Who bought their car on eBay?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by RNelson '69 Riv, Nov 10, 2003.

  1. 70ApolloStaged

    70ApolloStaged Well-Known Member

    I sold my 68 Chevelle ragtop on ebay. I was worried not to give the "over the top" description of the car and sold it over my reserve. Since the guy was a novice car guy I was still worried that he'd be pissed that it needed floor pans even though I told him so. He called me about a week after he got it ecstatic about the condition of the car. I bought my boat off ebay and I'm ecstatic myself. The guy's description was dead on. 'course he was a Minister. I talk to all the guys I'm gonna buy something from at length. most times it's pretty easy to get a read on the guy if you take the " I'm poor and spending my life savings" approach to buying.

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