How would you rate your job?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by 71GSX455-4SPD, Jul 17, 2004.


How does your job rate?

  1. Job schmob, I'm independently wealthy and spend all my time working on my Buicks!

    6 vote(s)
  2. I have an 8-5 job that leaves me with plenty of energy to enjoy life!

    13 vote(s)
  3. The hours are long, but the work is rewarding.

    19 vote(s)
  4. I leave it all on the floor at work. The hours are long and I'm too tired at the end of the day.

    19 vote(s)
  5. I forgot the names of my family members I'm so absorbed! I need a hyperbaric chamber to decompress!

    6 vote(s)
  6. I work in hell and I'm Satan's favorite whipping boy!

    16 vote(s)
  1. Steve Craig

    Steve Craig Gold Level Contributor

    Gotta have the best job in the world, in my own humble opinion.
    Self employed electrical contractor, concentrate mainly on small to medium commercial & industrial projects. Bit of service work in there too, but I keep it at a minimum unless it's for an existing customer.
    Need your house wired? Please call someone else.
    Home office, local warehouse. Labour is drawn from local IBEW pools as demands change. Keep it pretty lean. Business is there to take care of me & mine, no other purpose.
    Best part of it all is the independance, of course there are rewards too. Seems the more I work at it the more I get out of it.
    Always learning something new, everyday. Always meeting new people.
    Had to back & do it over all again the only thing I'd change would be to start sooner.
    Yes, I too was flat broke the first year. Money was coming in but I feared "what if next week " something went sour? Kept pumping everything back in.
    Surprising what you can learn from others about cash flow management. Former boss of 15 years an excellent teacher, loved to show you if you seemed interested.
    Like working with these old cars I'm just like a sponge.....soak up all I can.
  2. CIT

    CIT Poweraddict, help me


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  3. txgwildcat

    txgwildcat Guest

    I'd say so.
  4. blown455

    blown455 Pit crew

    I would have to say I like my job. I work for a trucking company. I'm the only woman here so I don't have to deal with some womans mood swings. If I don't want to really deal with anyone I just stay in my office. If I need off work early or the whole day it is no problem even if I don't have vacation days available. The pay isn't half bad either, it could always be more, but I don't do anything. The job does have a side effect though on my state of mind. I now have the ability to turn anything into a perverted comment. I also know more jokes than most office workers, 75% of the will make a truck driver blush. So, work is usually pretty fun. Nothing wrong with that, right?
  5. Adam C

    Adam C Enjoy the Ride!

    I love my new job, Got downsized last Dec and now I too am known as Mr Mom!
    Probably the most fun I have had in years. My kids are 7,4 and 10 months,so yes it is a lot of work, but the rewards are endless.
    Gonna take some courses in the evening, watch my kids grow up during the day:beer
    Later, Adam.
  6. Dale

    Dale Sweepspear

    I sometimes feel like a mushroom at my workplace.
    I'm kept in the dark and fed sh*t all day long.
  7. SportWagonGS

    SportWagonGS Moderator

    once upon a time I loved my job, parts guy at a motorcycle dealership, but now I'm burned out and over stressed all the time so at this point I'm considering a carrer change, besides I need something with a future/ retirement since I'm turning 36 next week and have nothing planned....had planned on retiring from the Air Force but that went out the window after getting put out medicly after 13 years......great now I'm depressed.
  8. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    Which one?

    I work 8 - 5 full time, then 3 or 4 days a week I'm out doing my own side-job from 7 - 11.

    Job A sucks. Job B is great and I hope to go full time next year.

    I'm very tired.
  9. Nicholas Sloop

    Nicholas Sloop '08 GS Nats BSA runner up

    I ditto everything Doug said, except Federal, and I don't get THAT MUCH vacation.
  10. Jeff Hart

    Jeff Hart Platinum Level Contributor

    It is amazing to see a lot of love my job comments. I own my own very small business and I love it. I do work a ton of hours, but usually only from late September to about mid May. Then the hours usually and I stress the word usually back off. (I don't include the hours I spend on a cell phone) Perfect for doing the things I like the most from May to September.
  11. 71GS455

    71GS455 Best Package Wins!

    I'm county, but I don't get that much vacation either. But I've only been there 9 years. Right now I get 13 days of vacation (two are floating holidays), something like 11 holidays, and 12 sick days.

    We also have a program that if you use 16 hours or less of sick leave during a calendar year, you're rewarded with two more days of vacation the following year. Since 1996 I've only had one year that I went over, and it was by 8 hours. I still got one bonus vacation day the following year.

    Of course I'm up to something like 670 sick hours in my bank.

    I'm a 4/10 person. I have Wednesdays and weekends off. I get in by 5:30 and out by 4:00.
  12. Jim Jones

    Jim Jones Wretched Excess


    And to think all along I assumed it was a career....Silly me.
  13. meanmotor74

    meanmotor74 mmm.....pineapple

    I just got sent home tonight after a heated arguement with some obscenties with my supervisor. I had a very very lengthy rant, I decided just to delete the whole damn thing since it really doesn't go anywhere except to make me feel more pathetic about the sad shape Shopko is than when I started. I think I need a nap, then I'm gonna put some serious thought into quitting.

    Possibly soon to be unemployed,
  14. Jess

    Jess Meaner than POOP!!

    After most of my life workin my fingers to the bone, I finally do something that is not so TAXING every day.. I am a painter.

    I have to admit, I have only been doing it for a couple months now, but I feel better each day when I get home, my family life is better, and I am more focused.
    I finally understand the phrase" Leave work at work" when your done for the day. It makes my job so much nicer, and my wife appreciates it alot too.

    Years of doing this and that, have really made me bitter about work, and wish for the " winning lotto numbers" so I could be happy, but I figured something out, happiness is not money or staying at home, its all a state of mind, cause even though the job is not perfect, at least I have a job, get decent pay, and my boss is not the biggest ass I have worked for.
    Plus having a ton of cash would just get me into more trouble.

    Its not good when your body is worn out at 32, so you have to make the best of it ALL..:Brow:
  15. devilsfan

    devilsfan Freedom isn't free


    I work in Semi-conductors. And unless you work for NASA it doesn't get much more high tech than the equipment I work on. that is definitely very cool. I am also compensated very well and have no monetary complaints.BUT, the pressure is idiotic. The customer ( IBM, INTEL, Motorola etc.) lose millions with a single screwup... SO THERE WILL BE NO SCREW UPS. Weekends, holidays, days off are fair game at a minutes notice. Pagers and cell phone going off constantly. There are all sorts of tool performance charts, charts to chart the charts, and on top of it all you get to do your job dressed head to toe in a clean room " bunny" suit. But other than that it's great
  16. Byeoffiser

    Byeoffiser Well-Known Member

    Hey all,

    I had a post on here a couple of years ago about killgin my boss, anyways, left the company and am now self-employed and loving it:grin:. Went through the broke thing, but things are turning around for the better. As many have mentioned the hours are long and can be quite stressfull, but that's what to expect in the first couple years.

    At my previous job, I was on the verge of going postal and I was only 23.:eek2: ( Was just planning to kick his ass in a meeting . Looking back the best thing was quiting, I took a little time off did'nt jump into anything, I had a wonderful gf at the time, now my wife that gave me great mental support. Also many board members here gave me a lift. It's tough everybody needs money, and to eat, (maslow's hieracy of needs etc) and shelter but at the same time, you need sanity. I had a good friend that worked with me at that same employer that died in January that died un happy and alone, the worst way to go. He was in his early 50's but speaking to him a couple of weeks before that stress was killing him, and ultimately it did.

    Sorry to end off sad but just my personal experience.

  17. I just started a job as a test engineer at a landing gear drop test lab, and although I'm just getting on my feet here it's been nice so far. Some days have been long and grueling but that's a rarity. I'm actually going to be responsible for my own projects as soon as I'm able to get a hold of some people, for the first time ever. I'm just a year out of college, I spent that time looking for work and working as an assistant to a city engineer which was a pretty cushy job but didn't pay much. Now I'm getting what I'm worth and doing some pretty interesting stuff. I won't say I love it here because it's just income to me.

    My favorite job ever was when I was in college and drove a university shuttle bus. Wayyy too much fun in that!

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