So, this H/O pulls into a parts store.....

Discussion in 'The "Pure" Stockers' started by mcford, Oct 7, 2011.

  1. Bad Boattail

    Bad Boattail Guest

    This is what is says in the text:

  2. Lon Bauer

    Lon Bauer Well-Known Member

    Very nice original!!!!!! I always liked them once I knew they existed.....

    I remember seeing my first 69 H/O on the streets back in 1983 while I was working as a "full service" gas jockey in NEOhio. The guy driving it was wearing a neck brace! I don't know if he was being funny or not but I was only 16 and thought the car was very tough and mean looking,

    Keep it as original as possible..................

  3. Dave H

    Dave H Well-Known Member

    Or big pissing matches...

    People that just paid megabucks for a restored car think everything on or about it is correct. untouched cars like this ruffle a lot of feathers...not with me...:bglasses:

    There were cars like this all around Lansing, just like Fords in Dearborn, Buicks in Flint, etc.

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