Hooking Up Hard.......... 60 foot times

Discussion in 'The "Pure" Stockers' started by Donny Brass, Oct 8, 2009.


    COPO PETE Guest

    First round, Owen went a 1.925 on his 12.743 run @ 109.89! Not bad for a 4 speed!
  2. Paul Vitale

    Paul Vitale Owner of a XXL SS

    I pulled a 1.93 60ft and a 13.26 at 104 mph with a 4 spd and my trunk oPen .. Lol.
  3. Jeremy McNicol

    Jeremy McNicol We had a good time

    I did a 1.86 Saturday morning, but played it cool during the shootout.
    Wish I would have hit it hard once.

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