Saturday is almost here!

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by 71GSX455-4SPD, Dec 10, 2003.

  1. 71GSX455-4SPD

    71GSX455-4SPD Nick Serwo Magic Car

    Hmmmm.... I have this friend in a low place that's in this "industry". Only gonna take an hour, eh? Now if I can get my wife and kids off to the mall...

    :Brow: :Brow: :Brow:

    Looking forward to seeing you guys!!!! :TU:
  2. 71GSX455-4SPD

    71GSX455-4SPD Nick Serwo Magic Car

    BTW, Yardley is here and has access to my computer and board log-in. Any inappropriate posts made over the next 24 hours by my board name will automatically be blamed on him! :moonu: :moonu: :grin:
  3. DugsSin

    DugsSin Well-Known Member

    Sounds like you guys will be roasting hot dogs on the heater before noon. :grin:
    Ken if you have parts you want glass beaded I would be happy to do them for you. My cabinet isn't large enough for blocks or fenders but can handle all else. I've practiced on old parts years ago and can safely say I won't :af: em up for ya.
    :beer enjoy the weekend guys.

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