    also, my volunteering for your ignore list was a joke. notice that i could be going off tangent with you here and start making ad hominem attacks of my own against lefties ... but i'm not. so let's just leave that shall we?

    Next thing I know there will be posts like "Ban mechacode because he has a different opinion and he ignored me cuz I started whining cuz he wouldn't talk to me!!111". Talk about a bandwagon! Ha!
    how bout you try listening to what i'm saying instead of what you want to hear? i have not, nor do i ever intend to make any requests for anyone to be banned because they want to talk about their opinion of politics or religion (unless they start stalking me to other areas of the board which isn't exactly behavior i'm expecting from you).

    tell you what, you don't make any further OFF TOPIC posts about politics in this thread and i won't comment on them.

    as to the 'ignorance' and 'non-satan-worshipping' issue:
    1. you either haven't watched or haven't understood the overt and sexualized symbology the band uses (and i'm also pretty sure i remember seeing them using pentacles and other satanic symbols)
    2. you haven't a clue what christianity entails

    given your comments about "I imagine a bunch of bradyesque people wearing clothes from the 70's shouting "YEA! WE'RE HERE FOR GOD! GOD LOVES YOU!!". " #2 is just about a dead on certainty. couple that with your linking me to 'Christians for Cannabis' (the only thing i have to say to them is that while 'God is Love' to say that 'Love is God' is an altogether different and non-biblical thing ... although Oscar Wilde would approve) and i'd say you removed all doubt.

    i'll give you a few hints:
    as i referenced before, it's well understood by the protestant denominations that while salvation is not through works
    Matt 7:17
    ... every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit ...
    and that that is, in fact, how 'christians' are supposed to judge whether or not a 'prophet' or teacher is 'christian' (see all of Matt 7:15-20). unfortunately, far to many who profess to 'believe' don't ever apply this to TV evangelists...

    that everywhere throughout the bible, sexual licentiousness is considered both a serious sin and a serious social issue. i dunno, i suppose the entire band could be leading lives of celibacy or monogamy and totally eschewing the famed rock'n'roll drugs'n'sex lifestyle. somehow i doubt it, what with jonathan whatissname having taken up with an actively performing porn star ... but ya know, that's just me.

    just because they would use something god created but was banned by man.
    while intoxicants may be permitted intoxication most certainly is NOT. ie, you may partake of something like 'wine' but you should never become 'drunk' or even 'tipsy'. that's without even getting into the issue of 'new wine' actually being unfermented grape juice and not what we would consider wine at all...

    speaking of which, the Tree of Knowledge was created by God ... and was explicitly forbidden to man. 'creation by God' is in no way a blanket permission slip to do anything you want (i note how you adroitly try to slip the issue of all the other 'created by God' intoxicants i mentioned that don't fit your preconcieved, ill-considered argument).

    have you noticed that the more you argue the more you prove jdustu's characterization correct?

    to sum up:
    Korn intentionally, overtly and constantly projects an image of licentiousness, intoxication and rebellion (note that "rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft" I Sam 15:23)

    Brian is trying to take his new faith seriously and may not even be interested in demonstrating his 'fruits' to us ... he may consider it far more important to remove himself from the constant temptations that will surely be pressured (and i MEAN pressured. try going into a bar and refusing to drink alcohol for philosophical or religous reasons sometime. it seems that most every 'drinker' in there will take it as a personal slight if they know that you're refusing to participate in their behavior) upon him if he continues to tour and record with the band.

    Brian has all the money he could ever want and now he wants to live a better life ... and all you can say is 'dude, why you gotta break up the band like that?' ya know what? he's not irreplaceable. it's not going to stop Korn recording or touring. the band isn't 'breaking up'. you're still going to get your little rap metal fix. and there just might be bigger issues here than filling a 4 minute hole in the air time on your local radio dial.
  18. Mentalkase

    Mentalkase Desert Coonass

    The guy calls me ignorant because I have a different opinion, I point out my view, he calls me ignorant again

    Um,I read all the posts so far,and I am not sure,but I think it was your comments he called ignorant,not you.

    dude, that's a pretty ignorant statement.
    in response to why mechacode's statment is ignorant, read my second post.

    Nope,didn't call you ignorant,just your comments.
  19. jdustu

    jdustu Beached whale

    thank you, although i suppose by showing his comments ignorant(those which he continues to defend), it pretty much show his ignorance as well.

    i can't stand American(or any other form i suppose) politics, why does that even surface here? because a resonable argument CANNOT be made on behalf of mechancode, and an attempt to sway his doomed postion into a political battle seems the path of least resistance. The general population of America(including, evidently, some members of this board) seems to believe that because a "celebrity" or person in "authority" does somthing hypocritical, it gives them a right to dismiss everything that figurehead "stood" for as a fallicy. No matter any human's position, he or she makes mistakes, and to the most cynical mind, that in itself is a hypocritical act that persuades them not to take any personal responsibility for his/her actions. Marylin Manson is the son of a baptist preacher, and in his interviews and music he makes many valid points concerning the contradiction between baptist dogma and baptist reality. what he fails to realize is PERSONAL ACCOUNTABLITY! just because a priest abuses his power does not mean his religion(or "his god") is flawed, it means HE IS flawed! and how worse off is the person who recognizes and uses these contradictions as excuses than the person who simply cannot help themself and sins anyways?
    btw, i believe this is a very important thread, not a flame war, because people need to realize that they are not merely living, but that they are living for a purpose.

    i did not point out any ignorant statements for the purpose of argumentation, but for the purpose of reason, or logic: Only ONE example had to be show to give a possible answer to the question "I still don't see why he couldn't "find god" and stay in the band" and i submitted that.
    that one answer, even if it's not true, proves that there is a logical possible answer to this question. And it can be LOGICALLY proven that theres is AT LEAST one possible answer to the "don't see" question.
    and just to show that i'm not "holier than thou",
    yes, you who now is ignoring me, i wrote this while i was drunk....yes, i am a confused sinner, i believe in God, and faith is a bitch, but if you are gonna pick a fight, do so with at least a shred of something to back up what you say, rather than a political rant attempting to shift attention from the real topic.

    the cannabis site is also interesting in that it portrays itself as the lesser of other evils(nicotene, caffeine, ect.) it may seem radical, but perhaps, NONE of those things SHOULD be introduced to your body.......

    one of my newly favorite quotes that is definetely at home in this thread:
    "everyone is entitled to their own opinion,
    everyone is not enititled to their own facts!"
  20. 4speed73Stage1

    4speed73Stage1 Well-Known Member

    This, my friends, is a perfect example of why I find religion in one thing...the 1973 Stage1 4-speed in my garage.

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