GSCA member in Squamish, B.C., Canada

Discussion in 'Wet behind the ears??' started by 71staged, Mar 20, 2008.

  1. 71staged

    71staged Well-Known Member

    Hi there Buick enthusiasts,

    I'm new to this forum, but definitely not new, when it comes to Buicks. Presently a member of the GSCA since 1982, and been involved with many Buick chapters since 1983. Hope to rekindle, perhaps " light my fire ", with all those I've known in the past 30 years. No Buick clubs here in my part of the woods, but hope things may change.

    Take care all.

    Nando L.
  2. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest

    We have a number of BC members here so you do have company both here and there.
  3. GS-XNR

    GS-XNR Well-Known Member

  4. 71staged

    71staged Well-Known Member

    Hi there Harvey,

    Already been in touch with Doug by e-mail regarding the March 23rd Cruise-In. It was his post that prompted me to complete my registration to the V8BUICK.COM forum. If not this Sunday, I'll meet again with you soon. I'm considering some options in planning an informal 2008 Reunion for past members of Buick GSCA chapters from B.C., and certainly, include any other Buick enthusiasts who would like to get together. I'm just not prepared, at this time , to help organize another Buick club. It's too bad there's been quite a vacuum left for us hard-core Buick people, since the unfortunate demise of a few of the Buick clubs in our region.

    Keep care of that GS and 442,

  5. dmfconsult

    dmfconsult Devil in a Blue Dress

    Hey Nando... nice talking to you over the past few days and Welcome to the Board! I look forward to some informal cruises this summer for some of the local BC Board members!
  6. 71staged

    71staged Well-Known Member

    Hi Doug ,

    I've forwarded my contact information to Dave Soball of the B.C. Oldsmobile Club. Their club's monthly meeting was held last night, and I hope he told their membership of our possible interest in attending their annual BOPC show. He said the event would be tentatively held the weekend following their club's Father's Day Show. He also mentioned there may be a possibility of opening their annual Father's Day Show to other marques, rather than exclusively Oldsmobiles. The site at Waterfront Park, in North Vancouver, is a great location they've chosen to host this event. I'll certainly let you know once I get confirmation of the BOPC show in June 2008. I hope the date doesn't conflict with Puyallup Buick Show. I'd love to also get a contingent of Buicks out racing at either Mission or Ashcroft this year.Any interest out there and what dates would work with the 2008 race schedules? Please reply to this post if any of you are interested in either showing or racing your Buick. Too much time has passed, since we last had a little fun out there and showed them some Buick hiney.

  7. Snowbound

    Snowbound Well-Known Member

    There are a few of us that would be interested in meeting at Ashcroft this summer. I'm planning to make a trip out to the Okanagan this summer and would love to come and at least watch some racing and meet some of you guys. I don't think I would drive the Skylark out there with no A/C (well, I would, but I don't think the wife and kids would enjoy the trip!!)

  8. 71staged

    71staged Well-Known Member

    Morning Brian,

    Thanks for responding to my post! Ashcroft would be a good choice, as a few Buick GN and Regal T-types owners frequently race there each year. Although e.t.s are a little slower because of the 1700' elevation, one can rattle off plenty of runs. I haven't raced a Buick, since at least 1990 in Seattle and Bremerton. I sold both my hot Buicks in 1992. Still owned Buicks since then, but only wagons, as I have 4 kids (not kids anymore). Now that the children have grown, I'm back into some performance Buicks. I'll talk to my friend, Gurts Singh, to arrange a race date, or two. I can't remember what they call their race group - " black plague" could be it. Awesome group of racers, and they all usually caravan from the Lower Mainland, Fraser Valley area to the Ashcroft track.

    Will let you know later,

  9. Graham

    Graham Registered User

    Nando, Howdy from the Williams Lake area. :TU:


  10. 71staged

    71staged Well-Known Member

    Hello Graham,

    Amazing "69 you have there! What e.t.s do you run? Surely you're not running that 'bad boy' on the streets of Williams Lake. My parents lived in Wells/ Barkerville back in '57. I'd love to make it up to there. Was in Canim Lake a few years back holidaying with my family, and my buddy @ work owns a place in Likely. I'll review through your past posts, since I'm new to the Forum, to see what's been happening in Buick Performance Land.

    Keep that puppy tuned,

  11. Carl Rychlik

    Carl Rychlik Let Buick Light Your Fire

    Nando,welcome aboard and welcome back!!!!! Glad you haven't jumped ship and have kept your interest in these cars for all those years.

    Looking forward to talking to you.:TU:
  12. 71staged

    71staged Well-Known Member

    Hello Carl,

    Was there any doubt about my allegiance to upholding the Buick marque! I retained my GSCA membership since 1983, and I certainly enjoyed every GSXtra, and often reread them. In the ol' days, when the B.C. Buick G.S. chapter had newsletter exchanges with various other chapters, the N.E. Chapter had one of the most informative and entertaining newsletters out there.
    Now, a technical hand would be appreciated. Rather, than me researching through all my Buick tips, could you please tell me if there is a GM part # for oversize radiator insulators (Uppers & Lowers) , when installing a 4-row radiator with larger tanks in my 1971 Skylark GS455.

    Thanks in advance,

  13. 71staged

    71staged Well-Known Member

    Calling all Buick enthusiasts in B.C., Alta., Pac. N.W.,

    The BOPC event , hosted by the B.C. Oldsmobile Club, will be held this year on Sunday, June 29th at Campbell Valley Regional Park. I'll supply more details, as I receive them, from Dave Soball.
    I've also been in touch with Gurts Singh, regarding race dates for Ashcroft, this summer. Hope we could get together for at least two dates, and blow out all the cobwebs from the long, long winter.
    I'll be spending some time with local fellow forum members, in planning some future events, and, hopefully, revitalize some comraderie amongst Buick lovers in B.C., and neighbouring areas.

    Take care all,

  14. Snowbound

    Snowbound Well-Known Member

    Nando, I'm guessing this is a non-racing event? You might want to post this in the "Events" part of the board and maybe a thread in the Bench. It will get way more traffic there.

    Here is a link to the park, for those who don't know it (like me).

  15. Graham

    Graham Registered User

    Nando, Awesome plan. Firm up dates for Ashcroft and let us know!:TU:

    Have you heard if they have outlawed Leaded Racing Fuel in BC yet?...
    What a load of crap... Its the aviation industry that should be penilized, not us folks that go out and have fun on the weekends...

  16. 71staged

    71staged Well-Known Member

    Hi Brian, Graham, Chris,

    Thanks for the tips Brian! Will follow your recommendations, once I've been forwarded an electronic flyer for the BOPC event. Met with Doug F. yesterday, and hope to get together with Doug and Harvey E. in a few weekends from now to discuss some ideas.
    Graham, is that beast ready for action? Do you need a pilot's license?
    Chris, I'll phone you soon. I spoke to Cole a few weeks back, at length. I've already managed to pry some NOS items and performance parts from Marcel E.'s treasure trove. He's been a great help!
    I have plenty of Buick owners, and friends, to phone. Some, I haven't spoken to for many years. I, only spoke to Dave K., of Anacortes, a few weeks back, and it's been 12 years since I last saw him and Pam. I still keep in touch with Norm H. and he was quick to remind me " Nando, I was about your age when I founded the B.C. Buick GS chapter. That was in 1986". He's all stoked about restarting a social Buick gathering.

    Buick tail lights sure look good from back here, Dad

  17. 71staged

    71staged Well-Known Member

    Hey all Forum Flyers in Vancouver, B.C., Lower Mainland,

    I'll be at the upcoming Classic and Custom car show this Sunday, April 27th, at the Abbotsford Tradex building. Why not drop by to chat. Marcel E. will have a business booth there, and Cole M. may be there, as well.
    Doug F. : really enjoyed the ride in your '67 Electra convertible this past Sunday. Hope to see you and Harvey E. at the car show.

    Take care,

  18. dmfconsult

    dmfconsult Devil in a Blue Dress

    It was and always is a pleasure to drive the Electra! However, it pales in comparison to the ride in your '86 GN... what a blast. I'm not sure I'll be able to make it out to the show on Sunday, but if I do, I'll give you a call. I have those DVD's all ready to go! Talk to you soon.
  19. 71staged

    71staged Well-Known Member

    Hello all,

    Please check the post in the Buick show section of the forum, for updated information on the BOPC show, on June 29th, for B.C., and U.S. Northwest enthusiasts.
    Interested in an 1987 Grand National with only 9,300 kms. ? My friend is selling this gem and I'll post some info later on.

  20. 71staged

    71staged Well-Known Member

    Hi Buick enthusiasts,

    Just a reminder of the BOPC meet at Campbell Valley Regional Park on June 29th. Check the posts on the Buick Events section for more info.
    Chris S., of Victoria : will contact you later about some parts. Acquired a '71 455 and Turbo 400, this past Saturday, for a mild build-up. I want to retain my original drivetrain, and do the swap next year. I have some vintage parts saved, already, for the rebuild.

    Take care all,


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