70-72 parts needed!

Discussion in 'Parts wanted' started by 72 gs conv ny, May 9, 2009.

  1. 1967 Big Buick

    1967 Big Buick One day at a time.

    Were going to need a trunk lid as well. So Marc start looking!
  2. carmantx

    carmantx Never Surrender

    I have several nice trunk lids. No rust, and straight. Do you need holes for chrome strip or not? I have both.
  3. 72 gs conv ny

    72 gs conv ny Where's this part go?

    whats you price $$$ we need pics
  4. carmantx

    carmantx Never Surrender

    I can get you pics of the door frame area and trunk lid tomorrow if thats ok. Let me know if you need anything else.
  5. 1967 Big Buick

    1967 Big Buick One day at a time.

    Hey Mark do you still have that shell I was suppose to buy? Or did it get crushed.
  6. carmantx

    carmantx Never Surrender

    Still have it and a few extra ones now.
  7. 1967 Big Buick

    1967 Big Buick One day at a time.

    I realize it's missing a lot of parts now but is the shell still one piece? Quarters, doors, floors,trunk floor and firewall. If so we need to work something out. No hurry!
  8. carmantx

    carmantx Never Surrender

    quarters and floor pan are good. firewall good. frame is good. trunk floor has a few holes. the roof on this car is rusted through from the vinyl top. no doors on that car, but i have some that may work.
  9. 1967 Big Buick

    1967 Big Buick One day at a time.

    I would take it as is. We'll talk......
  10. carmantx

    carmantx Never Surrender

    Jarrod, call me or email me when you can. Let me know what you are going to need. Thanks.

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