So now they want to charge one of our brave soldiers with murder..........

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by nailheadina67, Nov 15, 2004.

  1. nailheadina67

    nailheadina67 Official Nailheader

    Anybody hear this story on the news yet? I guess some wounded "insurgent" who laid wounded in a destroyed building for a day got put out of his misery when a troop walked through the bombed out building and saw him lying there still breathing.....he thought he was faking dead when he noticed he appeared to be breathing. I want to note that this soldier had been injured earlier that day, and was back to business when this happened.

    I am outraged at the very idea that the military is contemplating charging this guy with "murdering" a terrorist! They are just lucky it wasn't me, b/c I would have accomodated the "fight till the death" wish of the other two who were also lying there half dead. :af: Maybe the soldier should have waited for this clown to attack him first! :spank:

    We are at war with these animals, and they deserve no mercy. I say kill all of them bastards!! They will only get set free and come back again to fight anyway. :blast:
  2. stage2man

    stage2man Well-Known Member

    Now that really "CHAPS MY ASS"!!!! :rant: Line them up on camera and do what they do with a dull knife! :spank:

    RACEBUICKS Midwest Buick Mafia

    That would not be right!!! I think we all should call our congressmen to tell them to put pressure on the military NOT to press charges..

    RAMLARK Well-Known Member

    i think the Enola Gay should be put back into service.
  5. 2manybuicks

    2manybuicks Founders Club Member

    I dunno, sounds kinda like murder to me.

    -- Steve
  6. Jim Weise

    Jim Weise EFI/DIS 482

    Read the report on

    Buried down in the text, you find the little tidbit about how 1 solder died, and 5 were wounded, when a booby trapped dead insurgents body was moved, just the day before.

    Real tough to sit here in the comfort of our living rooms, and determine the state of mind and prevailing conditions, in a war on the other side of the world. Although I am quite sure the media will attempt just to do just that.

    I don't think any of us can pass a judgement, either way. We weren't there, and don't understand the situation. Very unlikely the pool reporters do either.

  7. Tufbuick

    Tufbuick Guest

    BLOW THEM ALL AWAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :blast: :blast: :blast: :blast: :blast: :blast: :blast: :blast: :blast: :blast: :blast: :blast: :blast: :blast: :blast: :blast: :blast: :blast: :blast:
  8. DocRay

    DocRay Supreme Being

    Though I agree with everything you guys are saying, kill or be killed, all of that good stuff. We have to remember they are people too. If someone doesn't see eye to eye with us do they invade our country? (in some case yes) But you have to remember, to these people, what they are doing is right, and what we are doing is exactly what we are telling them not to. It has to be confusing. I have one cousin in Iraq, and one just got back from Afghanistan and is leaving for Iraq soon. I think lots of what is done over there is in an attempt to feel more human than the people they are fighting. I do have to say though, killing someone who was just hours before trying to kill you can't be considered murder... especially in war. I totally agree with all of you though, no charges should be pressed. Anyway... maybe we should send over a fleet of Buicks... maybe that would solve some problems ;)
  9. alan

    alan High-tech Dinosaur

    I just got through reading (most of) a thread with over 500 posts in it about this. Below are a few things others were saying.

    Lets sleep deprive some folks for 36 hours, pump them with no-doze and send them to the terrorist/hostage range and then put them in jail if they dont perform 100% and all the while live rounds going off around them. It is absurd to demand perfection in a this kind of environment.

    The terrorists do not acknowlege laws of war. I would hope that in our PC silliness, we would not forfeit a Marine who kills terrorists.

    This Marine has experience. A for sure dead terrorist can't detonate nearby explosives.

    Perhaps this media fairy can lead the charge to clear out the remaining rooms, with no mistakes..

    Two things : The reporter said that just the day before, not only was the Marine in the story, shot in the face. But, there was a Marine killed by a booby trapped body.

    I'm concerned that is what is putting our troops lives in danger. A few seconds of hesitating to see if a camera on, may get them killed.

    "It is well that war is so terrible, or we should grow too fond of it." Robert E. Lee

    I can only imagine it's kill or be killed, and I know I wouldn't want to die. And I'm not going to sit back and second guess, either.
  10. MR.BUICK

    MR.BUICK Guest

    Well after and if this war gets over anytime soon, all the U.S. will do is build them back up again and they will be back to coming over here to the u.s. killing innocent people again, im with all who say: Blow them all away :blast:
    Sounds very harsh but it's true, even with training, they will use it against us, everything we do to try to make it better over there goes against us sometime or another. Cold-hearted killing is what iraq and afghanistan and all them places over there are about, if they kill a certain amount of people in their suicide bombings, they are honored. :af: :af: :af: The subject makes me mad.
  11. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    Yea, it's war and all but there's just something that gets my goat about shooting (killing) an unarmed man.

    Think about it the other way as well, an insurgant walking through a recently bombed building and finds a US soldier laying there half dead so he shoots the half dead guy to kill him. Wouldn't every person that hear's "war" and instantly sees red have something to say about that?
  12. DocRay

    DocRay Supreme Being

    My cousin was telling me how people over there will put MREs or whatever they are called, meals ready to eat, right out in front of little kids on the other side of a fence, so they can't reach them... Then they would shoot rocks at them with a slingshot and celebrate when they hit them... I know I'm here and they are there, but you can't expect respect from people who you are doing that to.


    Edit: I'm a republican, and for this war, but I think we need to realize what's going on, past the simple "they killed us first"... You know what I mean.
  13. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    Very Good point.
  14. henry white

    henry white Well-Known Member

    re: post #12 who killed us first ?

    i dont think this soldier should be charged.
  15. alan

    alan High-tech Dinosaur

    Think about it the other way as well, an insurgant walking through a recently bombed building and finds a US soldier laying there half dead so he ties him up in a chair and films him as he saws his head off with a sword.

    I have no problem with the Marine taking no chances.
  16. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    Take the same situation in another light, cop is chasing down a guy, smacks him in the head with a rock and the guy is out. Then the cop takes out his gun and shoots him. People would be all over that. Isn't that "no chances" as well?

    *If they couldn't disable him without killing him* then sure, shoot him. But if he was laying there unconscious and without a weapon, it's murder, plain and simple.
  17. henry white

    henry white Well-Known Member

    what i saw on the tv showed an iraqi still moving. if that guy has his hand on a detonator, he can become a suicide bomber in a second, killing our guys. because of that, i would've shot him also.

  18. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    We never found them to be supporting terrorists, have wmd's, or in cahoots with osama and that's the problem with this war, no reason. We plan to go there "they love us, they want to be free" and instead we get there to "they're trying to kill us, but damnit, they really love us!". We should just get out, screw them and their elections. Their gov. will be overthrown within a year anyways and we'll just have a new saddam to deal with.

    They're only fighting because we invaded their home country. I know I'd be out there with the shotgun if we were invaded by another country.
  19. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    Nukes are outdated. I doubt we'll ever use one again because everyone has one. All it takes is one stubborn arse of a president (of any nuke holding country) and we're all in for radioactive water and an ever so nice nuclear winter. Just look at how long ago a nuke was used against another country as a weapon.
  20. per

    per Well-Known Member

    Nuke & Kill

    So, let me put a foot in it.

    Nuke & kill????
    Lets just remember that most Iraquies are normal people that have no other dreams than taking care of their families, educating their kids and living a desent life. They are not terrorist, and most of them would never lift a hand against anybody.

    Germany and Japan was enemy 50 years ago. Thanks God we did not kill of all of them, or there would be no Rice vs Buick issues nor October fest.

    I have all respect for your soldiers that fight in very difficult situations. Mistakes are done, that's part of war. Just don't let some rotten apples destroy what thousands of good soldiers are trying to achive, (Abu Grail comes in mind).
    Maybe the soldier is not guilty, however, the good thing with democracy is that we are not like their leaders. In our society we are allowed to ask questions.

    Lets get back to our Buicks, PLEASE.

    Love & Peace, Per.

    :beer :beer

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