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  3. The "Group Buy" for the 1967-68 Deluxe Steering wheel recasting is now officially "Open". Now is the time to start sending in the wheels. The latest date that the wheels must be received by Kochs is 31 March 2025 The cost for each wheel is $750. The only "up front cost" is your shipping the wheel. If you send in more than one wheel, each additional wheel will cost $700. Shipping and insurance to Kochs and return shipping will be extra. You will be contacted by Teresa to make payment for the wheel(s) and return shipping and insurance when your wheel(s) is complete. The shipping will be factored on your delivery address and insurance. I will be sending the contact information all of you have sent me to Teresa at Kochs. Send in your wheels, horn pad and hardware and paint color sample if applicable. Please include: First and Last Name Shipping Address Phone number email address V8Buick "Member Name" Wheel Color (SEE THE BOTTOM FOR WHEEL COLOR) Pease read the "shipping to Kochs" below. There are two addresses. One for USPS Mailing One for FedEx and UPS shipping You can use USPS/Mail, UPS or FedEx to send in your core. Use the appropriate address depending on what service you use to ship. If you use USPS/Mail ship to: Koch's P.O. Box 959 Acton, CA 93510 Attn: Teresa If you use UPS or FedEx ship to: Koch's 7650 Soledad Canyon Road Acton CA 93510 Attn: Teresa Kochs Contact: Teresa (661) 268-1341 customerservice@kochs.com Wheel Color If you wheel is Black, you can list that in your information you send in with your wheel. For colored wheels, please contact Teresa about specifics for wheel color if you do not send in a color sample to match. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you to everyone for your participation in making this a reality. And "Thank You" Jim Weise, for allowing and facilitating this project! Michael .................... to remove this notice, click the X in the upper RH corner of this message box
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'72 Stage 1 Convertible

Discussion in 'Cars and Parts For Sale Leads' started by Dano, Mar 21, 2023.

  1. ChesapeakeChris

    ChesapeakeChris Well-Known Member

    I asked him about the lines in the deck panel and he disagreed with you, says his was normal with the lines...
  2. Smartin

    Smartin antiqueautomotiveservice.com Staff Member

    chiefsb30 likes this.
  3. 446379H

    446379H Well-Known Member

    A lot of shill/fraudulent bidding on that site, like ebay. Like you said how do you bid 2000 times on random cars and never win or buy anything? I think I'd be hard pressed to buy from there , even if it was a good car.
  4. ChesapeakeChris

    ChesapeakeChris Well-Known Member

    You should see the BBB complaints about BaT. Folks talking about contacting the District Attorney. Been on the phone with BaT for a while discussing this to no avail, obviously, but just needed to vent...
  5. Guy Parquette

    Guy Parquette Platinum Level Contributor

    That is a B4B intake on the car. And the later style at that. But not a big deal imho. Wording’s ground off, then bead or sand blasted
  6. Redmanf1

    Redmanf1 Gold Level Contributor

    Obesely he does not know what he is talking about or does not want to admit that his car is wrong.

    Last edited: Mar 23, 2023
  7. Redmanf1

    Redmanf1 Gold Level Contributor

    This is a picture of a 72 GS Stage-1 with factory original paint and top...

    docgsx likes this.
  8. Redmanf1

    Redmanf1 Gold Level Contributor

  9. Redmanf1

    Redmanf1 Gold Level Contributor

    It looks like he has either Wheel Vintiques or Coker on the rear maybe 8”
    I did not see what was wrong with the battery cable.

  10. ChesapeakeChris

    ChesapeakeChris Well-Known Member

    I just thought for this application the battery cable terminal (and the battery itself) were super cheap econo-box equipment...
  11. cjp69

    cjp69 Gold Level Contributor

    I can't remember for sure, and haven't ever taken one down to bare metal, but aren't those lines there on a convertible, but the factory leaded over them, so you don't them on a convertible? I thought I read that somewhere.....
    Max Damage likes this.
  12. Smartin

    Smartin antiqueautomotiveservice.com Staff Member

    The seam is leaded and should not show on a convertible. Hardtop is a different type of connection and is only seam sealed.
    Max Damage and docgsx like this.
  13. cjp69

    cjp69 Gold Level Contributor

    That is what I was thinking, but the seam is there on a convert, correct? So if it wasn't properly leaded after the resto, would it look like the yellow car does?
  14. 436'd Skylark

    436'd Skylark Sweet Fancy Moses!!!!!

    Thats a big oversight/mistake but at this point I think it would be nuts to fix it.. enjoy it for what it is, probably less than 5% of folks in the hobby knows that seam is incorrect.
    Max Damage and Joe Patton like this.
  15. Smartin

    Smartin antiqueautomotiveservice.com Staff Member

    The type of seam on a convertible is a lap joint, and is about 3/4” wide when not leaded. The hardtop is a pinch weld that looks like the normal seam you can see. The one on this convertible was carved in to make it look like that.
    docgsx likes this.
  16. Joe Patton

    Joe Patton Member

    Lot of good comments in this thread but if im being honest- I would 100% sell a car on BAT right now in this market. Some of the hammer prices are absurd and im sure in most cases the buyer never even sees the car with their own eyes. You cant criticize the seller for taking advantage. Sriously doubt the bidders have any concern about the deck lid seams- in all honesty this is a super minor detail if your buying this car as somethign you want to enjoy and drive.
    Max Damage and chiefsb30 like this.
  17. 3clicks

    3clicks Well-Known Member

    Yeah, it's a super nice looking car, and I bet, fun as hell to drive, for sure. Most of the details, a casual passer-by would never notice. I think the concern is that the seller is misrepresenting some things about the car, and then it appears they are doubling down on the claims. That makes one, especially a prospective buyer, have other concerns about the car, and the seller. Both of which are valid when you are spending multiple thousands of dollars, imho. I don't think anyone is criticizing the seller for taking advantage of the market, or for using BAT as the medium, it's more about the lack of transparency. At least that's how the critiquing comes across to me.
    chiefsb30 likes this.
  18. gs66

    gs66 Silver Level contributor

    What year did they start covering the seams on convertibles? I think my 66’s have the seams.
  19. ChesapeakeChris

    ChesapeakeChris Well-Known Member

    Not my first auction. From day one the seller rejected my asks. So I started e-mailing him off the board because from my experience with BaT my probing questions get deleted after too many shills start smacking the "Flag as not constructive" button. Guys with 2,000 comments (and NO bids/listings) will talk trash as to why I would like to see actual receipts and a quick vid (with sound) of the car starting, shots of the engine running, cycling the top up and down, open the trunk lid and show the springs at least still work, etc.

    This car might go for $50K or it might go as high as $150K. In my book, if you want top cash (in 7 auction days), you better be prepared to show proof of your claims; beginning with what does the damn thing sound like when it starts?

    Was this you from the BaT comments:
    GeneralPatton: "omg the seams!!!!! LOL if youre bidding for a car online you have to come into this with at least a certain level risk appetite for things not being perfect. I personally like the way the seams look on this vert- they alwasy crack anyway..."

    It's always BUYER BEWARE out there so F the seller. Those seam fixes will cost thousands! Problem is seller claims quarters were never repaired or replaced. Most of his engine compartment pics are worthless, he had to be told about his AC swap, seller claims only a few hundred miles on a 10 year old rebuild with no receipts or proof of mileage on a car he has had for 30 years. Seller is a spooky dude...no matter how nice he may be, I'll criticize him all day long for his non-disclosure...
    docgsx and chiefsb30 like this.
  20. Redmanf1

    Redmanf1 Gold Level Contributor

    I am not sure when it started. My 67 has them. All convertible A bodies from 70-72 should be.


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    Last edited: Mar 30, 2023

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