What's Your "Go To" Beer

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by blyons79, Jun 27, 2017.


What's your "Go To" Beer

Poll closed Jan 27, 2018.
  1. Coors Light

  2. Bud Light

  3. Miller Lite

  4. Corona

  5. Sam Adams

  6. Heiniken

  7. Yuengling

  8. Budweiser

  9. Busch

  10. Blue Moon

  1. scubasteve455

    scubasteve455 Well-Known Member

    Rogue Dead Guy ( double bock )
  2. scubasteve455

    scubasteve455 Well-Known Member

    Hugger Yeah! 9% alcohol Dead Guys take you to dark places. Heavy Duty. I use to drink them all the time. Most people can't drink 2 . I use too drink 8-9 every night. But stopped drinking 2 yrs ago.
  3. iowacat

    iowacat Well-Known Member

    Milwaukee's Best in the pop machine in the garage as it is set up for free vend. Don't want to give the good stuff away.

    Sam Adams Oktoberfest when in season in the kitchen fridge.

    Miller Lite if I out at a restaurant/bar.

    Local brewery... choose a lower IBU because anything over 50 I could use as drain cleaner.
  4. scubasteve455

    scubasteve455 Well-Known Member

    Lagunitas Best Beer I've tasted! "Little sumpin" Probably my favorite. They have a lot of unfiltered beer on tap. These kinda brewers are taking over. Micro's will put the older Beer out of Business. Just a matter of time.
    bostoncat68 and lemmy-67 like this.
  5. papa roger

    papa roger Well-Known Member

    I'm with the guys that go for the chewable beers like Guinness,oatmeal stouts and Dunkel Weise.

    On The Eigth Day God Created Buick
  6. scubasteve455

    scubasteve455 Well-Known Member

  7. deluxe68

    deluxe68 Well-Known Member

    There are so many options nowadays that it is extremely hard to single out one beer as a "Go To"
    but from the list, it would have to be good ol Yuengling. For me that's the best beer on the list.

    When we go out to our favorite local pub/restaurant it's Sawtooth Ale from the Left Hand brewing Co.

    Anybody else into beer with a spicy note? Maybe strange but I've been known to throw a cut hot pepper in mine from time to time. My Uncle did this to me as a joke about 20 years ago but I actually ended up liking the added flavor.
  8. hwprouty

    hwprouty Platinum Level Contributor

    Great!, now I'm thirsty sitting here at work!
  9. hugger

    hugger Well-Known Member

    There was a local place that had dead guy on tap years ago, they normally wouldn't give you 64oz Growlers with the high gravity stuff, but we were regulars much like every where else we went ha, but me and my partner in crime made it thru the majority of our second jug of dead guy when I'm pretty sure we both went limp and they drug us out and leaned us up against the building,.....ahhh good times
  10. rkammer

    rkammer Gold Level Contributor

    I voted for Yuengling but, why isn't Michelob on the list?
  11. blyons79

    blyons79 Well-Known Member

    Apparently there is a limit to how many options you can add....wouldn't let me add any more.
  12. riv2x4

    riv2x4 Well-Known Member

    My poor College kid likes Michelob Ultra, might be better than the cheap swill they usually buy. My Grandfather, a Wildcat guy, preferred Michelob, in the funny shaped bottle.
  13. blyons79

    blyons79 Well-Known Member

    I'll tell you another good one: Warsteiner

    Anyone had it?
    lemmy-67 likes this.
  14. 66electrafied

    66electrafied Just tossing in my nickel's worth

    Yeah, it's a nice light easy-drinking kind of beer; used to drink flats of the things when I was younger.
  15. 69GS455

    69GS455 69 GS 400

    None of the ones on the list. I am strictly a craft beer guy. More flavor. IPA's and wheat beers are my go to's.
  16. hugger

    hugger Well-Known Member

    Drank a many Warstiener, seems like they always gave me cotton mouth, taste good tho

    Red stripe is a good lager too
  17. sriley531

    sriley531 Excommunicado

    A Jamaican guy in my beach volleyball league years ago taught me a cool trick with red stripe. Open one, take a drink, top it off with Captain Morgan (or any spiced rum) and place your finger over it and invert it (to mix). Tastes kinda like cream soda. But be warned, on a hot summer night playing volleyball, they'll light you up!
  18. BQUICK

    BQUICK Gold Level Contributor

    Sierra Nevada is my cheap(er) go to beer in summer. Often on sale for $15 a 12 pack.

    In winter I put some Bacardi dark rum in a porter and that was good....too good....dangerous.

    STAGE III Lost Experimental 455-4 Bolt Main Block.

    bhambulldog likes this.
  20. 66electrafied

    66electrafied Just tossing in my nickel's worth

    So I had to google it, but I finally figured out what Yuengling beer is. It bothered the heck out of me because I thought it was another Asian transplant that I'd never seen before. But it's the anglicized version of the German word "Jungling" with two dots over the "U" (This thing won't let me insert umlauts).
    So the fact that it's the US's oldest brewery and German by origin makes me want to try it. Of course, we can't get it in Canada.
    That said, as far as Asian goes, Tsing Tao and Sapporo are also good beers.

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