HELP!!! My penguins are driving me crazy...

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Waterboy, Jan 17, 2016.

  1. Smokey15

    Smokey15 So old that I use AARP bolts.

    "Pot pies", how appropriate! :laugh:

    Or this............................
    <iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  2. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    Dear Marc, Greetings from the deep, deep south to you way up north. I got good news and bad news yesterday. I overheard the female penguin talking on the phone. She chirped that they were going over to the west coast, Naples, Fl, to visit friends for the Super Bowl. 5 beautiful days of peace and silence. The bad news? My son is supposed to get back from his deployment overseas sometime in March. She said they were staying until he got home to see him. :Dou: I hope he gets home sooner than later!!!
    Right now the female is in the house 'cause it is to cold outside. Sunny, 64, and dead calm. I'm outside in shorts and a T-shirt. She's pecking at her toasted bagel and I'm sure feeding the recliner she's sitting in! More later.............
  3. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    Dear Jerry, I have to say thank you for the "pot pies." They were delicious! I picked you first 'cause my short term memory doesn't work anymore. Bill, Thank you for Willie Nelson! He's the BEST!!! Wow!!! I have good stories to tell you all, but I am better than last night! I can't operate the phone. The buttons are to small! But... When you "up north" people see the pictures you will be jealous. The penguins went to the store to get some food. Nobody knew what they wanted. So I said get some grilling pork chops, green beans, and whatever else. They left for the store. My son texts me and says, "Do you want to go for a boat ride?" Hell ya!!! I texted the little penguin "I'm not home." "I went with Alex." We had a blast!!! We went out on a buddies 26 ft. boat for the evening. NICE night!!! T-shirts and shorts. Life is good. I'm going to a "Cars and Coffee" tomorrow morning so I'm sure I won't be back till tomorrow afternoon. Stay warm.
  4. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    PS............... I want my beard back!!!! That's weird, but I really liked being a bum! Old people opened doors for me. I could talk to anybody. Now I'm just a crazy old man.
  5. yachtsmanbill

    yachtsmanbill Well-Known Member

    John... Try this... itll drive the penguins nuts! Tell them its you and your alter ego. Live vicariously! Its only hair! Start a new trend... ws


  6. Smokey15

    Smokey15 So old that I use AARP bolts.


    This whole thread should be copyrighted and published. I certainly would make a lot of folks laugh, even those who suffer not from glaucoma.
  7. yachtsmanbill

    yachtsmanbill Well-Known Member

    I suffer from everything; seems to work for me and you get to have fun at the same time. Pharmaceutically speaking that is. :Dou: :Do No: ws
  8. gsfred

    gsfred Founders Club Member

    John, the protest beard is gone, now you can regrow it and call it a "Make America Great Again Beard".

  9. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    Okay guys, here goes. I was nice to the male penguin yesterday and today. He helped me wash my car for this morning's Cars and Coffee. I even took his picture. He doesn't know it. Washing car.jpg
    So yesterday the little penguin and the elder female penguin go to the store to buy groceries. I said I'd BBQ dinner for us. The male penguin went to church so he could go to the car show this morning. He never misses church. As soon as they left my son texts me about boating. Don't be jealous of the pictures. We had on T-shirts, shorts, and flip flops. Boat trip5.jpg Boat trip 1.jpg Boat trip2.jpg Boat trip.jpg Boat trip6.jpg Boat trip7.jpg It was a GREAT night out!!! When I got home they weren't even mad at me. They all went out to dinner. Life is good!
    Bill.... Did you shave it completely off? I started to leave my mustache and then thought, forget it. It was a crazy mess. Some 2 inch hairs and some 4 inch hairs. So I chopped it all off.
  10. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    That's a GREAT idea Fred!!! I'm already thinking about how much time I'm going to waste in the morning "trying" to look pretty. I was getting really good at getting in and out of the bathroom in the morning. My buddy, he's always been single, taught me to save time by brushing my teeth in the shower while I'm waiting for the water to get hot. (It doesn't take long in Florida.) Then I just throw the tooth brush towards the sink. Pisses my wife off! She says I cause splatters on the mirror. Once, just once, I actually banked the tooth brush off of the wall, then it hit the mirror, and landed in the tooth brush cup. Best day ever!!!!!
  11. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    WHEW!!! I got up this morning at 6:15. I thought it was Saturday. Then I realized it was Sunday. Sunday's always suck cause Monday comes next. I fixed myself yesterday's coffee, microwaved, and went outside. After I woke up a little bit I went to let the neighbor's dog out. (I'm dog sitting.) Don't tell the neighbor, I didn't let him out. He already pissed on the floor and left a poo poo at the front door for me. The dog should be put to sleep! It's one of those little Yorkies that's about 15 years old. It's blind and deaf. When you open the backdoor to let him out he walks into the wall. Hilarious! I can't wait till I'm that way. After cleaning up dog piss and poop I got the car out of the garage. The male penguin was all excited about going to the car show. We left the house and picked up my buddy Jack. He's almost like the Yorkie. Then we met up with my buddy Milton who has a very nice, unrestored, 70 GS455. From there we went to the show. The place was PACKED!!!! I'd say at least 3,000 cars. Seriously, no lie. Unfortunately there were more newer cars than old classics. They were completely unorganized this morning. Usually they group the cars. Not today. There were probably more Rustangs than anything else. The dealer must be giving them away. There were a couple of Tesla's. Interesting. NOT!!! Not for $150,000. The guy was nice though. We met my buddy Shev out there. He has a beautiful maroon T-Type. This car hauls butt!!! While we were talking to him this guy and a model walked up to him and asked him if they could take a picture of his car. Without hesitating Shev says, "Sure, if I can take a picture with her." The guy busted out laughing. They took their pictures and then Shev got his picture with her arm around him. Wish my car was closer!!!:laugh:
    After the car show I brought Jack back to his house and we had a couple of "protein" drinks. His protein drinks pack a punch. 0.9% protein by volume. I'm used to Natty Lights. They only have 0.7% protein by volume. YUMMY!!! Now it's time to get the day started. Fix up a cooler and go over Jack's. I'm going to put my new Grant steering wheel on my car. By the way, it is windy as can be down here. I hear you northerner's are sending us a cold spell late tonight. Bummer! Here's some pics... Cars and Coffee.jpg Cars and Coffee1.jpg Cars and Coffee2.jpg Cars and Coffee3.jpg Cars and Coffee4.jpg Cars and Coffee5.jpg
  12. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    Jerry, where did you get those cute smiley guys practicing sharing? That is AWESOME!!! I want them!
  13. Guy Parquette

    Guy Parquette Platinum Level Contributor

  14. 66electrafied

    66electrafied Just tossing in my nickel's worth

    I live in the wrong part of the world, one where real penguins of the avian kind would find themselves quite at home. I'd take a picture of the hoar frost that's out there right now but it's dark. I look at those boating pictures and I want to cry...

    As for the beard, do it: grow it scruffy and long, walk around looking like an ISIS official. I think since your new president got himself elected the slogan has been changed to "WE SHALL OVERCOMB" ...

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
  15. yachtsmanbill

    yachtsmanbill Well-Known Member

    Hey Marc... don't take this wrong, its meant with humor, but we can build a northside wall too LOL...Itll make summer fishing trips kinda difficult.
    300 lb guys don't rapell too well :eek2: John... grow the beard back and tell the thumper penguins yer gonna become a moozlum while yer BBQing a nice PORK LOIN. Reminds me of an off color joke about How many moozlums does it take to run a BBQ??? Cant post the answer here LOL... BTW, had the Flavor Saver forever! ws

    Jerry, where did you get those cute smiley guys practicing sharing? That is AWESOME!!! I want them! ME TOO!!
  16. Smokey15

    Smokey15 So old that I use AARP bolts.

    They are from the rather large selection at Southside Street Cars. A club, here in west Michigan that I am treasurer of. I think you can right click on mine and 'copy image location', then past in the URL option of our image uploader. That's what I do.
    wow.gif jerry.gif
  17. 66electrafied

    66electrafied Just tossing in my nickel's worth

    You can go ahead and build that wall, but we ain't gonna pay for it. I gave all of my money away as a carbon tax; - sort of like burning it and watching it vanish into thin air, well, wait, I mean "thick" air, according to some; problem is the only place they're thick is between the ears...don't like pork loin, but bacon, well, can't get enough of that. And if you build your wall, nor are you guys...apparently the pigs you have in DC are too skinny or too fat; no meat on 'em. :grin:

    Yep; this thread is funnier than watching some filthy rich middle aged loser with a blond bombshell of a trophy wife (imbued with an IQ of a houseplant) bidding up some over-restored retro-modded mid sixties Ford product while absolutely gooned out of his toque on the BJ circuit...
  18. yachtsmanbill

    yachtsmanbill Well-Known Member

    I'm rather fond of Canadian Bacon myself... no waste, or is that waist? How about a compromise? We'll build that wall out of French Toast and have to eat our way in to go fishing? Ya know now, we can watch the news without the volume turned on... its all about eye candy versus raunchy looking old men with hairy ears and nostrils; just as long as Ruth Ginsberg aint the cover girl on the new calendars.

    We have finally turned shiddy politics into entertainment; now wheres my lighter?? :beers2: ws
  19. Smokey15

    Smokey15 So old that I use AARP bolts.

    It went there. So, here you guys, here.........
    <iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  20. yachtsmanbill

    yachtsmanbill Well-Known Member

    What a great tune! Does laying on a cold concrete floor snorting brake clean fumes burning off a torpedo heater count? I was draining the oil and blowing smoke rings in the cold vapor near the floor... enjoying the shanty then Pat called me in for coffee ws


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