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Could use a little "help from above" with new health troubles

Discussion in 'Help From Above' started by elagache, Jun 15, 2023.

  1. elagache

    elagache Platinum Level Contributor

    Dear VET and V-8 Buick caregivers who occasionally are armchair philosophers,

    I'm not sure what you mean by "youngest" religion. Christianity is 2000 years old. Islam begins around 700 year later. Shouldn't Islam be the youngest major religion? Moreover, Islam insists to be the final world of Allah (the Islamic name for God) and the Koran is makes a very serious case that Jesus was mistaken in believing he was the son God.

    These two religions are clearly the most important in the world and have the greatest number of followers. They are also utterly logically inconsistent with one another. The simultaneous coexistence of these two religions is just another case for why a omnipotent, benevolent, and all-knowing God cannot exist. The professor of my philosophical methods class, Hans Sluga went as far as to propose that the very concept of God was incoherent.

    These are the sort of burdens that my intellect has had to carry. I have come up with an argument for why human spirituality must a genuine phenomena in the world, but I don't know if people are really interested, because it forces a complete reevaluation of what organized religions are about. My alternative conceptions of spirituality is the only way I can live with myself, but fear that I must do this essentially alone.

  2. VET

    VET Navy Vet, Founders Club

    Ed you are totally correct, got my history wrong. That said, when we have to evaluate humanity, it becomes evident that the total Work are made up as Sinners.

    How can we expect this World to be FREE of SIN?

    Like I said in my earlier posts, one has to make a decision HOW they want to live, as a Siner or believe there is an afterlife that is GOOD to ALL.

    I prefer to believe these is an afterlife that is good to all, with the exception that evil people may NOT have a very good afterlife. That said, when you review all the Near-Death Experiences, it does appear, that GOD does give that person another chance to redeem themselves.

    In order to keep myself free of a negative outlook, I prefer to look on the positive side and hope for an afterlife that will be good and that I may again meet my family and friends.

    It appears to me, that you look at a more negative side of life. I did say "appear". I'm sure it doesn't make you feel better to have such a negative outlook.

    The chart below of all these "MAN MADE RELIGIONS" (and that's what they are), makes me wonder if these is really ONLY one GOD.

    Why I said this, humans are corrupt to start with, SO how are we to believe any of these created human Religions are TRUE to GOD?

    Ed, I'm tired of all this back in forth with you and I, so this will be my last correspondence with you on this subject.

    This will NOT stop me, Praying for you, your family and your health providers. I'm very sorry you feel so depressed, I wish I could make that feeling go away. VET (Navy)

  3. elagache

    elagache Platinum Level Contributor

    Dear VET and V-8 Buick caregivers who occasionally do armchair philosophy,

    Yes, I think it time to "agree to disagree." In the end I think we are agreeing on something important: we need to find some way to reflect on spirituality in such a way as we find hope. This is where our radically different backgrounds come into the picture. I have a scientifically trained mind and effectively need to "exercise" it on this topic as much as anything else I do. I simply cannot find peace with respect to faith in the same way you do. Yes, we disagree on fundamental aspects of religious doctrine, and as you suggest, I don't think any amount of additional discussion will help us find common ground. I have complete confidence that Jesus is that path to salvation, but I have radically different mechanism in mind as to how Jesus will accomplish this task. It is that mechanism that explains how human faith can be so divided and yet not futile.

    As I've said, I'll thought long and hard about these issues. I need these philosophical principles in order to find comfort in my understanding of the world. At the same time, it is clear that faith doesn't require these complex understandings in order to be genuine. It is that sort of genuine faith that will allow the believer to reach salvation.

    There is a well known story about there being many paths up the mountain that leads to the salvation at the top. Our respective faith journeys will clearly take different paths. Nonetheless, perhaps we shall meet at the top nonetheless.

  4. Ken Mild

    Ken Mild King of 18 Year Resto's

    Yes it does my friend. See these encouraging words from Scripture.

    Future Glory
    (2 Corinthians 5:1–10)

    18 I consider that our present sufferings are not comparable to the glory that will be revealed in us. 19The creation waits in eager expectation for the revelation of the sons of God. 20For the creation was subjected to futility, not by its own will, but because of the One who subjected it, in hope 21that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.22We know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until the present time. 23Not only that, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. 24For in this hope we were saved; but hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he can already see? 25But if we hope for what we do not yet see, we wait for it patiently.26In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know how we ought to pray, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans too deep for words. 27And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.

    God Works in All Things (Ephesians 1:3–14)

    28And we know that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose. 29For those God foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brothers. 30And those He predestined, He also called; those He called, He also justified; those He justified, He also glorified.31What then shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32He who did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all, how will He not also, along with Him, freely give us all things? 33Who will bring any charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. 34Who is there to condemn us? For Christ Jesus, who died, and more than that was raised to life, is at the right hand of God—and He is interceding for us.

    More Than Conquerors (Psalm 44:1–26)

    35Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? 36As it is written:

    “For Your sake we face death all day long;
    we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.”

    37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. 38For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor principalities, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    Ed remember also that when the bible talks about this "hope", this is NOT the same hope as we understand it, like I "hope" the Rangers win another Stanley Cup before I die. No, this bible "hope" is an eager awaiting and expectation of a promised Truth given to us from God Himself. This is a SURE hope. This is not a cross your fingers hope. This hope is more certain than the sunrise, because God in Christ has already defeated evil. He is outside of time. He sees the end already. And He won. And those who believe upon His name for their salvation, seeing the need to be forgiven for their sins, also win, because of Him. Because if you are in Christ, you are one with Him and if He rose from the dead (and He did) so do we IF WE HAVE FAITH. Read Hebrews Chapter 11. So many of our forefathers it was accredited to them as righteousness from God (not because they were righteous themselves, but because they had faith in God's promises) through FAITH.
    m louk, la 65 gs, GKMoz and 2 others like this.
  5. VET

    VET Navy Vet, Founders Club

    Thanks Ed, I AGREE, it's time to "agree to disagree."

    On another note, I hope your medical procedures and recuperation come out well for you. I will pray for you, your family and your medical providers. Please try to stay strong through these ordeals. We are ALL here for you..... VET
  6. thebuick

    thebuick Well-Known Member

    Prayers our friend,stay positive. good luck GB.
    VET likes this.
  7. docgsx

    docgsx It's not a GTX

    Prayers for you and your struggle with everything my friend.

    bottom line is you're putting your faith in something, why not choose the path that leads to everlasting eternal life?

    Jesus Christ's death, burial and most importantly resurrection, witnessed and recorded , by thousands and thousands, is the proof of the one true God. No other religion has produced anything even close to the resurrection.
    m louk, Rupert455, GKMoz and 2 others like this.
  8. 482

    482 Big Member

    Exactly right! That's why Paul mentioned in

    Ephesians 4:5 "One Lord, one faith, one baptism."
    Ephesians 4:13 "Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: 14: That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the slight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive:

    God is not the author of so much confussion.
    GKMoz likes this.
  9. VET

    VET Navy Vet, Founders Club

    Hey Ed, haven't heard from you for a while now. How are you doing?
    Getting the rest and recovery you need before having your Mohs surgery in mid-October?
    Just wanted to let you know we all haven't forgotten to pray for you, your family and your doctors and caregivers. VET (Navy)
    DaWildcat likes this.
  10. elagache

    elagache Platinum Level Contributor

    Dear Vet and V-8 Buick caregivers who occasionally are in need of some care of their own,

    Thanks for remembering me. I am still incredibly tired from the hernia surgery and cannot seem to ever get enough sleep. I asked the surgeon who did the first melanoma surgery if the second to be delayed. Since the melanoma that needs to be removed is at a very early stage, he agreed to move that surgery to October 23. That required moving the Mohs surgery into November so I could heal from the second melanoma surgery. With all that is going on, we have brought back the services of professional caregivers into the house. However, that isn't working out all that well. The caregivers need to be constantly directed, so I'm not getting the relief I need.

    Honestly, I'm still feeling very worn out. I'm not sure how I am ever going to dig myself out of this predicament.

  11. VET

    VET Navy Vet, Founders Club

    I wish I had medical knowledge, but I don't. All I can say, time will bring healing and better health.

    As for getting the Professional caregivers organized, can you make up a list of daily duties for them to do with a time schedule.
    Post it on the frig or someplace where they can see it. Make sure you tell them where the list is.

    I hired Professional caregivers when I Father-in-law was in hospice at the end of his life. This worked out nicely and kept my mother-in-law and myself from repeating all the care giving duties they are hired for. Just a suggestion.

    I also called the Professional Caregiver supervisor and gave her a list of duties what we need her caregivers to accomplish.
    This work out very good. I also called the Supervisor to give her an update on how everything was working or NOT working.

    Remember, you're paying for this service, you need to get the health care services you are paying for, don't be shy, speak-up when you have too.
    As always, our prayers go out to all that is helping you and your family. VET

    PS, when caregivers come into your house, they assume, you will tell them, or a care list will be provided to them. Their supervisor does NOT brief each caregiver. Caregivers are on call and replace another caregiver when they can't show up. A Care list will help your situation.
    They can't read your mind and if there is no Care list, they will do very little work and you will be upset.
    Remember, these people are NOT paid very well either.
  12. 12lives

    12lives Control the controllable, let the rest go

    Best wishes Edouard! Prayers sent!
  13. elagache

    elagache Platinum Level Contributor

    Dear VET, Bill, and V-8 Buick caregivers who occasionally need some care of their own,

    Thanks for your thoughts and well wishes.

    VET, I appreciate your thoughts on caregivers, but our situation isn't so simple. My Mom is almost 92, blind, and getting set her ways. She isn't all that happy to have strangers do what I have been doing. Also, there is a basic issue of the caregiver being sufficiently detail-oriented to make sure what has been instructed actually get accomplished as desired. One small example is loading the dishwasher. Our caregivers cannot understand the machine well enough to make good use of the space even after being shown where things go. As a result, the machine runs 1/2 empty. Yes, we run the machine twice as often and life with it. During the weekend I have to undo those kind of mistakes. The net effect is that my stress levels aren't going down much. I'm sure if I wasn't living at the house, my Mom and sister would simply live the compromises - what choice would they have? In the end even getting help in the house isn't providing me with a hopeful situation. I still have many struggles to make and caregivers need too much "baby sitting" to really provide the relief I need.

    Sorry about the gripes. Such are the conditions at our house.

  14. VET

    VET Navy Vet, Founders Club

    A call and a sit down meeting is required withe the caregiver supervisor.
    To be fair to you and your family, there is NO excuse for someone who can't remember how to load a dishwasher!!

    I'am sorry, my temperament would not allow me to give into caregivers who don't CARE!!

    The reality is, they are there to get a pay check and do as little as necessary.

    Time to find another Caregiving organization. One that really cares to help people in need. This one is NOT working. Sorry Ed, I couldn't put up with this situation. VET.
  15. elagache

    elagache Platinum Level Contributor

    Dear VET and V-8 Buick caregivers who occasionally need some care of their own,

    Sorry my gripes seem have been exaggerated. I cannot honestly complain that much, but I am a perfectionist and have had to be because of all the things I've had to take on. The caregivers we have been assigned have sincerely tried to help and to some extent that's the problem. They are usually required to do much more for their patients and so they are much more busy. As a result, they are literally bored and I must find things for them to do. That's the "baby-sitting" problem.

    My real problem is that every morning I wake up more fatigued and worn out than the day before. No matter what I do, I seem to be sliding downward. I don't know how to dig myself out of this.

  16. VET

    VET Navy Vet, Founders Club

    Iam sorry Ed, medical issues do tend to make people depressed and scared. I understand where you are coming from, been there done that.

    If the caregivers are bored, here is a list I had written-up during their time with my fathers-in-law, in his hospice ordeal.

    (1) Go shopping, food (put food away once home), pickup prescriptions, or other needed items. If they use their car, you pay the gas fill-ups.
    Make sure you get a receipt.
    If you let them drive your car, make sure your insurance company knows and includes them onto your insurance policy over the health issue period.
    (2) Do the Landry.
    (3) Wash the dishes, use dishwasher or by hand.
    (4) Clean the bathrooms. Entire bathroom, not just the floor.
    (5) Clean and vacuum kitchen, dining, living and bedrooms. Dust before vacuuming.
    (6) Take out the trash and recycles.
    (7) Have them make out a list of items that are running low and need to be repurchased.
    (8) If you prefer your sheets to hang out on the cloths lines, they can do that too.
    (9) They can prepare meals.
    (10) Change sheets and makeup beds. This goes hand in hand with Landry requirements.

    There is more than enough work for them to do, so as NOT to get bored.

    Here again, a LIST of chores is a MUST to do.

    Remember, all this work they do is NOT free, you pay for it.
    When they leave, you will have to do all this by yourself, if you don't have any help and it appears to me, you have little support to none.

    If the caregivers really want to help you and your family, they will NOT complain you gave them too much work to do. This is exactly what they signed up for. Jesus will LOVE them for their good works. AMEN

  17. elagache

    elagache Platinum Level Contributor

    Dear VET and V-8 Buick caregivers who occasionally are in need of care of their own,

    Thank you for taking the time to write down of some of the things you had your caregiver do for your father-in-law. Basically all the things you suggested are already being done by the caregiver in our house when practical. Unfortunately, as much as they may try to do otherwise, they overlook important details which I must come behind and fix. That role as supervisor is definitely adding to my stress levels. My Mom's health is definitely in decline and that is a heavy burden. I simply have too juggle too many things at once when my own health isn't good. What else can I say?

  18. VET

    VET Navy Vet, Founders Club

    Ed, all I can do is pray for you and pray that God gives direction to your caregivers that will help your health, rest and recovery. VET
  19. britt'sStage 1

    britt'sStage 1 A Lone Wolf In D.C.

    Ed...sending Prayers Up , for the Blessing of Complete Healing to come Down. Strength to You and your Loved Ones. ,in Jesus Name, Mr. Jay B.Britt, Jr.
  20. 12lives

    12lives Control the controllable, let the rest go

    Hey Edouard - how are things for you? I hope and pray you had a peaceful and blessed time.
    Ken Mild likes this.

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