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1972 GS Convertible 455 lead

Discussion in 'Cars and Parts For Sale Leads' started by kingdaddycreel, Sep 27, 2022.

  1. breakinbuick11

    breakinbuick11 Platinum Level Contributor

    Time consuming work done- both rear windows now work. I also had to do some creative massaging to help sort out a warped door panel. Going to need more SEM to finish the seats, windlace, and passenger door panel. Replacement rear upper panels from Dano finally being put to use. I can’t stand aftermarket speakers butchered into these cars.

    IMG_8981.jpeg IMG_9082.jpeg IMG_9084.jpeg
    KevinsBuick, 704spd, BYoung and 10 others like this.
  2. George D.

    George D. Platinum Level Contributor

    Louie- what color SEM are you using?
  3. breakinbuick11

    breakinbuick11 Platinum Level Contributor

    SEM super white was the consensus for 72s on this board from threads all the way back to 2010. I think it’s dead on. I know people here have used it as a base coat for pearl interiors, and added Ames’ pearl top coat. Used the below as a test panel with it doing much cleaning. I couldn’t believe how disgusting this interior was. They left it in a barn with the windows down from 1989-2012ish.
  4. Brett Slater

    Brett Slater Super Moderator Staff Member

    You must have a very understanding wife to be able to use the furniture as your workbench.

    I just washed my bucket seat backs and RH kick panel in my bathtub. Very spacious. :D

    Also, SEM products are probably some of the best available for our cars. It's like a restoration in a can.
  5. George D.

    George D. Platinum Level Contributor

    Louie- was asking as I had some spare cans..
  6. breakinbuick11

    breakinbuick11 Platinum Level Contributor

    And she even let me use her steamer and weights!! I'm sure your seat backs have never been cleaner!

    Dang I should have posted before I bought the cans.. $22 on amazon, ea. I don't remember them being that expensive..
    chiefsb30 likes this.
  7. gsconv

    gsconv BPG# 1603

    And a Pup to help!
  8. StratoBlue72

    StratoBlue72 Well-Known Member

    I've got a basket case 72 GS 455 convertible, auto., code 56 Sunburst Yellow/White/White, numbers matching, auto, a/c and pwr. windows about the only options. I turned it into a basket case, started it in 1996, got it part way (rolling chassis/drivetrain restored / rebuilt, and never got back to it. Nobody wants to take on an unfinished car anymore, so thinking I'm just going to part it.
  9. Dano

    Dano Platinum Level Contributor

    I'd certainly try selling it as an unfinished project before parting it. Might be suprised.
  10. George D.

    George D. Platinum Level Contributor

    Louie- lmk if you need more super white!
    breakinbuick11 likes this.
  11. breakinbuick11

    breakinbuick11 Platinum Level Contributor

    She even makes parts store runs!

  12. breakinbuick11

    breakinbuick11 Platinum Level Contributor

    Tim, glad to see you back posting on here. There have been quite a few 72 BB conv. that have been sold in the last few years (and some not sold). This car was listed for $9500. We paid full price. It’s a glorified basket case with a really poor restoration done in the late 80s, right before it was in a light wreck. To be really nice, it needs quarters done but, it’s a numbers matching loaded 72 BB GS convert and pretty soon everything, including AC, will be functional. Hope that helps with a jumping off point. I would pay $9500 again for it in a heart beat.
  13. StratoBlue72

    StratoBlue72 Well-Known Member

    I’ve tried selling locally, even told a car friend of mine that knows quite a few people that I’d take $6,500. Once people find out it needs all the bodywork, painting, interior, top , etc. nobody is interested. Back in ‘96 I probably invested around $10k + with purchase price of car, then the engine and transmission rebuilds , restored carb., distributor, etc. ,then all the material and parts I put into the chassis. That’s nothing for all the labor put into it. Oh and bumpers and bumper guards rechromed . I just figured I could easily get more parting it . Hate to do that to a rare car like that. But I’m running out of time myself and know that I definitely can’t get the car done.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2024
    breakinbuick11 likes this.
  14. George D.

    George D. Platinum Level Contributor

    Tim- I know it’s a PITA… get some pictures posted… that always helps! Welcome back
    FLGS400, Dano and breakinbuick11 like this.
  15. breakinbuick11

    breakinbuick11 Platinum Level Contributor

    Starting to hit the home stretch after a few setbacks.

    2 floor patches turned into 4. We got them burned in yesterday. Very thankful that the floor pan is solid overall.

    The bigger fiasco has been the power top. I got the new motor in and started bleeding per Adam’s YT video (linked below for future reference), and quickly realized why they went to a “manual top” setup… someone stripped out the line on the ram. I’m going to order 2 new ones this week. Once the top is functioning I’ll swap in the remaining dash parts, get the carpet in, dye the seats, and off it goes to make room for the black stage 1 project.

    IMG_9659.jpeg IMG_9660.jpeg
  16. breakinbuick11

    breakinbuick11 Platinum Level Contributor

    Installed new SEM seat covers. Front seat and 1 windlace left to go..

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    BYoung, FireRedGS455, FLGS400 and 4 others like this.
  17. Brett Slater

    Brett Slater Super Moderator Staff Member


    Do you mean you used their spray bomb product or did you mean SMS?
  18. breakinbuick11

    breakinbuick11 Platinum Level Contributor

    just a poor attempt at shade tree “restoration” work :D

    SEM spray bombers!
    chiefsb30, FLGS400 and Brett Slater like this.
  19. Brett Slater

    Brett Slater Super Moderator Staff Member

  20. breakinbuick11

    breakinbuick11 Platinum Level Contributor

    Top fiasco continues. Note to self, just buy everything the next time. I was not comfortable with one of the fittings on the lines, so I decided to order a new pair of lines that will be here this weekend.

    I also found one more spot of rust that we had to patch in. The floor is now done and ready for carpet. I went with the v8buick special and used 2 1/2 roles of “quick roof”. I’ve done this trick before but have never had much to compare it with. When I drove this car to Carlisle a few years ago, I remembered the floor radiating a lot of heat.. a noticeable amount especially on a day where it couldn’t have been more than 80 degrees. Last year, I drove my 70 skylark to Carlisle in 98 degree weather and it was relatively cool in the cabin. That car has Dynamat everywhere. It’s also non-AC so I’m sure the fresh air vents helped keep it cooler. Anyways, all this to say I want to see if there is a noticeable difference to me this summer with the quick roof stuff in. It also has functioning A/C and pretty soon will have a functional top.

    Door panels are reinstalled and the dash cluster is out.
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    chiefsb30, FLGS400, rolliew and 2 others like this.

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