How are you guys doing?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Guy Parquette, Feb 26, 2021.


    STAGE III Lost Experimental 455-4 Bolt Main Block.

    Hi Guy,
    I am sure you know how all over the place I am dealing with chronic depression,anxiety, and at times crippling pain from surgeries I could not afford to have & not being able to afford $300 a month pain meds the Doctor said I need my only option has been alcohol which I try and put off for the week-ends. I now (as of January this year) have diabetes meaning the alcohol is a no go so now have no relief from the pain and the diabetes beating my ass (dizzy,blurred vision, headaches , stomach pain etc ) y blood glucose hit right under 400 last week so Doc gave me shots to take (NO not those shots! Lol).
    Don`t know how I will get through all this debilitating crap but I DO KNOW , with God's help I can make it one day at a time (most of which is lying down and sleeping when I think I will hurt myself to escape the pain and overwhelming crap).Totally understand where you are coming from brother.
    I will PM you my number, because helping one another helps BOTH parties.
    If the depressions seem inescapable find someone or somewhere to help, God led me to work the Homeless Shelters and a few church ministries to do (back when I was physically able) and it totally helped me while also doing something good for those who were in need.
    Anyhow, you call me anytime, if I don't answer probably sleeping so leave me a voice mail. Until then don't listen to the lies from 'old tapes playing" telling you it's hopeless,I`m better off dead etc. Those are lies straight outta Hell.
    Focus on one day or one minute or one second at a time and NEVER make big decisions during this till at least 24 hours,might save your life. God bless you brother!
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2021
    Guy Parquette, PGSS, Dano and 2 others like this.
  2. Tyrone shoelace

    Tyrone shoelace New Member

    Hang in there Guy, you've made what seems like The hardest step already. Admitting there's a problem and that you want to change it. My ex-wife was an alcoholic and kept it very well hidden. Once it became bad enough to be obvious we all offered to do what it took to get her into detox and AA. She declined and drank herself to death by the age of 55. I'll say a prayer for you and wish you all the strength in the world to beat this addiction.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2021
    Dano likes this.
  3. shaggyfinisher

    shaggyfinisher Well-Known Member

    Hey Bro
    You can quit....think of everyone that needs you.
    That's what I do everyday.....been around it all my life. How old are you? You admitted it....that's's hard but make good decisions and you can overcome your problem of drinking. Not being critical or anything but it's all on you to have a moral compass.
    Love you Bro
    PGSS and Guy Parquette like this.
  4. gs66

    gs66 Silver Level contributor

    Guy, you have accomplished a lot in life so far. Your accomplishments required strength and determination which you still possess and can now use in this fight. Just remember you have the strength to accomplish beating this thing too and we are all here for you. If there’s anything I can do please reach out.
    PGSS likes this.
  5. Brian Albrecht

    Brian Albrecht Classic Reflections

    No, you are not alone Guy. Unfortunately, we probably all have someone close that has struggled. Why is it always Vodka? The difference I see with you is that you are a very accomplished individual (blessed) and are not only wanting to change, but you are being open and honest about it. All you're lacking is a little blend of self worth, will, focus, and support. God bless Guy.

    FWIW - always appreciate your posts, and this one is certainly no exception
    PGSS, Guy Parquette, Dano and 4 others like this.
  6. Steve Reynolds

    Steve Reynolds SRE Inc

    Hang in there Guy and get some help from the outside..... AA or some kind of consoling/rehab. Life is short...... get it conquered and enjoy everything you've worked for and have accomplished!! Nothing to be ashamed of..... just need to fix it.

    It's similar to our 455 Buicks...... sooner or later they all fail...... it's just a question of when. Then it becomes the question of how soon and how much effort you put in to get it fixed and working again!
    Guy Parquette, 72gs4spd and PGSS like this.
  7. Max Damage

    Max Damage I'm working on it!

    So sorry to hear of your struggles Guy. I know I have never met you in person, but still feel connected through these forums.

    Please know that we are all with you, and that although you are feeling negative about yourself, you will get better.

    I have had many close friends and family that struggle with alcohol. It's hard because society accepts it use as "normal" even though it's a problem for so many.

    Usually I believe it's self medication for depression. Winter, COVID and other events make us all feel down. Hopefully you get some help and feel better soon.
    PGSS and Dano like this.
  8. docgsx

    docgsx It's not a GTX

    Brother you can do this, there’s good Bible-based programs in your area I am sure. God will hold you in his hands while you battle this. I know you can do it though!
  9. stump puller455

    stump puller455 1970 GS 455

    Hold your head up ....sometimes it takes a moment of clarity to realize what’s really going on.... I’ve been through exactly what you’re going through.... it’s not easy it takes effort I would recommend AA like the others above .. 18 years sober for me if i make it to April 19 ..Best thing I ever did..... just have to take the first step and stick with it no matter what no matter what.... The rest will be history.. you can live a great happy life... god bless
    Mister T and PGSS like this.

    STAGE III Lost Experimental 455-4 Bolt Main Block.

    I wanted to share some important info about AA,not being disrespectful,just sharing.
    Our best thinking got us where we are when we hit bottom.
    The answer is not about being stronger it is about trusting in something greater than ourselves.
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference,THY will be done (not mine).
    The “higher power” can be a tree a rock,whatever you want at 1st, but you have to admit you are powerless and through meeting with others who totally understand, and all take turns sharing about it we are getting healing. And when the time is right you can get an AA sponsor who will be there for you as much as he can and God will be with you always if you ask & admit yours sins and ask him in.
    I still consider myself a rolling wreck but short of God I would not even be here typing this.
    Find some local meetings Guy,if you are asked to share & you aren’t into it just tell them you are here to listen. They will understand : )

    PM’d you my number if you need an ear.
    Bedtime now for this old coot ; )
    but will always return your call.

    bhambulldog, m louk, gokitty and 3 others like this.
  11. Guy Parquette

    Guy Parquette Platinum Level Contributor

    thanks. How the hell did you do it. I tried for several years now
    bhambulldog likes this.
  12. Guy Parquette

    Guy Parquette Platinum Level Contributor

    yes I will say that prayer tonight. Sucks. And my guns are in a hidden place. Did I say I need help?
    bhambulldog likes this.
  13. Clarkie

    Clarkie Well-Known Member

    PM sent.

    BUQUICK I'm your huckleberry.

    Praying for you Guy. Sent you a PM.

  15. hwprouty

    hwprouty Platinum Level Contributor

    Guy we have been there, you will prevail.
    PM sent.
    Guy Parquette likes this.
  16. Chuck Bridges

    Chuck Bridges Well-Known Member

    Achohol addiction is a disease. I lost a lot of my family to it and decided when my wife got pregnant with our first child to quit alcohol and pot. I never looked back, glad to be rid of it. I pray for strength and support for you in your fight with this. Remember all the friends you have, including the ones you haven't met yet. I will pray for you.
    Guy Parquette likes this.
  17. Dano

    Dano Platinum Level Contributor

    Likewise. Often not easy to do.
    PGSS likes this.
  18. Brian Albrecht

    Brian Albrecht Classic Reflections

    Does anybody live anywhere near Guy? He is in Mosinee, WI.

    If you do, I am certain people on here will step up to help cover any expenses (and then some) you might incur to visit with him as soon as possible. He needs an extended V8 wellness check!
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2021

    STAGE III Lost Experimental 455-4 Bolt Main Block.

    Got wedding planning to do with son & fiancé all day but you are NOT alone.
    I obviously recognize the gun references from hitting bottom at 24 years old and even “the knee jerk response” though as recent as this year.
    You don’t need escape you just need some very understanding help at as many AA meetings you can go to,there are zero requirements except for the desire to change brother.,-87.7055713,6z
  20. dan zepnick

    dan zepnick Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear this from you Guy,but admitting your need for help is the first step. My son too has a problem I'm trying to help him get through his alcohol addiction. His problem of backing down or weening off alcohol is his withdrawals when he sleeps. How are yours and what do you do to help them? Give me a call sometime. When racing season starts if you want to make the trek to wir you can hang out for something to take your mind off it. Take car buddy

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