Armed Citizen stops mass Mall shooting.....

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Topcat, Jul 17, 2022.

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  1. 2manybuicks

    2manybuicks Founders Club Member

    Worked out great in Uvalde. And Parkland. And Highland Park. The list goes on...
  2. rkammer

    rkammer Gold Level Contributor

    "Dude, come on, you can't cherry pick and remove most of the gun deaths in order to prove there are fewer gun deaths."
    If you'll reread my post you'll see that I didn't say there were fewer gun deaths by removing the examples I gave. I said "it would be more difficult to draw conclusions from."

    So you are in favor of psychological exams to confirm stability and safety?
    Again, you can't just "only" look at home invasions to equate things.

    Hmmm, where did it say I believe in psychological exams to confirm stability? And, my statement about properly trained, stable individuals could apply either in the home as well as out and about. I just didn't add the out and about part. How do we determine if a person is stable? Maybe we just don't know until after he/she shoots someone in self defense. That's another subject entirely. I do think you added more meaning to my commentary than I actually said. embarrassed(Smaller).jpg

    446379H and GKMoz like this.

    BUQUICK I'm your huckleberry.

    I want to revise me prediction. I predict this will be locked by dinner time today.
    1969RIVI and chiefsb30 like this.

    JESUPERCAT No Slow Boat

    To me the "scariest thing is an uneducated person who is scared. I see a few here.
    One of the first things taught in our classes is.... the liability of pulling, squeezing or pushing through the trigger in a self or group defense situation. Again it's about education in a carry situation.
    The home is a different situation with different liability and training, based on the state you are in.
    I do believe many are scared of firearms so go take a class at your local gun range, please...
  5. john.schaefer77

    john.schaefer77 Well-Known Member

    Funny thing is I had far less of a standard to carry firearms, operate weapon systems and use machine guns than to have a private firearm.
    charlierogers likes this.
  6. pbr400

    pbr400 68GS400

    Again, I respectfully disagree. Yes, we as a nation have become desensitized to shootings that ‘only’ claim two or three lives, but this case has one big difference-the shooter was equipped for and appeared to be trying to have a high kill count (numerous targets in a food court) but was stopped by a person many would call a hero. I’ve read enough news over the last forty plus years to see that bias; I know if the story had been ‘man stops runaway bus, prevents many deaths’ or similar, it would be everywhere. But the media hates guns in civilian hands. You’re not going to convince me that’s not the case here and that their coverage is fair.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2022
    Mike B in SC, Topcat, mbryson and 3 others like this.
  7. bignastyGS

    bignastyGS Maggot pilot

    If you want to buy a a gun..If you don't then don't! No one should be able to tell me what I should be able to buy.Maybe people should get educated and take classes like I did and perhaps they would get a better understanding of them. NOT what is reported my the slanted media. I vote NO on red flag laws and bans of guns...period!
    PGSS and GKMoz like this.
  8. Max Damage

    Max Damage I'm working on it!

    There are more guns in the USA then people and far more guns than any other country on earth.

    We (USA) have the highest death rate by guns of any nation by many orders of magnitude. This is true for crimes and is multiplied by accidental shootings and suicides. If there is one thing that is clearly true, it's that more guns do NOT make you safer.
    68Rivi_In_Cali likes this.
  9. BYoung

    BYoung Stage me

    What are the odds if you have one in every room of the house and one in the car? Asking for a friend.
    Brett Slater and pbr400 like this.
  10. kcombs

    kcombs Well-Known Member

    I don’t understand what this topic has to do with Buicks?
    TheEternalDance likes this.
  11. pbr400

    pbr400 68GS400

    I may or may not have a gun in my Buick (at least before that tragic boating accident).
    Topcat and Max Damage like this.
  12. Max Damage

    Max Damage I'm working on it!

    Just one? What about the trunk?
  13. 2manybuicks

    2manybuicks Founders Club Member

    4 killed in Houston on 16 July 2022 -- I never heard about it.
    3 killed in California on 10 July 022 -- I never heard about it.
    3 killed in Indiana on 05 July 2022 -- I never heard about it.
    5 shot in Brooklyn on 10 July 2022 -- I never heard about it.
    5 shot in Louisiana on 16 July 2022 -- I never heard about it.
    2 killed in Columbus on 16 July 2022 -- I never heard about it.
    This is just a sample -- the list of mass shootings in the last month goes on and on and on and on and on....

    I suppose I should be saying: "Sounds more like Big News is trying to hide all these shooting from, us, right? Conspiracy! Conspiracy! They have some kind of pro-shooting pro-gun bias!" (Note: these claims are backed by the same sound logic used by others....)

    Or maybe, as I stated earlier, these shootings are just so commonplace they don't even merit a mention.

    At least the mall shooting got a little attention, even if you don't think it was enough.
    TheEternalDance likes this.
  14. Ken Mild

    Ken Mild King of 18 Year Resto's

    Not only that but the truth is this "gun" problem is so much deeper than that what is even being discussed here. Lack of guns or more guns is not the problem with all of the insane murdering.
  15. GKMoz

    GKMoz Gary / Moz

    " If there is one thing that is clearly true, it's that more guns do NOT make you safer. "

    It is abundantly clear in this incident one more gun made it safer for the survivors for sure!
  16. 3shields

    3shields Let's go, MOUNTAINEERS!!!

    My stance is.... How sickening would it be if your family were injured or God-Forbid, murdered by someone with a weapon, any weapon, and you didn't have the ability to defend even one of them because you voted against arming yourself?

    I am always going to pick self-defense over hoping someone may show up in time to help .... Hands down! Hopefully my 2nd Amendment Rights will always permit that!

    I also believe the only thing that keeps a government in check is the fact that we are armed to stand up to them.

    Look at what has happened in Australia as of late....

    JESUPERCAT No Slow Boat

    We teach people to feel comfortable in their own home with their firearm. People have asked me why. Easy, where do home invasions happen. Education and muscle memory. Always be learning, practicing and training. People want to be careful of our students :D 68 year old woman about 5ft tall.
    9 mm Glock.
    This target was at 20yrds 1 rd then 3 doubles:eek:
    Same firing order 9mm Glock 40 year old nurse 5 classes with practice on her own at our range :D 20yrds
    I would trust their abilities
    PGSS, Mike Sobotka and mbryson like this.
  18. GKMoz

    GKMoz Gary / Moz

    I'm gonna take a shot here? And assume you meant to say Terrorists Should Not Be Able to buy guns?
  19. GKMoz

    GKMoz Gary / Moz

    I'm on my way to a mid 70's age group and walk with a cane and other ailments, I have a CCW and it is the only thing keeping my wife and I safe! Are your statistics going to help me when assailed by a lunatic or just an everyday thug?
    You can post all those "stats" or some TV news report! that doesn't mean much in the real world we live in!
  20. Houndogforever

    Houndogforever Silver Level contributor

    I live just a mile from "the ghetto" and we hear gunshots at least once a week.
    Yeah, it's kinda unsettling, but hey, it's the city.

    I'm not near as scared as you guys seem to be that you will be invaded.

    Where do you drive that you feel you need a lethal weapon just in case?

    Like I said, I have a gun, I have enjoyed going shooting. But guns are becoming a fetish item and you can't just have one but need multiples and at minimum 1000 rounds of ammo. I don't get that part of gun ownership.
    TheEternalDance and Max Damage like this.
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