Duplicolor Buick Red in stores??

Discussion in 'Color is everything!' started by brmorr, May 24, 2010.

  1. lookin4a67gs

    lookin4a67gs For Your Viewing Pleasure

    I PC'ed my valve covers, oil pan, intake and heads, found a generic red that is really close to the Dupli-color 1608. We could not find anything out there labeled BUICK red. I can get some info on the powder we used if u find some 1608, otherwise you will have to spray out a sample of the Krylon and try to match. BTW-make sure and specify not to do the inside of the oil pan and valve covers otherwise they may do the the whole thing, it's alot easier for them. IMO, not a good idea. Good luck.:beers2:
  2. telriv

    telriv Founders Club Member

    I've used Buick Red from Bill Hirsch & have been very pleased. Anyone else ever used this??? What are your thoughts & experiences???

    Tom T.
  3. V8Sky

    V8Sky "Scarlett"

    >>I've used Bill Hirsch's Buick red paint as well - came out well on my '72 intake and did not burn off as of yet.
  4. JCSpringer2005

    JCSpringer2005 Gold Level Contributor

    Thanks for the tip!

    John C.

    [​IMG] Re: Duplicolor Buick Red in stores??
    <HR style="COLOR: #9fb2b8" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Quote:
    <TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset" class=alt2>Originally Posted by JCSpringer2005 [​IMG]
    I am wondering if any of you know if there is a powder coating - powder that matches the Krylon Buick Red. I ordered a couple cans on-line, however I would really like to powder coat the pan, intake and valve covers rather than painting.

    Any insight out there??


    John C.

    I PC'ed my valve covers, oil pan, intake and heads, found a generic red that is really close to the Dupli-color 1608. We could not find anything out there labeled BUICK red. I can get some info on the powder we used if u find some 1608, otherwise you will have to spray out a sample of the Krylon and try to match. BTW-make sure and specify not to do the inside of the oil pan and valve covers otherwise they may do the the whole thing, it's alot easier for them. IMO, not a good idea. Good luck.:beers2:
    <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
  5. speedtigger

    speedtigger 9 Second Club

    We should have somebody with an automotive paint color spectrum analyzer give us the nearest equivalent car body color. Once we know that, we can have the local automotive paints store mix it for us indefinitely.
  6. SportWagonGS

    SportWagonGS Moderator

    on top of it, just have to actually shoot my engine to test it out, we scanned the oil NAPA Martin-Seior Buick red that really was the right color and have checked it against the 430 out of my Riv and a 36,000 455 as well.
  7. eagleguy

    eagleguy 1971 Skylark Custom

    Isn't the Krylon paint rated for 500 degrees, Duplicolor
    #1608 was rated for 1200 degrees I believe.
  8. austingta

    austingta Well-Known Member

    That's right. I'm not sure either claim is true, but it does say 1200* on the can.

  9. cstanley-gs

    cstanley-gs Silver Mist

  10. speedtigger

    speedtigger 9 Second Club

    What paint line do you shoot. I have a PPG system at my disposal.
  11. SportWagonGS

    SportWagonGS Moderator

    DuPont, going to do the engine in Nason Ful-Thane urethane

    and for the record the Krylon red in not the right color, it's too red same with the Dupli color, there is actually quite a bit of orange in the Buick red, too bad we cant get the Martin-Seniour anymore...that stuff was a dead on match! It's a good thing Greg (Stage2) had a can left and we tested it for match on these engines, my flywheel bolts are a perfect match as is the paint on the bellhousing area, I should be posting results in a couple weeks as I'm getting ready to start putting my engine together
  12. eagleguy

    eagleguy 1971 Skylark Custom

    Used both the Krylon and Duplicolor. Of the 2 the Duplicolor was the closest match for the engine paint however it burnt right off my intake manifold at the crossover area even though everything was cleaned and prepped. So much for the 1200 degree rating!
  13. SportWagonGS

    SportWagonGS Moderator

    Agreed on the duplicolor being closer as it is a brighter red, we shot a half and half test panel with it and the Martin-Seniour and they are close till you get them in the sunlight( for the record I used the duplicolor on my SportWagon and I do like the color ) part of the trick to keeping it from burning off is shoot it as thin as you can to cover and stop there, the thicker the paint the more likely it is ti burn off. I usually block off my heat risers and then drill a 1/4" hole in them, it lets them still work but cuts down the heat in the intake quite a bit
  14. eagleguy

    eagleguy 1971 Skylark Custom

    Great idea!

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