Driver with death wish

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by awake13, Apr 5, 2005.

  1. awake13

    awake13 Well-Known Member

    Coming home from work this morning doing seventy five in the fast lane. I had another driver pull up two inches from my tail. I could see the bozo mouthing away as his rice burner flew around me and passed on the right. If I had hit the brakes or had a mechanical break down there would have been a fatality for sure (At least by the time I got to his car.)
    Likewise, going in that day, another ricer 1/2 a mile back passed three lanes of traffic on the shoulder and proceeded up to 100 mph where he proceeded to deek in front of me and a car I was passing. I would have only had to feather the gas to close the gap and have another fatal acccident.

    My opinion is that our roads are becoming inhabited by people with serious mental deficiencies and problems.

    How do you deal with it? Ian
  2. John Eberly

    John Eberly Well-Known Member

    I try to stay out of the way.

    These jokers will sort themselves out and their grief stricken families will put up a little cross.
  3. jamyers

    jamyers 2 gallons of fun

    They want to go splat, I give 'em all the room they want. They'll either grow up, or not.
  4. GranSport72

    GranSport72 Angry Right Foot Disease

    When they go splat, they just form a ricer-patty. Good thing their cars crinkle like aluminum cans on impact. :bglasses:
  5. Buick Dave

    Buick Dave Well-Known Member

    now you know why you dont see any middle aged folks driving "Ricers", they dont live that long.
    Look at video games like Need for Speed's Ricers gone wild...and there are many more games that young drivers play that creates this vision that they can drive any way they want.....problem is you never kill any one in a video game. "Atleast not a real person".

    Hang in there!!!
  6. Darryl Roederer

    Darryl Roederer Life is good

    Darwinism at work...
    I drive a 79 cadillac or a 10 ton box truck, bring on all your little suicide rice boys, I can take 'em.
  7. StageTwo

    StageTwo It's a Beauty Too.

    I've got a five gallon compartment full of little steelies tucked under the rear of my car. A little switch on the dash activates the trap door.

    Well, not really. But I wish I had. :laugh:
  8. GranSport72

    GranSport72 Angry Right Foot Disease

    Better yet, how about some hubcaps like on the movie Grease. You could just pull up beside them and carve your initials in the side of their car. :laugh:
  9. jimssg1

    jimssg1 Well-Known Member

    They caught a dufuss ricer in my state going 142 in a 55 zone. $6000. ticket.
    He did not think he was doing anything wrong. He will not be driving for awhile :spank:
  10. GranSport72

    GranSport72 Angry Right Foot Disease

    Sounds like he put 4 rubber bands on today instead of 2. :laugh:
  11. BuickLeSabre1960

    BuickLeSabre1960 Hot Dogs Anyone?

    When someone's tailgating me lie that I'll pull out the headlight switch to make them think I'm braking. It generally works but some just come right back
  12. jamyers

    jamyers 2 gallons of fun

    I just let off the gas. And smile. I must be turning into an old fart... :Brow:
  13. DocRay

    DocRay Supreme Being

    If someone is tailgating me, I generally let off the gas and slow down. If they continue to ride my rear I just let her go down to idle, as slow as I can. Or I just kind box them in so they can't get around me anyway. People are in too much of a hurry now-a-days. I wouldn't pull that trick on the interstate, but doing it in town gets the message across for the most part.
  14. Junkman

    Junkman Well-Known Member

    I usually floorboard it and pull away from them and then get over to get outta their way and let them get the ticket. I get the satisfaction of blowing their doors off and they get their satisfaction in thinking that they beat me. Everybody's happy that way!!!
  15. PaulGS

    PaulGS Well-Known Member

    In the metro Boston area, greater than 10% of speeding tickets are for speeds "Exceeding 90MPH".

    The world is changing, and not for the better...... :rant:
  16. Madcat455

    Madcat455 Need..more... AMMO!!!

    :rant: Back when I had the GS, I'd get soo pi$$ed when those ricers would fly down residential streets around 50-60mph (30 zones).... I got soo fed up with it, mainly since it's right by a elementary/middle school, that when one came up on me (I'm going 30), I'd see them start to pass me and I'd floor it when they'd get to my door.... pull ahead of them and when they fell back into my lane I'd slow down to about 25.... then repeat dropping 5 mph untill they understood that it wasn't gonna happen..... One got me soo riled that when she was literally inches from my bumper I slammed on my brakes, and floored it when she started to do a panik stop, she dropped her cell phone... and almost went off the road untill she realized that I'd gassed it :laugh: :bglasses: I see that car all the time around here now doing 30 .... she never speeds around my "hood" anymore

    I don't care about speeding on the interstate.... its the residentail streets, with all the kids that could jump out at any second that really gets me :af:

    Still though, the look on that girls face when I hit the brakes was priceless... I still laugh about it and its been over a year.

    I do admit that I have Road rage..... do stuipid things to these idiots.... but hey, sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.
  17. crazyjackcsa

    crazyjackcsa Big and Untame

    Well there is always the very dangerous downshift in a standard. Cuts speed quickly and your brake lights don't come on. Of course that's inviting an accident. But with him smashing into you that would make it his fault.
  18. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    Around 30-33mph is normal city driving mph around here but when some <bleep> flies up on my bumper doing 45+, it's down to exactly 25mph. Usually they get the hint and get off my buttocks but there are a few of them that just stay right up there and get surprised by a quick hit of the brakes. We've got this one hill that people will try to take the 2 short roads instead of continuing a block and just taking a right and going down the hill. I love it when I see someone turn right onto the short roads only to be passed by me going down the hill already, especially when they turn onto the roads ahead of me just to be passed by me, the guy that was behind them because they thought this "shortcut" would work but it rarely does.

    The one thing that bothers me is when people go too slow, I'm talking sub-25mph, that's when I get irate and the horn button gets used. They're usually FIBs or old people though.

    The thing that makes me want to kill? THe !@#$%ers that do 35-40mph+ through a schoolzone and there's NEVER a cop to catch the !@#$%ers!!
  19. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    This is a form of "natural selection". The stupid ones get killed off. It improves the breed in the wild. Unfortunatly, it doesnt work fast enough with humans. You have to see the idiots on the jap bikes pulling wheelies at 90 mph on the Expressway here. I call those bikes "organ donor machines". Morons...

  20. Madcat455

    Madcat455 Need..more... AMMO!!!

    But officer... A chipmunk ran out into the road... I had to stop quickly to preserve nature's creatures. :Brow: :Brow:

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