My turn for "justice"...

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Driver2, Nov 16, 2003.

  1. Driver2

    Driver2 Guest

    :af::blast: :gt:

    I see that some of you have had some "cop stories" lately, so I thought I'd share mine from today.

    Let me explain: I have my OWN house, where I keep "MOST" of my OWN CARS. I have "limited" space to keep ALL of them, so I have 1 at my InLaws, 2 at my Dad's, 1 at my Mom's, 1 at a buddy's house, and 4 at HOME!

    I don't live with my Dad, but I live within 5 minutes from his house, so I have a lot of "my" stuff "STORED" there, because HE doesn't use the space.

    I got a call from my Dad, who told me that MY '70 GS and MY '72 GS, according to the officer, are considered "ABANDONED" vehicles, and I have 7 days to "JUNK" them (the COP "TOLD" my Dad that "There is NO choice, the cars need to be JUNKED within 7 days, because a NEIGHBOR complained."

    My cars have only been there (in my Dad's BACK YARD, where they are NOT EVEN VISIBLE FROM THE STREET!) FOR LESS THAN 2 MONTHS, and THEY DO "RUN"! According to the Cop, the cars are "not in running condition". HOW the HELL can ANYONE TELL THAT A CAR is "NOT IN RUNNING CONDITION", JUST BY "LOOKING" AT IT?!:af: :blast:

    Even though NEITHER ONE of those cars has been STARTED in a couple of months, they WILL START, with just a Battery "BOOST" (jumper cables, even)!:Smarty::af:

    WHERE does this COP get "authority" (more like HIS "PERSONAL OPINION") to TELL me to "JUNK" MY OWN CAR (WITHOUT "REASON", other than JUST LOOKING AT IT, and SEEING that IT'S A 30 YEAR OLD CAR, in "DECENT" shape!, just because "SOMEONE" COMPLAINED about it?!:af:

    Did I mention that THE CARS ARE IN THE "BACK" YARD?! Even the COP "WOULDN'T" have SEEN THEM, IF HE DIDN'T have to "WALK INTO THE BACK YARD"!!! Maybe "I" should press charges for TRESPASSING! If anything is MISSING from my GS's, I should also report VANDALISM, and maybe report it to my insurance.


    Oh well, as the saying goes: I don't get MAD, I get EVEN!:Smarty:

    The way I will do that is simply by "making the law WORK (I mean PHYSICALLY work, with every COP out WRITING TICKETS to my "Neighbors", as I call and "COMPLAIN about what THEY do!), FOR ME!!! :brow::Smarty:

    I figure if it's "that easy", just to make a phone call and "COMPLAIN" about SOMEONE ELSE, then I'M GOING TO CALL and COMPLAIN about "EVERYONE" IN THIS "TOWN", that "I" don't agree with what some of THEM do!

    I am going to go House to House, until I find out WHO complained, because I want a REASON "WHY" they called! While I'm doing that, I'm going to take DIGITAL PICTURES of ALL THE CARS in the Neighborhood, that "LOOK" like their ABANDONED, and I will take them into the Police Station, and turn EVERYONE in, UNTIL "SOMEONE" admits that they CALLED about "MY CARS"!

    I will "complain" (ANONYMOUSLY, of course) about:

    - PARKING VIOLATIONS (BLOCKING DRIVEWAYS/MAILBOXES, "FIRE HYDRANTS" right in front of MY Driveway, for example) I can park "6" cars in MY driveway, but the NEIGHBORS have to park THEIR car(s) in the STREET, in front of MY HOUSE, even though THEY have the SAME kind of DRIVEWAY that I DO!:af::blast:

    - "STRAY" ANIMALS (Neighbor's PETS, that roam the neighborhood "FREELY", when they SHOULD BE ON LEASHES, BY LAW!:Smarty: ) If you have a PET, let it "crap" in YOUR OWN YARD, NOT MINE!:af:

    - and ANYTHING ELSE I CAN THINK OF! And I'm GOOD at it!:TU:

    If the Cops can't handle the work, then I'll just make the phone calls, myself, to the TOWING COMPANIES, ANIMAL CONTROL, EPA (for pollution control in neighbors "yards") or WHOEVER "NEEDS" TO BE CALLED!:laugh::Do No:

    I'll feel like I'm doing my "part" of "COMMUNITY SERVICE"!:Smarty::moonu:
    If I can get people in the neighborhood "BUSTED", and make THEM "PAY" (tickets and fines) like "I" HAVE (for STUPID S!@#, because "someone" COMPLAINED!), then THAT is MY definition of JUSTICE!

    What's "FAIR" for ONE person, is "FAIR" for EVERYONE!:af: :Smarty: :blast:

    Sorry this was so long, but I had to vent, and I know that "some" of you can "relate" about "NOSY Neighbors" who CAUSE problems.:TU:
  2. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass


    I suggest you go to the local "government building" and request an explanation of the law regarding storing vehicles without tags on your property.

    I seriously doubt they can force you to junk a car simply because it doesn't have registration tags.

    And if that is the case, then just get them registered. Any Notary should be able to do that for not too much.
  3. Smartin

    Smartin Guest

    O had a police tow sticker on my Riv yesterday because I had for sale signs in it....and my parking lot is not registered to sell cars.:blast: :blast:

    So I pulled the sale signs AND the big orange sticker they stuck on my window.

    BTW, the car is registered. If it was in a public lot and not registered, it would be towed. Since it is a private lot, it doesn't matter what I do with it, as long as the car is not "for sale".

    I'm not a fan of the rules around here......

    Keep St. Peters beautiful.....right. THere are better ways to fight garbage, rather than slapping tow notices on every car with a for sale sign in it.
  4. Floydsbuick

    Floydsbuick Well-Known Member

    They are called "ordinance nazi's". People need to get a life. Gee , I bet the officer who says they have to be junked has some ties with whoever the towing authority is. He either thinks he scored some free cars or has Ebay on his mind.
  5. 462CID

    462CID Buick newbie since '89

    So Scott, what's gonna happen to the cars?
  6. knucklebusted

    knucklebusted Well-Known Member

    Oh, you hit a nerve with me! This kind of crap is for the birds. Old cars are recycled more than anything on the planet and still everyone is out to get them crushed!

    What gives?

    I'd have to say being the "other" ordinance Nazi is not going to win any friends either.

    I've had some pissy neighbors, too. They never once told us about our dog keeping them awake (it doesn't wake me up) but here we get a visit from the cops over a barking dog. Now, my dog is fenced never runs loose, is up to date on her shots and craps in nobodies yard but her own.

    From where the cop is standing you can see two other dogs and some cats running around the neighborhood. But, that's not why he's here, he says, I can file a complaint if I choose to.

    Same neighbor that called about the dog started using MY driveway to get to his backyard because he didn't want to mess up his grass. Get this, he was too lazy to buy a battery or even battery charger so he drove his 4x4 around to jump the lawn mower, using my driveway and most of my yard! THE GALL!

    So, I feel for you buddy, it isn't fair. I'd go down and see who handles this ordinance's enforcement and get the skinny. Cops are not known for being "up" on anything other than their own thoughts of what is illegal, which never includes any illegal thing they themselves commit, such as trespassing.

    Perhaps you should claim unlawful search, violation of constitutional rights. Make it a federal case of property owners rights.
  7. rtabish

    rtabish Well-Known Member

    have you checked the laws yourself regarding this? you as a citizen have every right to call "bullsh!$" on any claim the cop makes unless he can show you personally the particular ordenance you are breaking. would this be a local , county, or state infraction? go to the proper court [JOP, judge or clerk of court] and find out what the real likelyhood is of your cars even being crushed. most judges wouldn't take an issue like this that far unless you are really causeing a public problem [doesnt sound like it]. you could just make them legal and tag them.
  8. Steve A

    Steve A 454 450

    The police didn't write the ordinances, your local government did. Someone complained about cars in the back yard, so they are obligated to act on the complaint.

    Get a copy of the ordinance and figure out what you need to do to make the parking of the cars legal. In my area, that generally means the car is intact, current license plates, and not parked in the yard.
  9. brblx

    brblx clueless

    i think as long as the car is registered and you roll it around a couple feet every once in a while, they can't say anything to you.

    i'm 'lucky' i live in a crappy neighborhood, i guess. i've got a junk car in my back yard waiting for me to pull the engine, and no one has said anything. i just keep some plastic thrown over it and keep it parked where it's not too visible.
  10. jimmy

    jimmy Low-Tech Dinosaur

    Alan could enlighten you on this subject as he had complaints from someone.

    He had to get two of his cars running and put license tags and insurance on them to keep them in his yard.

    I would take the uglist car you have and get it "legal" and park it "legal" where everyone can see it everyday!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My new neighbors have had the cops over several times for loud music to flying up and down the road.

    I am of course the "Redneck" of the neighborhood and get retalliation by cranking the race car up or by doing some target practice in the back yard with the boys. The sound of a Remington 870 12 gauge is loud but my .308 Deer rifle will have your ears ringing with out protection!!!!!!!

    Do like we do here and catch a possum and put it in his mail box!

    Pick up a dead deer beside the road and deposit it in his front yard!

    Broadcast some Bull dog soda in his front yard and his grass will grow like crazy, or spell out some nice word using the soda! Or use a little roundup.

    Or, put an ad in the local car trader for a car or boat for sale with picture and very low price so that everyone calls and make sure to put "call after 9 pm only"!!!!!!! Thats my favorite

    Need anymore ideas such let me know. I also work with a bunch of rednecks, an love it.
  11. 73 Centurion

    73 Centurion Well-Known Member

    I don't think turning your neighborhood into a nuisance zone is going to do anything helpful. You've got 1 complainer and the rest of your neighbors don't deserve the treatment. You could be the victim of someone behaving just as you are planning to behave.

    Find out what the law says and take the easiest path around the problem. It might be as simple as swapping the location of cars in your collection.

    The nitwit who's raising problems will always show themselves eventually. That person is probably causing greif for others besides you. Once they do the entire neighborhood will know where their problems are coming from.

    The Police are doing their job, they are just a symptom. Get them pissed off at the neighborhood and the whole neighborhood gets a bad reputation.

    Channel your anger into patience, get your cars out of danger and then think about how to find out who registered the complaint. Think carefully about what you want to do so that it is not traceable to you. If he knows who is causing greif he knows who to bicker with. If he doesn't he has to guess from among all of the people he's annoyed.

    Twits like this usually have nothing better to do than indulge in spats, you on the other hand have cars to play with and a life to live. I know you're pissed now, and venting on this board is a great way to release a bunch of that. But consider how much energy you're really willing to give this idiot.
  12. L&CKeynest

    L&CKeynest Petunia Power

    It almost makes you feel sorry for the jerk. I like Jimmy's idea of getting the ugliest car you can find. It'll only bother the right person and there'll be nothing they can do about it. :Brow:
  13. Driver2

    Driver2 Guest


    I have been calling the same police (that came about MY cars) and "complaining" about things that THEY do (and I don't care WHO it is, I will call on EVERYBODY that does something "illegal", whether it's just Loud Music, or Speeding through the neighborhood, or WHATEVER, even as "MINOR" as it might be! The LAW is the LAW, and if the Police are going to ENFORCE IT "ON ME", because SOMEONE complained, then I have the SAME RIGHT TO "TURN THEM IN" for WHATEVER "I" THINK THEY are DOING "ILLEGAL"!), and THEY will "THINK" that SOMEONE ELSE IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD called and complained, and they will have NO IDEA that it was ME that ACTUALLY CALLED!:Smarty:

    I don't care what "people" DO to EACH OTHER, as long as they DON'T DO IT TO AFFECT "ME", DIRECTLY!:af: :blast:

    "Specific" Laws, ordinances, and rules DON'T APPLY to ME, because I always find "creative" ways to AVOID them.

    As far as me having to MOVE my cars, I have ALREADY made arrangements to get them to a buddy's house (where they will be INSIDE his "4 CAR GARAGE"!:bglasses: :Smarty::laugh:

    That way I DON'T HAVE TO "REGISTER" THEM, OR "INSURE" THEM, OR DO "ANYTHING ELSE" WITH THEM, until I AM READY to do something with them!:Smarty: :bglasses: :TU: :af: :blast:

    I can "play their game", because I can do it "INDEFINITELY". Eventually, the cops will get "tired" of getting the SAME COMPLAINTS against ME, and they will charge the NEIGHBORS with "HARRASMENT"!:Smarty: (I know that, because I've done it before, about the SAME ISSUE)! I will just KEEP "moving" them from place to place (Dad's to My house, to my Buddy's house, back to Dad's, back Home, and on and on...:laugh::Smarty: ). The cops can come and give "warnings", and I'll always be "One Step Ahead" of them, to get out of PAYING the fines! I'll just put the cars back, after a while, because they are MY CARS, and it's MY PROPERTY!:moonu: I DO NOT LOSE at this kind of "war", since I've been doing it for so long, ESPECIALLY when it comes to "psychological games"! I am an "EXPERT", and I'm GOOD at it! I intend to use the same law that "they" (the neighbors) can use against ME, and TURN IT AROUND TO WORK AGAINST THEM!:Brow::laugh::Smarty::TU:
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2003
  14. 007

    007 New Member

    You're a real piece of work. I'm surprised all of your neighbors don't have for sale signs in their yards.

  15. brblx

    brblx clueless

    no OFFENSE, scott, :eek::):cool:

    but your POSTS are BEGINNING to border on UNREADABLE.:laugh: :puzzled: :Dou: :gt: :spank: :shock: :Comp:
  16. Driver2

    Driver2 Guest

    SEE? THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS! "I" get made out to be the "BAD" GUY, when "I" am the guy who is DEFENDING MY OWN PROPERTY, because some OTHER "A**HOLE" CALLED THE COPS on ME, JUST BECAUSE THEY DON'T LIKE "LOOKING" AT MY CARS!

    Put yourself in MY position, so you may better "understand", before YOU "JUDGE" WHO "I" AM! Tell me that YOU WOULDN'T DO THE SAME THING!:af:



    I DON'T "BOTHER" ANYONE! I DON'T EVEN SPEAK TO MY NEIGHBORS, not because I don't LIKE them, ONLY because I have NOTHING TO SAY to anyone! I Travel for the WORK that I do, so THEY don't even SEE me during the DAY! And when I AM at home, I am IN MY OWN HOUSE, or IN MY OWN GARAGE, with the DOORS CLOSED, because it is NO ONE ELSE'S BUSINESS what I OWN, and I don't WANT them to SEE my cars, engines, tools, Collections, etc. , just as it is NONE of MY Business what my NEIGHBORS have, EITHER! And I DON'T EVEN CARE WHAT "THEY" HAVE! As Long as they keep it in THEIR YARD, and not MINE!:Do No:

    Referring to MY NEIGHBORS (who TRESPASSED, and then CALLED THE COPS ON MY CARS!): I only "get even" to PROVE A POINT! If YOU (people, in general) don't want to be "messed with", then MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS, and LEAVE OTHER PEOPLE ALONE! ESPECIALLY "ME"!

    And referring to the Quote above about "All of my neighbors putting For Sale signs in their yards", THAT WOULD BE SO COOL! I would buy as many of them as I could, just so I could COLLECT "MORE" BUICKS!:laugh:

    This is ALL the result of ONE of my NEIGHBORS (and the Cops won't TELL ME "WHO" called! THAT is the reason that I will make ALL of my neighbors "attack EACH OTHER", until THEY find out "WHO" STARTED IT! And I don't mean "ME", because "I" DIDN'T "START" ANYTHING, BUT I WILL "FINISH" IT, with the unknowing help of the LAW, on MY side!:Smarty:
  17. 462CID

    462CID Buick newbie since '89


    I can't imagine what I would do to my neighbors if I walked out one day and saw them giving my car the once over, with the hood open and doors ajar. I would get to meet some policemen, I think.

    So your culprit is the neighbor who thinks he/she/it is a mechanic, obviously. Since most folks don't know how to open the hood on a car like yours, you can probably narrow down the list of suspects.

    What I don't want to see happen is for you to lose the cars, Scott. There has got to be a way around this
  18. L&CKeynest

    L&CKeynest Petunia Power

    Oh, now I get it. You aren't a bigger person, and you don't have anything else better to do either. Well then, enjoy your spat! :rolleyes:
  19. Graham

    Graham Registered User

    Driver2 sounds pissed.... he he:ball:
  20. Mike Atwood

    Mike Atwood The Green Machine

    Really? Great.......

    You might put yourself in your neighbor's shoes also....... How would you like to see a couple of non running cars sitting around in every one of your neighbors yards? You wouldn't! Almost every town has the same regulations as per parking cars on anything other than a paved or gravel surface.
    As much as you are on here stating how successfull you are, I would think it would be nothing for you to rent a few storage garages and put the cars out of sight from people that don't want to look at them night and day.
    Getting "even" or playing their "game" will do nothing but waste your time and the time of the local police, who have much better things to do with their time.

    Believe me, getting the cars out of there is the easiest way to deal with this.

    P.S. The caps and cartoons make it tough to read your posts


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