What's Your "Go To" Beer

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by blyons79, Jun 27, 2017.


What's your "Go To" Beer

Poll closed Jan 27, 2018.
  1. Coors Light

  2. Bud Light

  3. Miller Lite

  4. Corona

  5. Sam Adams

  6. Heiniken

  7. Yuengling

  8. Budweiser

  9. Busch

  10. Blue Moon

  1. blyons79

    blyons79 Well-Known Member

    Just curious what everyone's favorite Man Beverage is. Wonder if different regions have different preferences?
  2. 1972Mach1

    1972Mach1 Just some M.M.O.G. guy.....

    Bud Light. Used to be regular Budweiser diesel, then I turned 30, and decided I better start watching my weight/calorie intake. I only try to drink Anheuser/Busch products, because that's where my hometown's barley all goes to. Our family farm provided barley for A/B and wheat for General Mills, so I'm loyal to them as much as possible.
    SpecialWagon65 likes this.
  3. Mark Ascher

    Mark Ascher 65GS.com

    mmmmmm.... beer.
    None of the above.
  4. blyons79

    blyons79 Well-Known Member

    Being a Texas guy I generally drink Miller Lite...the Brewing Co. is just down the road in Ft Worth. I rotate between Miller Lite, Coors Light and if I'm feeling fancy I'll get some Shiner Bock.
  5. wkillgs

    wkillgs Gold Level Contributor

    x2..... none of the above!

    Usually an IPA of some sort. Hop Devil is avail at the concert venue I visit.
    Also enjoy a good stout, especially in the winter time.

    Pa beer laws have finally changed for the better in the past year. I'll often get a 64 oz growler fill if I'm headed too an outdoor event.
    SpecialWagon65 and cjp69 like this.
  6. hugger

    hugger Well-Known Member

    IPA here, but the "go to" is a Yueng, used to drive up to NC and bring it back, didn't have it in SC except for Myrtle Beach. I love Craft beer if any of you guys like a hard hitting easy drinking IPA "Trifecta" from Thomas Creek is the nectar of life!

    Dos equis Amber is my back up.

    I avoid light beer like the plaque, and if I'm broke it's Miller High life
  7. OHC JOE

    OHC JOE Mullet Mafia since 2020

    At home modelo Corona Budweiser tecate
    At a restaurant large Stella on tap
  8. sriley531

    sriley531 Excommunicado

    Yuengling is my go to, however I rarely buy the same brand 12 pack twice in a row. I like Sam Adams Boston lager real well too. I try a lot of crafts when I'm out, and hit up a few of the local micro breweries and enjoy sampling their stuff. But yuengling majority of the time, and when I want to be cheap High Life is my choice as well. True story, the first time I ever had high life, it was handed to me by Micheal Anthony (that Micheal Anthony, best known as the bass player for Van Halen) when I was against the stage at a Sammy Hagar concert. Liked the stuff ever since!
  9. 300sbb_overkill

    300sbb_overkill WWG1WGA. MAGA

    Guinness, Amber Bock or when I'm out at a friends house its Budweiser. Or once and a while I'll do a black and tan with 50/50 of Guinness and Budweiser.

    My brother makes his own beer and when I go there its home made IPA or the latest samplers to try.

    What I don't like is Miller beer or beer that have a similar taste like Milwaukee's Best, Myster Brow or Goebels. But Miller light is much better than Bud light for some reason? I didn't care for the rye beer my brother made either and not a fan of wheat beer like Blue Moon.

    If I want to drink a light beer it would be Coors light, its good for making black and tans as well.

    Would like to try that Yuengling though, have never seen it here though but to be fair I haven't really looked for it ether. Is it more like Budweiser or Miller?

    But if I had to only pick one to be stranded on a desert island it would be Guinness, sorry it looks like I can't vote.

  10. sriley531

    sriley531 Excommunicado

    Derek, Yuengling isn't really like bud or Miller. It's a darker Amber color, but still a smooth lager flavor. I too loves me some Guinness, and my "desert island beer" would be Guinness 250. Unfortunately it was made only for one year in celebration of the 250 year anniversary of Guinness signing the lease of their brewery, and they said the recipe would be destroyed and never reissued. It was an awesome libation too. :(
  11. TWO72"s

    TWO72"s Silver Level contributor

    I was drinking Bud Light for years, then Corona and Coors Light. After reading up that all the beer companys put GMO's in there beer. I got a six pack of Amstell XX Light , not too bad if it is ice cold just not as much flavor as other beers
    blyons79 likes this.
  12. BuickV8Mike

    BuickV8Mike SD Buick Fan

    Sierra Nevada pale ale for sure.
  13. pbr400

    pbr400 68GS400

    Lately my 'garage fridge beer' is Terrapin's Recreation-ale, brewed in Athens, Ga. Often in the back up role is Atlanta's Sweetwater 420. I do very much enjoy the samples my friends from Maine, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana share from time to time!
  14. John Codman

    John Codman Platinum Level Contributor

    Is there a "none of the above choice?" All of the above are car wash.
    71GS455 and TWO72"s like this.
  15. gscalifornia

    gscalifornia Small blocks rule!!

    Grain Belt Premium in 16oz cans! Regionally we have Michelob Golden Draft Light which is my wife's choice.

    For craft beer I really like the Fargo Brewing Sodbuster Porter. We have about a dozen craft breweries in the Duluth area now and all have some really good beers!
  16. Smokey15

    Smokey15 So old that I use AARP bolts.

    LaBatt, in cans, is what we buy as 'take to cookout, etc. beer. Easier to deal with cans. At home, it's Modelo, Corona, LaBatt bottles. Bud/Bud Light are our domestic preferences on tap.
  17. 2001ws6

    2001ws6 last of the v8 interceptors

    Blue Moon for me.
  18. SteeveeDee

    SteeveeDee Orange Acres

    Sam Adams Boston Lager, for the most part. But I also enjoy Arrogant Bastard Ale by the Stone Brewing Co.
  19. hugger

    hugger Well-Known Member

    I got a Modelo kick while back went thru a 100 or so,...lost it's flavor..always wanted to try the Negro but could never find it
  20. 70 gsconvt

    70 gsconvt Silver Level contributor

    Miller High Life. No lite, genuine draft or other.
    white72gs455 likes this.

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