HELP!!! My penguins are driving me crazy...

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Waterboy, Jan 17, 2016.

  1. Smokey15

    Smokey15 So old that I use AARP bolts.

    I had a friend who was both a jewel thief and a window peeker. He was either out at night snatching watches or...............

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  2. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    To all you "up north" people... This picture is for you. Last night after cleaning the garage, what a lie, I cooked some burgers in shorts, double T-shirts, and of course flip flops. No I didn't eat last night, that's a lie. What a way to ruin a buzz!!!
    I did get up in the middle of the night and eat all the pumpkin pie that was left, with Cool Whip. Lots of cool Whip! I actually wasn't that hungry. I just figured the pie was better in my stomach than the penguins spilling crumbs all over my floor. By the way, the recliner's belly is FULL!!! I know that because it doesn't hold anymore crumbs. They are on the floor all around it. I hope these "Yonkees" freak when the BIG cockroaches show up. I can hear them now... "Oh my God!!! What is that crawling on the floor?" I'll say, "Don't worry, they fly too." :bla: Burgers.jpg Burgers1.jpg cockaroach.jpg Tonight the female penguin went line dancing with the little penguin and a friend. I'm with the male penguin, but not for long. Going to a bonfire out west of town with my son. Drink beer, be happy!!!:beer
  3. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    Thank you Jerry! Now I need a mouse instead of a "finger slider thing."
  4. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    (e the icon option on the far right.) I'll need to practice when the kids are testing tomorrow.
  5. 66electrafied

    66electrafied Just tossing in my nickel's worth

    Thanks for fixing the picture!
    Can't use Radium anymore, it's too dangerous. In fact, even scraping it off old dials is dangerous. I'm not sure what the stuff is today, but it's supposedly non-toxic. With as much as I've inadvertently ingested I can attest that it just goes straight through you; - although you can image the surprise during a mid-night "constitutional" when certain things glowed in the dark before they were flushed away; you'd have thought I'd have swallowed fish from Fukishima or something. But it's better than those southern ', they sure grow them big down there...

    But the critters we get up here; - imagine seeing one of these at your door in the morning when you go to work;
    bear1.jpg - and he ain't no collectable Steif bear named Teddy either. He's also usually got halitosis brought on by some foul deer or the neighbor's shih tzu...

    You might consider renting one of these to rid yourself of the penguin infestation you've got; - 'gators are too obvious.
  6. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    Good morning fellow Buick enthusiasts!!! What a beautiful day, until I walked through the living room. There she was, all curled up in the recliner with her pajamas and a winter bath robe on, munching away on her daily bagel. I said, "Good morning." I don't know why? Politeness? Then I hear the screeching voice.... "It's cold outside!" I walk right past the crumb maker and go out to the porch. Aahhh!!! Feels good to me. 54 degrees, sunny, and a very slight breeze out of the north. It's this cold in the morning at our summer house in the mountains of Virginia. This is free air conditioning!
    I had a GREAT evening and night Friday. The big penguins were gone. They went to visit with the "loony birds." Even the little penguin met up with them. I was totally alone. It was soooo nice, soooo peaceful. I spread poison all over the front yard. My yard has Chinch bugs! Then I turned on the sprinklers and watered it all in. Neighbor John was working on his Camero. He's got a 69 Camero that's in the process of being put back together. His wife was helping him work on the car. She's hot! We were taking a break, I was drinking a beer, she was sipping a glass of wine. John said, "Baby, I need you to hold this part." I told him she was on an official break. I tried to get her to come to my house. I said, "I'll give you a bottle of wine and you don't have to do anything!"
    Today GSFred is coming over. I think I'll take him for a ride by the beaches in the GS. Tough day! Tonight my wife, oldest son, and I are going to a S.C.V. dinner party. Oh well, I better get motivated. This week a$$ coffee the bird made isn't cutting it. WAKE UP and do something!!! Y'all have a GREAT day!!! JC1
  7. pbr400

    pbr400 68GS400

    I was an S.C.V. member here about fifteen years ago. It was interesting doing the family research and sharing what I'd found, but the camp kinda deteriorated into grumpy old men bitching about current affairs. I got busy with life, missed some meetings, and realized I didn't miss it after all. I recognize and honor those who made great sacrifices in defense of their homes but I don't share (mindset, views, outlook?) with some of the louder voices today.
  8. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    I hear you Patrick! I'm kind of "checking it out." So far it's a nice group of people who seem to just be set on preserving history. We shall see....
  9. Smokey15

    Smokey15 So old that I use AARP bolts.

    I'm just curious as to how much more your (?) recliners weighs over when it was first brought into your home?
  10. yachtsmanbill

    yachtsmanbill Well-Known Member

    You talking GROSS or NET?? ws :laugh:
  11. Smokey15

    Smokey15 So old that I use AARP bolts.

    I think it's too late for a NET. Has to be GROSS.
  12. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    Bill, Jerry... You guys crack me up. I think "Great minds think alike.", or something like that. The weight of the recliner before and after??? Good question. While I do have a good scale I don't think the recliner will fit on it. I do have an idea though. My youngest will be back home from his deployment in a couple of weeks. Last year we literally turned the recliner upside down and shook the crumbs out. We can do that again. Then I'll sweep up all the bagel parts and weigh them. Question... Do I include all the crumbs on the floor before the "shaking?" I mean, they were in the chair. They just fell out. And what about when the female penguin gets out of "her" seat. The crumbs fly for at least 5 feet from where she was sitting. Can I include them too? I know... that's stretching it, or is it?
    This morning was great. To cold for the birds to go outside. I sat outside, watched the news without any interruptions, and drank my coffee. YUCK!!! What is this brown water that I am drinking???!!! The dang female bird shorted the coffee big time. She doesn't like MY coffee. To strong. After almost 2 cups of this brown water I couldn't even poop!:ball: I needed COFFEE!!! So I went in and emptied her stuff down the sink and made my coffee. WHOA!!! Much better. I went in and pooped. After that I got the blower out so I could blow all the dirt, leaves, and dead old skin cells off the porch. You will not believe it... The male penguin opens the house door and yells, "I can't hear the TV." I yelled back, "Close the dam door! Can't you see all the dust?" I could have KILLED!!!! After cleaning the porch I went up on the roof to blow out the gutters. The birds came outside, walked the sidewalk, looked at what I was doing, and then went back inside. The most energy they used all day. After that I backed the Buick out of the garage so I could vacuum it. I vacuumed the driver's side. I see in my peripheral vision the birds are right on the garage stoop. They're staring at me. I'm getting scared. It kind of looked like a scene from Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds." Are they looking at me, or are they waiting for me to throw out a McDonald's fry from under the seat? The Birds.jpg I turned off the vacuum to go do the passenger side. The female squawks, "It's so cold out today!" Really??? It was 65, sunny, and NO breeze on the garage stoop. She's in jeans, T-shirt, sweat shirt, and a jacket. I'm in shorts and a T-shirt. WHAT??? Lucky for me after I finished vacuuming GSFred showed up to give me support. THANKS Fred!!! We were going to go to a fellow Buick enthusiasts house. He wasn't home though. He was at a car show in North Palm Beach. So we took the GS to the car show. It was a pretty good car show. A lot of variety. Only a couple of stupid newer vehicles. It ended up being a good day! This evening my wife, oldest son, and I went to a Sons of Confederate Veterans dinner. Very nice dinner. Patrick.... I haven't figured out these people yet, or have I? They are NOT a group of "angry old men." They're a really nice group of people that as far as I can see just like getting together. They seem to be interested in keeping clean veteran's grave sites. Interesting. We got home tonight and the female bird says, "How was your dinner?" I said, "I hear there's something called the Mason Dixon line and you are on the wrong side of it.:af::af::af: They're still here.
    Thanks for the support guys!!!!! Do any of you go to the Nationals? I'll buy you a beer, or 5, or 10....................
  13. Smokey15

    Smokey15 So old that I use AARP bolts.

    This thread should go in a journal for prostrateperity.
    As for crumb weight, you could do three versions: 1 The crumbs you shake from the recliner
    2 The crumbs you save from the daily sweep of the affected area of the recliner.
    3 The grand total of the first two, if your scale allows that much weight.
  14. pbr400

    pbr400 68GS400

    I've only missed two 'Nats' since '94; one I spun a wheel bearing on my '68 GS coupe and found out how hard RW507GRs are to find and the other was the Columbus year. The group I'm with is always at the Red Roof (Scottish Inn if you're old school). I'm glad your camp looks like that. Ours was for a good while but then Georgia's state flag became a big issue and one or two (southern version of a loud obnoxious bird-crow? rooster?) wouldn't quit squawking and flapping. Foghorn Leghorns maybe?
  15. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    Good morning Friends and Family,
    I just finished a cup of MY coffee fresh from the microwave. I gotta poop! It's a nice crappy day.:Brow: It's cold, rainy, and real damp out. That should work just right so that the birds stay INSIDE while I hang out outside. The female penguin already woke up. Bummer!!! She opened the porch door, said, "Whoa! Nasty day.", and went back in. Yes, the weather is on my side! I go in the house to nuke my 2nd cup of coffee. There she is in the recliner pecking at her bagel. We need sound effects on this thread. Right now I would put in the sound of a parakeet pecking at one of those crunchy treats you fasten on their cage. I put my coffee in the microwave and look around as it is being heated up. ANTS!!!!! Where are they going? Right to her Diet Coke can left on the kitchen counter since yesterday afternoon. Lucky for me they're all go to church in a little while. The male penguin always says, "We'll pray for you John." I think many unmentionable things. If they really cared about me they would LEAVE! Oh well...
  16. yachtsmanbill

    yachtsmanbill Well-Known Member

  17. 66electrafied

    66electrafied Just tossing in my nickel's worth

    :shock: I think I like freezing in the dark again after opening that!
  18. yachtsmanbill

    yachtsmanbill Well-Known Member

    Strange... I was watching a TV show the other day and the commentator (actor?) says something to the effect "Any wildlife native to Florida wants to kill and eat you..." . At least we don't have venomous penguins ya know? ws
  19. gsfred

    gsfred Founders Club Member

    Yesterday I spent the afternoon with John. Great time. Saw the March of the Penquins. Female came outside for a bit then headed back inside. May have been to cold for her. The male came out and hung (followed) us around. John took me over to his neighbors to see his Camaro. The one he says has a hot wife. Didn't see her. Bummer. We left there and went back to the house (male penquin headed inside). We jumped in his 68 GS. Cruised up to North Palm Beach for a car show. Not many Buicks, but some interesting cars. Then we headed back to the house and had a beer. I headed back home as John had his dinner with Sons of Confederate group.
    Had a great afternoon. Thanks John
  20. pbr400

    pbr400 68GS400

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