Root Canals/Crowns

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Smartin, Nov 30, 2004.

  1. Smartin

    Smartin Staff Member


    I was just informed by my dentist that I may need a crown and/or a root canal due to a cracked tooth.

    I had a filling done on the tooth in August, and ever since, it has been hurting every time I chew on that side of my mouth. It's also VERY sensitive to temperature..cold water sends me through the roof if it touches that tooth.

    So, my point is, I am fairly sure it was due to the filling being put in. It was fine before the drilled the crap out of it. The day after the filling was put in, it hurt just like it does now.

    Should I be trying to get the dentist to take responsibility for the crack????

    This is going to cost me $1500!! or more..

    Also, is this a horrible procedure?
  2. Roberta

    Roberta Buick Berta


    Adam, I am going to the dentist on Monday for a crown on a cracked tooth, one of 2 that have to be done! Hurts sometimes with cold, some times with hot, and sometimes not at all? I worry about it though, as another tooth that had cracks, blasted into space in '96 when the dentist hit it with the drill and had to make a cast out of nothing, that crown came off last year, when I was eating almond chicken at a chinese joint! They were able to put the crown back on cause I didn't swallow it, fortunately, with some better 'glue' and all was fine. I've not had to have any root canal work, but my mom and dad have, and it's not fun! I would think if you have issues with your current dentist and his tactics, that maybe I would get a second opinion from another dentist, that would be my advice, you are too YOUNG to have root canal issues, I hope, R :beer and asprin work to get rid of novacaine after effects! mostly asprin! :3gears:
  3. Smartin

    Smartin Staff Member

    I'm going to consult an see what needs to be done. And I'll try to see if I can prove the crack was caused by the dentist.

    I've been using this dentist for years, but this sucks. Time to start looking around and asking people who they're using..
  4. Brad Conley

    Brad Conley RIP Staff Member

    Adam, I've had a root canal done. Worst part is the pain BEFORE the novacaine hits. That and you'll have your mouth so wide open it feels like it will stick there. The root canal is nothing and I'm a wimp when it comes to somebody messing around in my mouth (years of braces). Don't fear the canal...but I would get a second opinion.
  5. chrome yellow

    chrome yellow Well-Known Member

    i second what brad said. due to my years of alcohol abuse my teeth were in very poor shape. i have had my share of root canals and it is not that big a deal. the anxiety in the days before is what will get you.
    just like everything else in life, get a second opinion. brad.
  6. GS Shari

    GS Shari Guest

    Here's a third...

    Adam, First of all, age has nothing to do with it. If the tooth is strong, it will not crack. Hidden decay can help a tooth crack, and make the nerve sensitive. A root canal is basically killing and removing the nerves from a tooth, and filling the vacancy with a plastic material. Once the nerve is killed, the tooth will never hurt again. I've had 3 or 4, starting in my 20's, and it's no big deal. Even the crown work afterwards will be a piece of cake.

    If you're anxious about it, ask the dentist for some nitrous. You won't care what they do to your mouth.

    And an endodontist is the one that should be doing this. It is considered surgery.

    Hope this helps!

  7. Smartin

    Smartin Staff Member

    Thanks all for the replies...

    I can tell you I'll probably lose sleep over this (at least tonight). I've always had healthy teeth, but this one tooth caught us all by surprise this past August when they found the cavity. They told me it was much bigger than they thought when she filled it.:Dou:

    I hate tooth work!!!! YUCK!

    I really hate desserting the family dentist, but I think it's time to find someone else.
  8. Mister T

    Mister T Just truckin' around

    Adam, the pain in your tooth is caused by an exposed nerve. :af:
    When the dentist performs the root canal, all nerve endings inside the affected tooth are removed.
    Make sure that the pain killer has become fully effective before he commences to the drilling. :rant: My dentist is very good about this.

    Once the nerve has been deadened, and removed, he should clean the inside of the tooth thoroughly, then he will likely fill the tooth with some sort of stable compound. That should take care of any future pain from that tooth. :TU:
    The crown likely be glued on at a later time, since, as already posted, he must make a cast for the replacement tooth. He may put a temporary one to protect the root canal.
    I've had a few done myself, and remember them well :grin:
    Yes he will pry your mouth open more than you can believe, but it's necessary.
    One more thing, it is also possible you have a cavity below the gum line.
    Lastly, DO get a second opinion if you have concerns.
    When in the chair, try to relax, it's really not that bad. :cool:
  9. 68 BE225

    68 BE225 Well-Known Member

    The root canal is a piece of cake and for 95% of the people as soon as it's done the pain is gone. For those of us that are special the pain increases and lasts for about 2 weeks. dealing with the Endodontist telling me I shouldn't feel any pain was worse than the pain it's self.

    Hope you're part of the 95%
    Good luck!
  10. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    Welcome to the club. I've had 3 so far. Usually, the root canal is a relief. It ends the throbbing pain. Depending on how big the tooth is, it may take several visits to complete. Afterward, you may be a little sore, but nothing compared to the pain before. Take a few ibuprofin. The cap typically costs just as much as the root canal, and most employee Dental pans suck! Always expensive. Make sure you need the root canal. If the nerve has been exposed, or is starting to die, or is abscessed, you have no choice. If not, ask the Dentist about an onlay. I saved one tooth like that. About half the cost of a root canal + cap. Good luck.
  11. leo455

    leo455 LAB MAN

    I would excpect the dentist to at least give you a brake, but if she used an amlgam filling it has a way of creaping or spreading out and causing cracks. This will happen if she didnot get the occlussion of you teeth right. Let's say she left a high spot in the new filling and before you had your felling back you ate . the force of you chewing would mash the filling down and outward causing the tooth to break. This also the reason old filling need to be redone every 3-5 years.
  12. bobby

    bobby Well-Known Member

    As everyone has mentioned the root canal will take care of the nerves and the pain will be gone afterwards. However if it doesnt go away and the pain persists, the tooth is cracked and will require extraction. Good luck, these proceedures should be done by a specialist that only does root canals, they know what they are doing.
  13. jamyers

    jamyers 2 gallons of fun

    Oh, Man...that stinks! I hate going to the dentist too...

    At least get the laughing gas. :sleep:

    Everybody's right, you'll feel a lot better after that tooth nerve is gone. The hardest part is keeping your mouth wide open that long, and paying for it all...I'd definately ask for a "comeback" discount if you go back to that dentist.

    Owwwww, makes me shiver thinking about it!
  14. Eric

    Eric Founders Club Member

    My dentist just charged me $660.00 for the root canel. If I would need a crown too it would be about another $700.00.. If you are being charged 1500.00 for just the root canal...then you are being ripped off.
    Also the root canel was a piece of cake for me and I experienced no pain of discomfort
    during the procedure. And if you can get nitrous oxide, go for it. That stuff is great
    and almost uphoric while your on it. Root canals are nothing if the dentist is good.
  15. Eric

    Eric Founders Club Member

    I would'nt blame the dentist at all for a cracked tooth just because it cost alot of money to get it fixed.
  16. pwm72

    pwm72 Well-Known Member

    Root canals are easy...had 4 of them myself. Like others have said, the pain before is much worse. No I had a root canal that didn't quite work out and just finished with an extraction and implant. Now the implant hurt! All told the extraction/implant took about 9 months with the various oral surgeries and healing time.
    My mouth used to be a mess... :laugh:
  17. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    Hmm, just chipped a peice off my lower rear molar. I think you guys jinxed me. (Actually, its a bad repair from a bad dentist I saw a few years ago).

    I'm looking at a crown here - hopefully not a root canal.
  18. David G

    David G de-modded....

    Our family dentist, late 60's-ish, didn't believe in novacaine(SP?) when it became available... I think I was a teenager before he gave in to medical progress and began offering the stuff. I still hate him. :rant:

    I've had one crown done, after breaking off part of a molar on candy a few years ago. It was no big deal to have a crown put on. I don't recall if the nerve was removed, I don't think it was. Didn't get gassed, so probably not.
  19. jcamp116

    jcamp116 Well-Known Member

    Wow, I am Learning!

    Alot of interesting information on here.

    Being a Dentist myself, I agree 100% with everyone saying that Root Canals should not hurt, not saying some don't, but they should't. Rooot Canals get a bad name because the abcess or infection around the tooth itself. That is what causes all of the pain.

    Your dentist sounds like he/she is doing the right thing by referring you to an Endodontist. The Endodontist will tell you for sure if you need the Root Canal. Some cracked teeth can be saved by doing a crown only (no root canal) that prevents the tooth from cracking further. Anyway, endodontists are specialists that do root canals all day long and are able to treat more complicated teeth when it comes to the anatomy and shape of teeth. They are also trained in more specific treatments that are surgical such as apicoectomies or root resections. Whoever mentioned above that general dentist shouldn't do root canals because it is 'surgery' is out there. The diploma that reads "DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY" means operating on teeth. In my practice I enjoy doing simple root canals, but refer to endodontists most of the patients in my practice that need root canals on complicated or molar teeth.

    It is highly doubtful that the dentist cracked your tooth. It would take a lot of effort to physically crack your tooth. Also unlikely is the idea that the filling cracked your tooth. Amalgam fillings take years to reach that type of expansion and even then it is associated with the size of the filling not the material used. I have several amalgam fillings in my mouth and would not remove them unless there was a specific problem. I have had them for over 15 years and they are in good repair and no cracks on the teeth they are in. It is possible that the bite was not correct after the filling was done, but that is usually easily treatable and the pain would have subsided if the tooth was adjusted properly at a follow up visit. The dentist 'drilled the crap out of it' bacause you had a cavity, that was bigger than intially thought. Point here, you had a the cavity! Not the dentists fault necessarily. Analogy: You have a machine shop overbore your cylinders .050 or whatever, then you blame the machine shop when the engine fails because the engine was overbored. If the cavity was big, then it weakend the tooth, not the dentist or the filling.

    Another thing, I would strongly advise against getting fillings replaced every '3-5 years'. Every time a filling is done it gets bigger, until you need a crown. Only fillngs that need to be replaced should be. Regular checkups and maintainence is needed for the teeth just like our Buicks. Let things go and big problems can arise.

    That Laughing Gas stuff is good, I am never the one who gets to have any though. :laugh:
  20. blyons79

    blyons79 Well-Known Member

    This thread is such a coincidence (is dat speld rite?) I'm supposed to get 2 wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow and I am scared to death!! Which is worse, a root canal or a tooth extraction? Really thinking about not showing up for my appointment..... :spank:

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