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1972 GS Stage1 in Flame Orange

Discussion in 'Projects' started by Smartin, Aug 2, 2020.

  1. Smartin

    Smartin antiqueautomotiveservice.com Staff Member

    This will be a fairly easy job since it's super solid. It will stay bolted to the frame...but mostly blown apart and restored to factory correct. It just needs to be freshened up. I only found one mouse nest behind the back seat...and a partial build sheet.

    Attached Files:

  2. BennyK81

    BennyK81 Well-Known Member

    love it...love all orange Buicks...

    BUQUICK I'm your huckleberry.

    I really like this car and I'm happy to see it being freshened up. Looking forward to seeing photos as it will be a great looking '72.

    Be on the look out for more build sheets in that interior. One of our '72s was also built at the Fremont plant where that orange car was assembled and we found three inside the interior alone. One was under the bottom of the rear seat, one under the package tray, and one folded in 1/2 under the driver's side bucket seat. Here is the very old thread that shows more precise locations. We actually overlooked two of them on the first inspection. I would not be surprised if there was one more above the gas tank too.


    Keep up the good work Adam.
    Mike Sobotka likes this.
  4. Smartin

    Smartin antiqueautomotiveservice.com Staff Member


    I will double check under the package tray. I'll be pulling the gas tank, so hopefully a complete one there. The bucket seat cover had been replaced already at one point, so there was nothing there.
    Mike Sobotka and BUQUICK like this.
  5. Smartin

    Smartin antiqueautomotiveservice.com Staff Member

    No build sheet under the package tray.

    Today I started to line up front sheet metal better than what was on it when I got it here. The front fenders appear to be NOS...so I’m checking to see if the hood-to-fender issue shows much. If any, it’s very minimal so far.

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    Brett Slater likes this.
  6. George D.

    George D. Platinum Level Contributor

    IF I liked 72's, I would have bought this from "the farmer". This car was nice!
    Dano, Brett Slater and Smartin like this.
  7. Smartin

    Smartin antiqueautomotiveservice.com Staff Member

    It took a lot of restraint for me not to jump on this one, too.
    Brett Slater likes this.
  8. Dano

    Dano Platinum Level Contributor

    That is a nice car. I'd have loved to bought it when it was for sale - Just wasn't in the cards.
  9. Smartin

    Smartin antiqueautomotiveservice.com Staff Member

    As can be seen, the fenders were replaced at some time, and mostly just bolted on for transport. They were roughly gapped so the doors and hood wouldn't hit. I spent a couple hours today just moving things around and making sure there aren't any surprises before I hit them with paint. Even though these are "NOS" replacement fenders, I don't see any issues with lining up with the hood. Everything seems to jive pretty well. At least, I don't see a need to cut any spot welds and fix alignment that way.

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    SpecialWagon65 likes this.
  10. Smartin

    Smartin antiqueautomotiveservice.com Staff Member

    Back at it...

    I pretty much had the whole day to work on getting more parts stripped off, and then start to strip paint. I realized today that the glove box is locked, and none of the keys I have will work. I called a locksmith and he picked it for me in about 2 minutes. Nothing in there but a bent trunk lock retainer...was hoping for $1mil.

    I'm still using this project as interim work while I wait for more parts for the convertible. Since MCACN is canceled this year, I am out of the hot seat on that project. Progress will continue on that one as fast as I can go, though. I would like to get working on this one full time soon. It's been waiting very patiently for its turn...and so has its owner.

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    BUQUICK, Brett Slater and BYoung like this.
  11. breakinbuick11

    breakinbuick11 Platinum Level Contributor

    Wow, flame orange bubbled up from paint stripper looks like heavy surface rust. Good progress, that’s some really clean metal underneath.
  12. Smartin

    Smartin antiqueautomotiveservice.com Staff Member

    That passenger side photo is just after I hit the orange paint with 80 grit to speed up the progress with the chemical stripper. The new paint strippers on the market really suck, and this is an easy way to quicken the reaction time. When I do this, the paint start popping in just a couple minutes, as opposed to 15 or 20.

    This car has had one repaint...so there is the factory orange, then another orange right on top of it. I did find just a little bit of filler in the diver side quarter panel behind the wheel. It appears to be collision damage, and not rust.
    Dano likes this.
  13. Max Damage

    Max Damage I'm working on it!

    Can I ask what type of paint striper you are using, since I assume you are using a chemical stripper?
  14. Smartin

    Smartin antiqueautomotiveservice.com Staff Member

    Yeah it's Jasco brand....Lowe's has it. I've tried them all now, and since they all had to remove the key ingredient, they all suck now. Even the aircraft stripper I used to use is different than it used to be.
    Max Damage likes this.
  15. Buickone

    Buickone Founders Club Member

    I don't get on here much, and when I do it's to look at the cars I can't buy...But I found this thread I didn't know existed. I love it! Wish mine was this solid!
    Dano likes this.
  16. Smartin

    Smartin antiqueautomotiveservice.com Staff Member

    The initial stripping is done. I will blow the car apart now to finish all of the jambs. I have a nasty left quarter panel to tend to, though. It was wrecked and spackled with a massive amount of mud. My likely course of action will be to cut in the majority of an AMD quarter. Minor setback...

    The left door has a bit of work to do, too...but minor compared to the quarter.

    Attached Files:

    Brett Slater, BYoung and tdacton like this.
  17. Daves69

    Daves69 Too many cars too work on

    Really like the look of a bare steel car
    no1oldsfan, BYoung and Smartin like this.
  18. George D.

    George D. Platinum Level Contributor

    Adam.... I have a nice, NOS quarter I can sell... The only problem is it's at a farm in Idaho...... LOL. Kinda like a "black hole"... I'm sure you know what I mean (said farmer knows I'm busting his chops)... LOL
  19. Smartin

    Smartin antiqueautomotiveservice.com Staff Member

    LOL...I have an AMD coming now. I don't want to hack up a good NOS quarter for this car. I'd rather use an NOS for one that needs the entire thing.
  20. George D.

    George D. Platinum Level Contributor

    I don't know how correct this guy is going or the Teal Mist convertible guy is going.... Know that I also have a BUNCH of NOS AC O-rings and AC parts (yes, NOS) sitting at the same farm...
    docgsx and Smartin like this.

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