I just bought a Shelby GT-50%

Discussion in 'The "Pure" Stockers' started by Donny Brass, Jun 7, 2007.

  1. Donny Brass

    Donny Brass 12 Second Club Member


    Eleanor never looked so good.............
  2. sailbrd

    sailbrd Well-Known Member

    That seems like a well optioned model. :spank:
  3. rex362

    rex362 paint clear and drive

    is she trying to wave at me ?
  4. Dave H

    Dave H Well-Known Member

    Check out the shoes. They do that a lot in Japan to "adjust the height" of the person. When our secretary got married, there were no less than 5 different gowns that ranged from a Western style cocktail dress to a full blown Japanese kimono. They had a company rent them the gowns and send out people to change her during the wedding/reception. Cost thousands of dollars just to rent them. They apparently only have one size gown that is correct for the taller women, and they have various levels of platform shoes to adjust her height to the length of the gown.

    We heard that when she changed gowns, they went into this room and she climbed up on this raised pedestal. All she did was stand there while 3 or 4 of them stripped off the previous one and put on the newer one.

    BTW, car is ugly, but Algore would love it, for you and me, not him.
  5. pegleg

    pegleg Well-Known Member

    D H.
    Let's see how you do an Olds hijack on this one!!:bla:
  6. bignastyGS

    bignastyGS Maggot pilot

    Maybe they should do that to her boobs then...:laugh: :laugh: Man...she's UGLY..:puzzled:
  7. SmallHurst

    SmallHurst The Polyglas Pimp!

    No Olds, but I thought this one would work!


    Sorry, I guess I should show one with the car and the girl!:TU:

  8. Dave H

    Dave H Well-Known Member

    OK, I'll bite. Here's an Olds pic.

    How's this, Frank? (BTW thanks to the archives of the Russell Small photo library for this pic).

    Attached Files:

  9. SmallHurst

    SmallHurst The Polyglas Pimp!

    Come on Dave! If you are going to do it go big!

    [​IMG]:grin: :grin:
  10. SmallHurst

    SmallHurst The Polyglas Pimp!

    Damn! All of my pictures are showing up smaller! Way to go Donny! May you catch Athlete's foot in your shower stall!:pp
  11. Dave H

    Dave H Well-Known Member

    I may have stumbled upon how to post big pictures rather than the thumbnails that you click to see them enlarge (except for your lame ones, Rusty). I'll try one here the other way to see if it works:

  12. After all those years of running around without any hardware i'll bet Jingle Pam's knees are bruised
  13. fjr340gts

    fjr340gts Grocery Getter

    Forget all that Jungle Pam and Linda Vaughn stuff. I know what really makes Dave H's weak at the knees................. :puzzled:

  14. SmallHurst

    SmallHurst The Polyglas Pimp!

    Hey Dave!

    Kiss it!:bla:

  15. Dave H

    Dave H Well-Known Member

    In a minute if it took all day. At least you got the size right on this one.

    Now go away. I want to drool over that gorgeous orange Vista Cruiser pic.

  16. L78racer

    L78racer undistinguished

    power tour gem. :Dou:

  17. fjr340gts

    fjr340gts Grocery Getter

    I don't know which is bigger. That shifter handle, or the HAIR on those three women. I wonder how many bee colonies can make their hives in there.:Do No:
  18. Dave H

    Dave H Well-Known Member

    We're both old enough to remember those "-Do's" My wife's high scholl graduation pic (1964) shows her in one. Looks very foxy. Was gone by the time I met her 4 years later (looked even more foxy).

    Those "bonnets" usually had a lot of hairspray to hold them in place. I recall one girl I dated and I got caught in a rainstorm walking across campus and the water just rolled off it instead of soaking in. Looked the same. :laugh:

    Here's some more "big hair" from that era. One in the middle got very wierd.

  19. pegleg

    pegleg Well-Known Member

    Thank you for Jungle Pam. I will always believe massive heart failure killed Jungle Jim, not drugs, and he probably died with a big smile on his face!!
    Or maybe it was both.
  20. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    Yeah right Pat. Like you would throw her out of bed for eating crackers! :bla:

    I would have to re plaster the wall behind the headboard after her! The stockings and high heels would have to stay on:Brow: Yee Ha!

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