More Dead Birds

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by JZRIV, Jan 4, 2011.

  1. 69GS400s

    69GS400s own amusement ride!

    if the Gov'ment was going to off Wheeler, they wouldn't have bludgeoned him and dumped him in a landfill - he would have just disappeared
  2. docgsx

    docgsx It's not a GTX

  3. sawblade

    sawblade Buick Crazy

    Eat right,take care of you're self,,,,,,Die anyway.
  4. Poppaluv

    Poppaluv I CALL WINNERS!!!

    Very good answer on what CONTRAILS are. DOES NOT mean nothing else is in there or the patters that have become more common.That is the issue.....
  5. rack-attack

    rack-attack Well-Known Member

  6. 69GS400s

    69GS400s own amusement ride!

  7. HilbornNailhead

    HilbornNailhead Well-Known Member

    The Peanut Gallery is out in full force I see.

    This isn't so much a question as it is a statement I guess, but we know that there are airborn weather modification programs in place, and there has been for about 50 years or so now. Programs that release silver iodide to help increase rainfall.
    However, when you begin to look into all the companies that do this, the majority of them non-gov't, and the majority of them experimental, you begin to find that there are other reasons, other types of "weather modification," and other goals. You being to find some, gov't and private sector, that release gases that counter the effect of greenhouse gases by allowing heat to escape, but block incoming heat from the sun.

    There is honestly an almost unbelievable amount of individual companies experimenting with the weather, temperatures, precipitation, and some are seemingly so experimental, they can't even give a straight answer as to what it is exactly that they are trying to achieve.
    Many of these companies DO emit visible gases seperate from the contrails.
    These are the things that we KNOW about, and of course another question arises (aside from what we DON'T know about), should we be messing with the weather, and what other effects does it cause? Of course that question could start a whole other thread :puzzled:

    And I hate to beat a dead horse, but I couldn't help but notice nobody had any comment on the governments role in testing Agent Orange on our troops, and the effects it had. And perhaps just as important, why some people feel that our government no longer continues to do these things.
  8. Junkman

    Junkman Well-Known Member

  9. Junkman

    Junkman Well-Known Member

    I guess that is supposed to be funny?:Do No:
  10. HilbornNailhead

    HilbornNailhead Well-Known Member

    Glad you found the death of my aunt amusing. When my grandfather finally dies from the respiratory illnesses associated with the Agent Orange he was sprayed with, I'll be sure to post on here to give you a smile.

    Have a nice day.
  11. bhambulldog

    bhambulldog 1955 76-RoadmasterRiviera

    Oh, no. Not, that. I'm sorry. :( I missed that part. I wouldn't make fun of of the death of someone's family member. Please, accept my humblest apology. (I deleted the post.)
  12. DaWildcat

    DaWildcat Platinum Level Contributor

    Good on you.

    By the way, that carcass from the other thread wasn't a bird, it was one of the rodent families that invade all of our improperly stored cars at one time or another. The only way to make them fly like birds is to toss 'em.


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