GSX Project Car

Discussion in 'Ebay Parts and Cars' started by patentguy, Jun 10, 2005.

  1. 69Wildcat430

    69Wildcat430 Well-Known Member

    I am sorry, but I think this car is going to a very high price, but if you think about the long run it will be worth it!!!

    -Jake :3gears:
  2. Big Bufford

    Big Bufford Well-Known Member

    Like anything else, it's worth whatever someone is willing to give fot it. Demand determines the price, there are'nt very many real GSX's for sale right now and alot of people want them.
  3. Andrew Skidmore

    Andrew Skidmore Well-Known Member

    I agree, the car is worth whatever the buyer is willing to pay for it. But I still would never buy a car off of ebay myself, to many questions left in the air unanswered for something you can't see in person. To each there own, but if the car gets restored and put back on the road, then hell it's great to see another real GSX brought back to life. :3gears:
  4. bostongsx

    bostongsx Platinum Level Contributor

    In Regards To The Tags,rebuildable Drivetrain, Frame And Gsx Steering Wheel On Ebay

    I personally know of two cars both stage 1 auto's, one white and one yellow that have
    been restored, have had metal work done and have repro parts on them and they both
    brought over 110k this past year. So if I am crazy so are 2 other guys :laugh: .

    Also what do you think our cars are going to be worth after the episodes of My Classic
    Car and Hot Rod TV. I guarantee they will go up in value, I know Brads phone will be
    ringing off the hook with fat cats that have to have the car. This is what happened to the
    GNX’s after they were in a couple of features in magazines and on TV.

    This GSX is for the guy that has to have a GSX but only has 20-30k to get one. The
    person will pay more than what the train wreck is worth but they will own a true GSX!
    Most average people cant afford a GSX in todays market and prices are going up. This is
    an opportunity of a lifetime for a guy who wants a GSX at a price he can afford and
    hopefully have the money some day to restore.

  5. actionhank99

    actionhank99 English guy with a Buick!

    read what he says right at the beginning of the advert

    "All numbers matching (motor, transmission, frame, body, rear-end) per previous owner."

    in other words hes saying the previous owner told him it was numbers matching which probably means it isnt , just a get out clause for him.
  6. Big Bufford

    Big Bufford Well-Known Member

    Even if the engine is numbers matching it still may not be usable, that's the chance you take when you buy something that is not running. I find it strange that the "original" engine is out of the car and another one is in it now. I don't get the impression that this guy is trying to pull the wool over anyones eyes, it's just that he is'nt very knowledgable about what he's selling.
  7. staged70

    staged70 RIP

    I sometimes wonder at the prices people will pay . The cars that were mentioned frame off full resto for 110K . Thats great for those that own them . Whats a low mile real GSX 4spd Stage 1 worth then maybe it will hit 500K ( still less than an inferior in my opinion Hemi Cuda) . I bet a bunch will come out of the woodwork then .
  8. Roberta

    Roberta Buick Berta

    Gee Whiz

    That's very interesting, the GSX thing in my garage is worth more every minute, maybe I should do something with it, like restore it and race it! Someday soon, when I catch up on life as we know it, stuff everywhere, and too many things to do! Like work, Buick Raceday, happy homeowner stuff that just keeps appearing, like the AC in the house, not working to potential, and idiots, I mean people issues at work, and with hotels for Buick events, and blah, blah, blah, etc. :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: and of course the :beer and lack of :3gears: :3gears: and then never mind! :laugh:
  9. buick at heart

    buick at heart Well-Known Member


    can anyone tell if it has the original offset in the stripe from the paint templet for the stripe? jerry :Do No:
  10. staged70

    staged70 RIP

    I cannot even see the red stripe on the car in my computer . Oh Roberta just sell it for a cool mil and hire some flunkies to da all that stuff for you . The profit from a GSX should let you hire several college grads for at least a year and call them interns so you don't have to pay them much . Then with all your free time you can do what you want .
  11. Smartin

    Smartin Staff Member

    Looks like it's been repainted in the last 30 years...can't imagine they'd finish it incorrectly:rolleyes:
  12. GSXER

    GSXER Well-Known Member

    This is a bulls*&t ad ..guy has enough sense to list car with a reserve of 15k than go's on vacation so he cant be found for questions.Claims matching # everything but doesnt know where there stamped or what the codes are.Buyer beware !...Anyone seen this car?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2005
  13. bostongsx

    bostongsx Platinum Level Contributor

    $15000 set of tags

    I would have no problem going on vacation after placing that ad. Its a dream come true for this guy to get 15k+ for a car he probably paid a couple hunderd for. What questions could you have about the car? Other than wondering if the rear seat is stuffed with twentys. THAT CAR IS A TRAIN WRECK! Even with that said its a real GSX, if it was a skylark or even a GS it wouldn't go over $500.
  14. Mr Big

    Mr Big Silver Level contributor

    Well said Herb!

    Funny how much a BLACK STRIPE will add to the value of Skylark. :laugh:
  15. cjp69

    cjp69 Gold Level Contributor


    Don't you mean funny how much "QQ" will add to the value of a Skylark? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  16. Mr Big

    Mr Big Silver Level contributor

    Maybe...just didnt want to discriminate against the 10-10 bunch :)
  17. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest

    How many of you remember the OK. GSX that lay rotting in a field several years ago, was on ebay, got pulled and then sold at private auction. We have pics in the archieve somewhere. I recall you could see through the doors without opening them. The guy who bought it sold it to a guy in RI who was going to do a frame off. In fact, it needed a full panels off like this car. It needed everthing. I bet the guy ends up with over 100K in it unless he does a lot himself. So will the buyer here.
  18. rzyzzy

    rzyzzy Turbo User

    This is completely nuts - yeah, I'm sure someone, somewhere would pay a boatload of money for a restored version of this car, if it is in fact real.

    But honestly, does anyone really believe that well-monied person would pay that amount of money if they saw the "before" picture? This guy says the previous owner bought the carcass back from the insurance company after the most recent accident. That means the title is branded as salvage - would they pay $100k for a car with a SALVAGE title? I know in Michigan our titles are a different color and quite clearly labelled as salvage - to prevent those "junkyard jewels" from being foisted off on unsuspecting buyers.

    The other side of this coin is that even if it's perfectly restored, and truly not a hack job, with salvage cars most insurers either won't insure the car, or will only insure it for 1/2 the value of a non-salvaged car - and even though GM may loose production documents and information - the insurance company's "CLUE" database of claims history is quite likely to pop out that previous salvage claim at a really bad time :beer
  19. GS-XNR

    GS-XNR Well-Known Member

  20. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest

    Harvey-- That car is a nice unrestored driver with a non matching engine. It is at 30K with several days left. Now, think about it compared to Mark Reeves' 10 10 code 70 GSx non-matching engine, non stage but fully restored, concours gold, which brought 49K at BJ this year. This car may nudge up there close to what Mark's brought by the time it closes. What would it take to get this car to where Mark's was in terms of restoration? Well, I would say 40K. I ask you which was the better deal?

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