beheading of an American civilian in Iraq

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Delerius, May 11, 2004.

  1. leo455

    leo455 LAB MAN

    Leave, Then Level Bagdad,and city one at a time.In the old tes.God took NO prisoners. This is the way they think.All of the political correct can holler all they want afterwards.
  2. Ergot

    Ergot Fast with cash.

    That video is the sickest, saddest, most aweful thing I wish I'd never seen an animal do to a human.


    They are worse than animals because they did it with full conciousness of their act and actually think they are justified
    in murdering someone for political gain or religious reasons.

    Hamas, Hizballah, Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade and all of the rest of the fundie psycho terrorist groups are going to hopefully soon learn that to be associated with these groups will lead only to a very short and bloody life.

    Props to Bush for finally starting to Spank Syria for allowing these groups to exist on their soil and supporting their causes.

    I hope he makes life difficult for every nation that continues to support these pockets of human pus until those same nations realize that unless these groups are cut out like the cancers they are that they will eventually destroy them as well.
  3. Regal-Luvr

    Regal-Luvr Well-Known Member

    If one more American is beheaded then its time to pull all of our troops out and level Iraq.They are a barbaric people and have been since the beginning of mankind.Theres really no helping them.
  4. MPRY1

    MPRY1 Gear Banger

    I wish we would just finally let the Isrealis loose. They could do a number on everyone of these groups if they were given a longer leash. I love the way they handle terrorists. Assasinate their leaders every chance they get, and bulldoze the house of anyone involved in helping said terrorists. Its the only thing these fundies understand. What do you think the Mossad would be doing right now if it was an Isreali citizen who was decapitated? Probably the same thing they are going to do with the animals that murdered that woman and her 4 daughters a few days ago.

    And the Palistinians wonder why we side with Isreal?
  5. zundapp39

    zundapp39 Member

    Some people believe that we should not be in Iraq. I heard one person articulate the best reason for being in Iraq. This was on a radio program and the guy was against the war! He said that something had to be done in the middle east. The Arabs are ruled by despots, dictators, and corrupt kingdoms. We needed to change the regime and establish a democracy to help stabilize the region.
    I believe if we did nothing after 9-11 we would still be vulnerable to attack. We would simply wait for the next hammer to fall. Many people don't realize how close our financial system was to collapse after 9-11. How many more hits like that can we take? Iraq has to work. We have to win or the cost will be to terrible to believe. It is going to take courage and fortitude. Do we have the guts that our parents did in WWII? Or are we going whine about cost and how we treat their prisoners. It's war. Ask for no quarter and give none in return!


    I say take no more prisoners .............. that will take care of the problem. Concider them all a threat and shoot them one by one. That will ease the prison over crowding and then no more abuse. I bet the Iraqies will all of a sudden start turning over these cowards who hide behind masks to us fast so we can conclude our time needed there.
    Lucy Fair likes this.
  7. 9secStage1

    9secStage1 Worlds Fastest GS Stage 1

    Mike you got my vote! Make it a damn parking lot send them all to allah and let's build a Walmart there! You notice not one Arab group in this country speaks out publicly against the act or matter of fact any acts of terror against this country and it's people. It's high time the free ride in this country ends!
    Lucy Fair likes this.
  8. skitzofrenic66

    skitzofrenic66 What's an Import?

    im not going to reply or check on this topic because it moves me so much. i have only this to say...this mans blood is on the pinko comunist liberals hands for not allowing us to deal with these vile human beings as we need to. we are not dealing with people anymore, these animals are wreckless, its obvious that they have no care if they die for thier cause. to beat them we must become them, but before we do we need to get rid of "the enemy within" the tree hugging hippies have to go. to hell with loving the iraqi's, we need to nuke them the same as we did in japan.
  9. JimRamsey

    JimRamsey "Take 'em to the rim!"

    It's time

    NUKE 'EM ALL + let "Alah" sort 'em out!!!!!!! Those dirty savage bastards.
    :blast: :blast: :blast: :blast: :spank: :spank: :spank: :spank:
    Last edited: May 15, 2004
  10. 70GSXstg2

    70GSXstg2 Member

    i thiink your troops should be pulled out and put to use makeing DAMM sure that NOTHING enters or leaves that country!! that away the killing of americans will cease and iraqis wiill die....nufff said


    Re: It's time

    THe problem with this is Alah will be in line with them !! So let God sort it out as he will.....:TU:
  12. MGSCP

    MGSCP Guest

    :af: :af: :af: :af: ALSO WE NEED TOO DEPORT THE ONE'S ALREADY HERE :spank: :spank: :blast: :blast: :blast:

    :moonu: :moonu: :rant: :rant:
  13. dwbuick

    dwbuick Well-Known Member

    What really gets me is that they all claim that we are trying to destroy Islam!??! We probably have more Islamic people and Mosques outside of the Middle East than any other country in the world!!! And if we were trying to destroy Islam wouldn't we have shut down all the Mosques operating in this country? I don't get it! Guess they use that to brainwash their followers into hating us.

    Lucy Fair likes this.
  14. 65WILDKAT


    I don't understand..........

    I don't understand the Iraq people because the curran Says to Love and cherish your neighbor.........and show Alah's Love.....Well the funny thing is that most of the countries that follow the curran are always fighting or their country is having a "civil" war....never understood the word Civil when talking about war!!!
    I figure if this country just stays out of their way they will eventually kill themselves off any way!
    But then again this Country has always been one to stick their nose where it does not belong! Just think if we could collect all the Money that other countries owe us .........We could all have the Buick Dream car that we want!:rant:
    So I say :blast: them all then if we are going to do it! So my son can come home and enjoy the 65 Wildcat that I am trying to rebuild for him!!!! He does not know about it yet!:shock:
  15. pglade

    pglade Well-Known Member

    65Wildcat--- What is going on is what has been going on over there for decades---the radical minority makes the most "noise" because that's the only way to get "what you want" over there when the country is ruled by a despot, dictator or "royal family"(what BS!!!...royal families....these are just criminals running around in crowns and fancier robes!).

    These radical groups have figured out that to get something they can make themselves a thorn in the side of whoever or whatever happens to be ruling the particular country. Make some noise about the illigitamacy of the royal family....and WALLA!....the royal family (or dictator, etc) pays you off or gives you a little something to shut up and keep the "noise" level down.

    In times of desperation these scum decide to hijack their religion and start putting there radical, fundamentalist spin on it to get their igorant followers all fired up, etc.

    Iran---read an interesting article and it's a perfect example of the "scam" going on in the Mid-East. Basically, the country is ruled by these ayatollahs under the guise of religion. Pure BS!!!!---there are 12 families that make up the ruling party and they are in it for the $$$$$$. All commerce, business, contracts, etc must be "cleared" through whichever family controls the particular industry (ie--bribery and kickbacks). Remember the Golden Rule: He who has the gold makes the rules......and that's what these 12 families realize. To the minions, they preach the bs of allah, etc, issue their ridiculous decrees, etc --whatever it takes to keep the wool pulled over the millions of ignorant people. Don't like it--"well fatwah number 101 says we get to imprison you or cut off your hand". Control the gold, and rule with an iron fist----only way to control the millions of minions living in squalor while these guys live it up.

    Fact--Iran has the second largest GAS RESERVES (behind another joke-of-a-country...Russia) in the world....15% of the gas reserves.
    Iran has 9% of the worlds oil.

    Hmmmmm----let's see--that's a lot of future $$$$ in the ground--whoever can control it makes the rules and vice versa.

    I think the vast majority of the Iraqis are extremely glad we are over there---with an election year over here you just won't hear about it at all---The Silent Majority---these are the folks with common sense and common sense tells them not to "pop their heads up for fear of some radical fundie taking a shot at them to get them to shut up" ---that's why you don't hear much from them.

    The rest of the world-----well, we had decades of doing it the usual way...and the world got complacent. France, Russia and Germany, and the U.N. just got caught with their hands in the till with the corruption they were involved in with the "oil for food" program---that's business as usual for those countries and outfits. Now comes change---and MASSIVE RESISTANCE TO CHANGE is expected from these countries that were used to "business as usual".

    Funny how we are now seeing all this resistance to change--when it involves doing something that benefits the real people of Iraq----finally something being done to help the general population instead of a p.o.s ruling family etc and the "world" gets all upset.

    That's why all these other countries are terrified--what we are doing is a threat to whoever is in power at this time--and most likely ruling only because they employ, to some degree or another, the same tactics that hussien used.

    Iran has a MASSIVE population of 18-25 age group----they are watching closely and those ruling families are also. You ask--well people are doing business with Iran so things must be ok----I anwer with the old adage---some people will do anything when it comes to money!

  16. armyguy298

    armyguy298 Well-Known Member

    AMEN BROTHER! Been there and seen them. ANIMALS!
  17. 65WILDKAT


    I don't understand..........

    I don't understand the Iraq people because the curran Says to Love and cherish your neighbor.........and show Alah's Love.....Well the funny thing is that most of the countries that follow the curran are always fighting or their country is having a "civil" war....never understood the word Civil when talking about war!!!
    I figure if this country just stays out of their way they will eventually kill themselves off any way!
    But then again this Country has always been one to stick their nose where it does not belong! Just think if we could collect all the Money that other countries owe us .........We could all have the Buick Dream car that we want!:rant:
    So I say :blast: them all then if we are going to do it! So my son can come home and enjoy the 65 Wildcat that I am trying to rebuild for him!!!! He does not know about it yet!:shock:
  18. MGSCP

    MGSCP Guest

    Re: I don't understand..........

    :af: :af: I hear ya Kat..... my oldest son just turned 18 a few weeks ago :shock:
    and the last place I want him to go is to Iraq :rant:
  19. Adam Whitman

    Adam Whitman Guest

    Re: I don't understand..........

    Aside, what disgusts and angers me is the "AMERICAN" polititions so outraged at the humiliation of prisoners and barely addressing the outrageous brutality of these people. We are proving this country as a whole is the poulation of sissies they believe us to be.

    We will never create order in that region without the active support of a significant part of it's citizenry. This should be loudly spoken and they should be plainly told that if they do not raise a hand to help themselves they will be left to the whims of the agressors when we leave according to a given timetable. It's up to them. I don't think they are being made to understand that. Democracy is a foreign thing to them.
  20. Brian Albrecht

    Brian Albrecht Classic Reflections



    What if Nicholas Berg were not just your average American Joe? What if he was an Israeli spy?

    As usual with our government and our media, there may well be more to this than "meets the eye."

    Jewish citizens in this country have a very unique option open to them. Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe they can become citizens of both the United States of America and the state of Israel. This in itself is highly controversial because it automatically leads to the question of one's true allegiance.

    According to this CNN article we need to be asking some questions.

    Apparently Mr. Berg was a dual citizen. The article says, "Iraqi police caught me one night...they saw my passport and my Jewish last name and my Israeli stamp." The next statement is the most leading. "This guy thought I was a spy so they put me with American soldiers and American soldiers put me in a jail for two weeks."

    Was the arresting Iraqi policeman right? Mr. Berg was apparently arrested at night while caught "working on" communications radio towers in Mosul. He was carrying electronics equipment and this made the Iraqi police suspicious. Ok.

    Sometimes you must read between the lines, and more importantly, notice what the media is not telling you. Here is what this article says about what happened to the late Mr. Berg next.

    According to the article, "Coalition spokesman Dan Senor-Berg was visited three times by the FBI agents while he was in the custody of Iraqi police."

    Why three times? Hmmm? They just knew you'd ask. Here is what they tell you. "...agents concluded Berg was not involved in terrorist or criminal acts." Notice the lack of a statement saying he was in no way acting as a spy for a foreign nation! The very reason he was being detained by nothing less than the United States Military or an agency acting for it! An even more obvious question arises. Why did it take 3 interviews for the FBI to decide this? If this fellow was on the level, it seems to me, intent could have easily been established immediately. In fact, the article goes on to contradict this statement of innocence. His family filed a lawsuit on April 5 against Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and the next day he was released. It doesn't sound like the FBI decided he was clear. It sounds more like they were told he was clear!

    Then we have what happened next and this is where it becomes unnerving in hindsight. The FBI confirms Mr. Berg turns down the Coalition Provisional Authority's offer for safe passage out of Iraq upon his release. This begs the question WHY?

    My guess is he was a spy and his mission was not yet completed. Whether a threat, patriotism to Israel, or a juicy amount of cash was waiting for him, we simply do not know. What we do know is he turned down a free ticket out of there. Any of us would have gotten the *^() out of Dodge! After all, he had been in captivity for nearly two weeks!

    His family states the following in the link CNN provides. Mr. Berg "owned a communications equipment company in Pennsylvania...but was not a soldier or a civilian employee of the pentagon." Nothing about Israel in this statement either! His family added "he wanted to help rebuild Iraq's infrastructure". This would be like Charlie , John , Jim , and Richard all wanting to help the Mopar folks put together the best running Hemi possible! It just doesn't make sense when you consider religious differences and the extra risk to his own life as a Jew.

    If he was acting as a spy on behalf of the Israelis, I would think it was for spying on the US. And, as history shows us, this would hardly be the first occasion. He would, in essence, be an enemy of the United States.

    IF :Do No: he was an Israeli spy, it would make the whole killing different in my opinion. No less disgusting mind you, but different! It certainly is different than Joe Blow over there trying to make a buck from the Pentagon and may well explain why he was killed by his captures.

    Anyone have any thoughts other than:af: :blast: :af: :blast:
    Last edited: May 13, 2004

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