Does your car see the rain?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by crazyjackcsa, Jul 13, 2004.

  1. Johnno

    Johnno ASSHOLE

    YOU NAME IT!!!

    Rain, Snow, Sleet, and Ice!!! That's what I get for buying my car in January and driving it home cross country. Not to mention hundreds of miles of salted and sanded highways! It totally sucked! However I did clean it up a bit; and hate it when it rains! And yes I have been guilty of wiping down the undercarriage after it rains----but please give me a break--- it's the only nice part of my car!! Before Pic

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  2. Johnno

    Johnno ASSHOLE


    After Pic

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  3. IDOXLR8

    IDOXLR8 Senior Member

    Trevor, ask Paul "pwm72" about driving his GS in the rain from the BPG Picnic from N.J. last year, AL.
  4. Smartin

    Smartin Guest

    Did anyone get caught in the rain storm at the BCA nats this year on Saturday afternoon? There wasn't one convertible on the show field that didn't leak. It was one of the hardest rains I've ever seen.

    And I won't take the convertible out if it is threatening rain, but if I'm on the road already, oh well. I just grab my towel, because the header leaks.
  5. Chris

    Chris Spies Hecker Car Painter


    I don't like to but I've been caught in rain and snow. The posi is difficult in the snow. I hate the clean up and the re washing and polishing:Comp:

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  6. pwm72

    pwm72 Well-Known Member

    Rain? I don't mind the rain!

    Now I am not crazy...I won't take it out if it is raining, but I get caught in the rain regularly. As Al mentioned (IDOXL8), we got caught in a torrential downpour coming back from the BPG picnic. Thank goodness I had fashioned a plug for my stage II scoop and my convertible top weatherstripping is good. Here is a pic from the picnic.

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  7. BadBrad

    BadBrad Got 4-speed?

    My hair is perfect - so I never go out in the rain.

    Oh - wait, you guys mean the car!

    No - never - if it can be avoided.
  8. staged67gspwr

    staged67gspwr "The Black Widow"

    My cars never see the rain either,only if i get caught in it,the only time they see water is when i wash them.


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