Root Canals/Crowns

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Smartin, Nov 30, 2004.

  1. David G

    David G de-modded....

    Thanks for commenting on that, Jarrod. I didn't think that sounded correct at all. I've got a mouth full of fillings from the mid-60's to late 70's, and have only had to have one of those old ones drilled out and replaced.
  2. 69GS400s

    69GS400s own amusement ride!

    I was the biggest WUSS in the world about going to the others....because of BAD experiences when I was a kid. That was....until I found a really good dentist.

    I had 2 of my wisdom teeth taken out last Jan - the procedure is NO BIG DEAL as long as they get you good and numb. You will be alittle sore for a few days but nothing a few tylenal wont fix.

    I had the third one taken out 2 weeks ago - a pretty bad infection had started under it and I was in SERIOUS PAIN - having the tooth pulled was like instant relief, but the infection got into the rest of me and I had a fever for a few days....

    Im planning on having the last one taken out next week.

    Again....its NO BIG DEAL

    I found a dentist I totally trust, and even the simplest things like a filling or a cleaning are as if nothing is being done. HE's That good....and SO SHOULD YOU DENTIST !!

    Dentists...Dr's....Car Mechanics

    There's the good, the bad, and the Ugly. If you know your's isnt the GOOD, then he's one of the other two choices and its time to look elsewhere !! Ask people for recommendations and DONT GO BACK TO A DR OR DENTIST YOU DONT HAVE CONFIDENCE IN !!!!
  3. 68 BE225

    68 BE225 Well-Known Member

    I was poor when I had my wisdom teeth pulled so I had it done at the dental school. I don't think I'll share my experiencd. But they did give me valium and it was goooood.
  4. David G

    David G de-modded....

    I'm curious how many other members here had to endure the drill in their youth without the benefit of any drugs whatsoever? I have a great dentist these days, but the sound of the drill still sends shivers down my spine. After moving away from home after college, it was a long time before I started seeing a dentist again... to a 6-10 yr old, it was pure torture. :af: :rant:
  5. Smartin

    Smartin Staff Member


    Great info there...thanks for your lengthy reply!!

    I'm glad you mentioned "blaming" the dentist, it kinda gives me a new look of how I need to go about this.

    And the tooth in question had already been filled once, and the filling leaked, causing BIGGER cavity. So yeah, I guess I can't blame them too much.

    I still can't get a hold of the endodontist's office!!:mad: It's like they leave at 3pm every day.
  6. Brad Conley

    Brad Conley RIP Staff Member

    Doctors, bankers, lawyers, endodontist's...all keep the same hours. :grin:
  7. GS Shari

    GS Shari Guest

    Hey, Jarrod - That was me. And that was from experiences from 25 years ago - jeez, I didn't realise that! My dentist didn't do them back then; he does now. It could have been more complicated at the time - I didn't know because I had the gas! :grin:

    Thanks for clairfying a few things.

  8. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    Had a local (lots of it) when I had my wisdom teeth pulled - but they were straight. They had decayed too much to be saved by the time I found a dentist who did them (I'm a much smarter consumer now).

    Don't worry about the extraction if its just going to be pulled (in other words, not an impacted or otherwise strange tooth). It should be just fine.

    Unfortunately, I have my father's teeth, and hope to never have a molar removed. His dentist does simple stuff, but our teeth are so difficultt (nice, big roots) that he sends my dad to a specialist.

    As to the pain, the last time my dad had a root canal it didn't hurt him a bit - He was in pain for 2 days, but by the time he got to a dentist the nerve had died.

    Once I had a broken filling replaced without local - the dentist told me it was the heat from the drilling that hurt... and he was right. He kept the water flowing, and worked very slowly - only hurt on too occaisions - each time he slowed down a bit. Not that I'd do that for anything but a simple repair.

    I never had a problem with dentists. I've only had one bad one, but was old enough at the time that it didn't affect my view of all dentists.
  9. lostGS

    lostGS Well-Known Member

    I just had a root canal done in Feb. to the tune of 1200. but had been putting up with pain( cold, sweets, hot, pressure you name it) for over a year. Finally got it taken care of. Haven't gotten the crown yet( another $500) It was a piece of cake. the novacain took care of every thing, only slight discomfort during it. but I was able to eat on it less than 3 hours after. I am one who hated novacain so much that refused it one time for a filling, I swear there is still finer nail makes in the chair.:ball:

  10. blyons79

    blyons79 Well-Known Member

    Yeah....I woke up this morning and chickened out. I'm kinda scared of these Navy Doctors; but it's free so I guess I'll have to get the nerve soon. I heard it's like a grand per tooth!! :shock: That's crazy...

  11. YellowLark

    YellowLark Well-Known Member

    After six root canals, I only have two words of advice: laughing gas.
  12. jcamp116

    jcamp116 Well-Known Member

    What's wrong with that!!!! :laugh:

    I do work 8 hours a day in my office, we just start early to finish early. 7-4.

    It sure helps to beat traffic.

    Adam, if you have any more concerns about your tooth, feel free to let me know. I will be glad to help in any way I can. Hope you are feeling better soon. :TU:
  13. 83Stage1

    83Stage1 Well-Known Member

    Nice timing for this thread - I'm trying to deny to myself I'm due for my first one too. (I have a regular schedule of Motrin helping the denial...)

    The procedure of the root canal itself doesn't bother me so bad, just the cost and the timing. $1000+ right before Christmas and right after the electricians finished my garage... ouch!!

    What does irritate me is this was brought on by him deciding he should redo an old filling while he was putting a new one in the tooth next to it. :rant: Ever since its hurt like crazy & now needs the root canal. :rant: It wasn't bothering me (yet), he shoulda left it alone!

    And maybe the worst part of all this?
    When my wisdom teeth were cut out I built an immunity to the gas!!!
    :laugh: :laugh:

    Being this is considered a surgical procedure, is there any chance regular health insurance would pick up part of the cost? Or is it an excluded procedure? I don't have dental insurance. The plan available to us costs so much you'd need two cleanings with x-rays and four cavaties a year just to break even. :error:
  14. jcamp116

    jcamp116 Well-Known Member


    Greg, some medical plans do cover wisdom tooth extraction.

    Oral Surgeons are considered both medical doctors as well as dentists. They went to both dental school and medical school (plus years of residency after that!) They can bill medical insurance.

    Hope this helps.

  15. Smartin

    Smartin Staff Member

    There's a chance my health insurance may cover this????
  16. jcamp116

    jcamp116 Well-Known Member

    No, only some extractions performed by an Oral Surgeon may be covered under some medical plans.

  17. GoldBoattail455

    GoldBoattail455 462 -> TH400 -> Posi

    Maybe its cause im under alot of stress lately but my two of my teeth hurt too! And I hate it when any work has to be done to my mouth. Something happened to one of my teeth, a little bit where the tooth mets the gum is gone on the inside part :shock: :( Sorry for the rant/hijacking

    Adam hope all goes well with you teeth, know i know how it feels to have a tooth-ache for a week. Goodluck :TU:
  18. Smartin

    Smartin Staff Member


    Saw the endodontist -

    I need a root canal, and it will be done tomorrow at 11am.

    3 weeks later, I get my tooth prepped for a crown, and then the week after that, it gets capped.

    So one more month of BS to deal with for a cracked tooth.

    Aren't teeth great?
  19. 67buickva

    67buickva Evil Kitty

    I married a man with a dead tooth in his mouth. I didn't know it at the time. We are divorced now for OTHER reasons. :puzzled:
  20. Well-Known Member

    I had a very poor and probably unethical dentist as a kid-and then rookie dentists in the military. That is NOT a good start! Now I have a good one. David G-I'm probably like you-no novacane for fillings as a kid back in the 50s-60s. My wife has been in the 'tooth business' over 35 years-mostly teaching/consulting now-she always has some interesting stories/oppinions on dentists and the type of people that want to be dentists.

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