Has Anyone Read About This?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Murphy, Apr 2, 2005.

  1. DocRay

    DocRay Supreme Being

    Alright, I'm 20, so I'm not far from your stage, but I honestly don't remember even thinking about girls at the age of 13. I was still catching fish in a net at the pond and keeping toads in our window wells. You are far far far too young to be dating. You can't even drive yet!! I think if you're dating you should be looking for love, and you have way more life to live before you start looking for that. Go fishing, work on your car, get a part time job, save some money up for later in life, go blow up a tree with some fireworks, help your buddies install a cd player in their cars, mow your dad's lawn, build up strong relationships with your families, and make sure you're thinking above the belt in every decision you make. The right girl will come your way, but you don't need to be looking for a good number of years, buddy. I never had a real girlfriend until I was towards the end of my senior year in highschool. Now we're going on three years and I've loved every minute of it. You'll find a good one, you just have to be patient.
  2. 73BuickGS455

    73BuickGS455 A Long Restoration

    LOL :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  3. 70gsrick

    70gsrick 1 of 66

    You are right Kyle, I remember what it was like to be young and think only of chicks and cars. Good luck to all of you young guys and sleep well knowing that your time will come. You will find the right girl and then you will understand that the hunt is the best part!!! Oh, and my daughter did find a wonderful young man, heck I even called him for her because she was afraid to ask him to that reverse dance where the girls ask the guys :laugh: The drama was killing me so I called the guy, that was 4 years ago and they are still dating. They went off to college together and I sleep well at night knowing that he is there he will protect her. He loves and adores her, heck I have to tell him not to take her crap sometimes, she can be a pain and overbering. But he and I have talked and he does know that if he ever screws up and beats on her he'll spend the rest of his days sucking milk shakes out of a straw in his wheel chair..not a joke...and he understands that.
  4. StageTwo

    StageTwo It's a Beauty Too.

    At age 18, you've barely begun to live your life. Don't fool yourself into thinking that you need to have a good time while you're young because you won't get a chance later on. When you get older and wiser you will want to have fun just like you did when you were a teenager. If you work hard while you're young and stay out of trouble, then you'll be having the time of your life later on--for years to come. You'll not be able to thank yourself enough. Get smart, stay smart, and play smart. :TU:
  5. Mr Big

    Mr Big Silver Level contributor

    Castration is a fine place to start with this guy....

    Once behind bars, the warden should be very selective about whom this guy's bunk mate will be...Someone special, hand picked, with just the right disposition...if you know what I mean :eek2:

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