Im enlisted.......

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by 65_Lark, Apr 8, 2005.

  1. john hixon

    john hixon Well-Known Member


    You've done a very honorable thing and I'm sure you will have a lifetime of memories and experiences the majority of Americans can't even fathom.

    Please consider one thing: Pick a MOS that has the greatest duration of training you qualify for. I chose mine while in basic training as well (USAF). I ended up in "Electronic Warfare" (AFSC 45651).

    After serving in Desert Storm I opted out. I qualified for a bunch of different civilian jobs that lets me now enjoy this hobby as well as other things. For the last 10+ years I've been in telecommunications.

    For me, developing areas in addition to my mechanical skills has paid off. I can "almost" afford to break things twice before I get it right.

    Take care, God Bless, and good luck.

  2. 65_Lark

    65_Lark American Psycho

    Well guys I just got back from my first poolee God am I sore. I dont think Ive ever run so much at one time in my life. I survived though and Im ready to get back to it next week.
  3. StreetStrip

    StreetStrip Well-Known Member

    Shoot first, shot some more, shot again, and then once more.
    And if anyone is still alive, shot them and then ask questions.
  4. grannys70skylrk

    grannys70skylrk MORE IDEAS THAN MONEY

    Good luck, Scott! Us Long Island boys have a long history of proudly serving our country. Remember, volunteer for nothing!

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