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  2. In and effort to reduce the spam on the site, several years ago I had went to a program where I manually approve each and every new registration. This approval gives you full access to the site, to pictures, and to post, among other things. To be able to enjoy the full potential of the board for you, you need to be fully registered.. and that's easy.. Just send an email to me at jim@trishieldperformance.com and I will verify your registration. This policy will remain in effect indefinitely, as it has completely eliminated the bad actors from our site, who would spam and hack it, once they gained access. Thanks JW
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  3. The "Group Buy" for the 1967-68 Deluxe Steering wheel recasting is now officially "Open". Now is the time to start sending in the wheels. The latest date that the wheels must be received by Kochs is 31 March 2025 The cost for each wheel is $750. The only "up front cost" is your shipping the wheel. If you send in more than one wheel, each additional wheel will cost $700. Shipping and insurance to Kochs and return shipping will be extra. You will be contacted by Teresa to make payment for the wheel(s) and return shipping and insurance when your wheel(s) is complete. The shipping will be factored on your delivery address and insurance. I will be sending the contact information all of you have sent me to Teresa at Kochs. Send in your wheels, horn pad and hardware and paint color sample if applicable. Please include: First and Last Name Shipping Address Phone number email address V8Buick "Member Name" Wheel Color (SEE THE BOTTOM FOR WHEEL COLOR) Pease read the "shipping to Kochs" below. There are two addresses. One for USPS Mailing One for FedEx and UPS shipping You can use USPS/Mail, UPS or FedEx to send in your core. Use the appropriate address depending on what service you use to ship. If you use USPS/Mail ship to: Koch's P.O. Box 959 Acton, CA 93510 Attn: Teresa If you use UPS or FedEx ship to: Koch's 7650 Soledad Canyon Road Acton CA 93510 Attn: Teresa Kochs Contact: Teresa (661) 268-1341 customerservice@kochs.com Wheel Color If you wheel is Black, you can list that in your information you send in with your wheel. For colored wheels, please contact Teresa about specifics for wheel color if you do not send in a color sample to match. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you to everyone for your participation in making this a reality. And "Thank You" Jim Weise, for allowing and facilitating this project! Michael .................... to remove this notice, click the X in the upper RH corner of this message box
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Gas Tank Pads--- Restoration Item

Discussion in 'Parts for sale' started by pglade, Dec 31, 2008.

  1. pglade

    pglade Well-Known Member

    Thanks very much Andrew.

    LaMans71 - I sent you a PM/Conversation with information.
  2. charlierogers

    charlierogers GSX stage 1 4 speed #149

    hey patton i need 2 {one for my 66 malibu vert and one for my 70 gs} past customer from classic olds, great product!
    thanks charlie,,
  3. pglade

    pglade Well-Known Member

    Charlie -I sent you a PM/Conversation...thanks.
  4. StfSocal

    StfSocal Well-Known Member

    Can I please get pricing for shipping to 92028? Would it be possible to have this by the weekend?
  5. rvlanger32

    rvlanger32 1965 Custom Wildcat Conv

    Hello, were these installed at the factory?

    How much for a pad for a 65 Wildcat Custom Convertible?

  6. pglade

    pglade Well-Known Member

    Rick - Yes, the factory did install these originally....but not on all years/models. If you still have your original gas tank in the car you can look on top and see if you spot one in there.

    Assuming yours did/does I would need to get the top or bottom tank surface dimensions from you. I can tell you what points, generally, to measure across. I've made these for a couple '65 or so Catalina cars and I have a pattern for that one. The originals on those cars had a section cut out along one end....so I'm not sure if you car would have the same thing.

    I'll check the pattern for the Catalina tomorrow.

    Send me a PM/"Conversation" and we can go from there.

    EDIT/ADD: I may have access to a Wildcat car or two....don't remember the exact year models but I'll make a call tomorrow as well and see what years they are. Likely have original fuel tanks in them and I may be able to check those. Shipping cost will depend on dimensions and weight and one for your car will likely be heavier/larger than a typical Abody.

  7. J. Jaeger

    J. Jaeger Well-Known Member

    Next in Line Please..for Gas Tank Mat.
    Would like Pricing quote on item and Shipping to 85087 area code. This is for my
    70 455 Stage-1 Convertible.
    Pm Sent..
    Thanks, Jim
  8. pglade

    pglade Well-Known Member

    Replied to your PM Jim....thanks very much
  9. pglade

    pglade Well-Known Member

    TTT - Send your COMPLETE shipping address and I'll be able to provide a total cost.

  10. sportwagon65

    sportwagon65 Member

    Are these still available? 1965
  11. pglade

    pglade Well-Known Member

    Yes they are.....is this for a '65 Skylark or GS?? If so, PM w/your complete shipping address for a quote.

  12. woody1640

    woody1640 Well-Known Member

    I need 2 of these for a 63 skylark if they are still available?

  13. pglade

    pglade Well-Known Member

    PM sent Keith
  14. Houndogforever

    Houndogforever Silver Level contributor

    Hey Patton. I bought one from you years ago, so when I dropped this tank and saw how bad it was, I figured I would buy another from you.

    I will PM my shipping address.
  15. SpecialWagon65

    SpecialWagon65 Ted Nagel

    Greetings Patton, I would like to order another pad.
  16. pglade

    pglade Well-Known Member

    Ted - Send me a Conversation w/the particulars....year, model and your zipcode.

  17. joracer12

    joracer12 Well-Known Member

    I would also like one of these pads,67 GS ,please pm me payment info.60411 thanks, Joe.
  18. pglade

    pglade Well-Known Member

    Conversation sent Joe....thank you

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