My Electra

Discussion in 'A boatload of fun' started by Phil Racicot, Nov 13, 2004.

  1. Phil Racicot

    Phil Racicot Well-Known Member

    The car was hit on the driver's side, both left doors were replaced. The air bags haven't deployed since it wasn't a frontal impact.

    I have spares that I got on Ebay. The passenger side air bag is different as it is from a 74 Electra but the rest is the same. Even the color is the same.

    Here are pics of the spares I got, the steering got bent in the shipping but I got full refund from UPS. The part I needed is the impact detector in the front bumper. The last picture is of my car's steering.

    Attached Files:

  2. Tomsriv

    Tomsriv Well-Known Member

    I wonder if that air cushion study phone number still works.
  3. bob k. mando

    bob k. mando Guest

    I wonder if that air cushion study phone number still works.

    yes .... and no. it's now the National Response hotline for transport chemical spills / terrorist activity. just called it. i'm curious like that.

    try calling 1-800-get-a-clu sometime. :laugh:
  4. Stage1 Jeff

    Stage1 Jeff Guest

    that is one beautiful car phil!!
    i have an extra left hand headlight trim bezel off of a 75 electra like yours
    i love that paint color too!! i even have extra fender skirts too!
  5. Phil Racicot

    Phil Racicot Well-Known Member

    I was wondering if someone would try the number.
    After the AIR CUSHION light came on and off while driving, I decided to bring the car to my GM dealer so they could make the recommended yearly inspection of the system and repair what was wrong. They told me they weren't able to verify the system but they suspected that the rusted impact detector was responsible for it. They didn't have access to parts or diagnostic equipment needed for it either.
    I tried to call this number and hoped they would help me but the recorded message said: "you have reached the national terrorist hotline" ! I said to the person who answered me: "I call about the GM-NHTSA study..." She had no idea about what I was talking about!

    I finally found a rust free detector and spare air bags on Ebay last summer.
  6. Stage1 Jeff

    Stage1 Jeff Guest

    i'll gladly give that headlight bezel to you if you want it
  7. Phil Racicot

    Phil Racicot Well-Known Member

    Thanks for your offer! I'm wondering if it's expensive to have it shipped here? Also, maybe someone else on this board might need it more.
    I'd try to post in the "pay it forward" section first. If it finds no takers, I'd be intrested!
    I'd really like if I could get a 74-75 LeSabre/Electra front bumper and a 74-75 Le Sabre rear bumper for my 74 Le Sabre. All those I have seen in junkyards here were in worse shape than mine...
  8. grisby

    grisby Well-Known Member

    Looks really good. That 74 in the background looks good too.

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