fahrenheit 911

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Gumby, Jun 25, 2004.

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  1. Gumby

    Gumby Guest

    fahrenheit 911

    People like him are why they had black list back in the day.

    Its not very PC anymore but he should be on everyones sh!t list atleast.

    He is not doing one good thing for this country. I am sure he has lots n lots of security as someone sooner or later is gonna beat the crap out of him.

    [Give me a chance and Id blast him a good one. Right in the kisser]

    Its funny though that they keep saying the movie is out this Friday. Today. But the movie is still not rated. Ratings people do not even want to touch it. As the movie would not even be so wide spread if he wasn't paying for it to happen.

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  2. Ergot

    Ergot Fast with cash.

    Welcome to America where people are free to make bad movies
    and badmouth whomever they please so long as their behavior doesn't constitute libel or slander.

    Dont like Moore? Don't watch his movies.

    Punching people because you don't like their opinions is about
    as Un-American as it gets.
  3. TXGS

    TXGS Paint by numbers 70 GS 455 4spd

    Jason commenting about gumby's Michael Moore comment is All American!

    I personnelly agree with Gumby on this one!
  4. Gumby

    Gumby Guest

    There is a fine line between opinion and sabotage's of the American name. He might as well be burning a flag.

    That whole movie says soldiers are dying in vain for Bushes ego. He might as well be spiting on each and every dead soldiers grave. Bad press n PR aside kicking allot of ass in the middle east would make life better for tons of people. If after they have free elections they vote to still live in the dirt and suppress women. Then fine. They can also tell us to take a flying BLEEP. But at least it will be their real true choice.

    If your gonna live in America you must understand we will fight for anyones freedom. Send our boys to die to free yours. Any time evil crosses the line we will be there to fight and die. You must support them or your well a BAD AMERICAN. Worthy of a sucker punch.

    he has earned a sucker punch as MM crossed the line. John Kerry would not even go that far.

    "America may have some problems but its our home, our team. If you don't like the team, you should get the hell out of the stadium."

    KEN COTRONA Well-Known Member

    have you seen the movie ?
  6. Ergot

    Ergot Fast with cash.

    I'm not a big fan of MM personally. At best his " documentaries " are occasionally thought provoking and amusing especially watching him hound people like Heston for the purpose of recording his reactions to provocative questions.

    I think its funny that there is going to be a rebuttal book called: " Michael Moore is a big fat stupid white man ".

    Seeing the movie this weekend if its showing here.

    BTW, John Stewart ownz on the Bush administration every
    night but I guess since its on comedy central its not to be taken

    The best was the other night showing an interview with Cheney denying saying that he had ever said there was a definate connection between Al qaida and Iraq and then a cut to him saying that exact same thing.
  7. Madcat455

    Madcat455 Need..more... AMMO!!!

    YES.... I Love the way John does that....lol. I try to never miss a show. Great thing about him it that he will do that to anybody who gives him the ammo... No just Rep. (although latley it seems that they are giving pleanty of ammo:Dou: )

    :TU: :TU: :TU: to John Stewert
  8. austingta

    austingta Well-Known Member

    >He might as well be burning a flag. <

    I hate to tell you, but that's legal here too. The good news is anyone who believes it should be illegal can move to any number of countries where it IS illegal to disagree in public with the government.

    As a matter of fact, I'll even help you pack!

    Frank Brooks
  9. Ruston Kelly

    Ruston Kelly Thunder from Down Under

    Hey Frank! Don't send those types over here as we don't like that sort of behavior either !!:beer
  10. TJDIV

    TJDIV Well-Known Member

    his view are "extreme".

    I do, however, appreciate the fact that someone like him has the balls to make the movie. It's interesting.

    That being said, I certainly wish there was someone else running for the O-ffice. Top two choices just aren't doin' it for me.
  11. crazyjackcsa

    crazyjackcsa Big and Untame

    My problem personally with Moore is that lots of people take them as truth, ie as a true "documentaries" are totally left leaning, which he says he does on purpose. That's fine by me, but don't call them documentaries then.

    John Stewart on the other hand, I think he once said he was "anti Bull@#$!"
    I never miss an episode!
  12. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    I figured this was a quote to add.

    What is everyone that's against this movie afraid of? Is Bush's administration so weak that it can't take a few opposing views?
  13. Dana/Beth Andrews

    Dana/Beth Andrews Huc accedit zambonis!

    Cant we just all get along ?



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  14. ethan

    ethan buicks rock!

    I think it's hilarious that the right keeps trying to censor him, and all it does is give him press and attention. They're attempting to get his ads pulled from TV, and harassing movie theaters to not carry the movie. Why resort to censorship? There must be some shred of truth in that movie that they don't want people to see.
  15. Well, I just got back from the movie.......

    I am not a political person but I have to admit Howard Stern's relentless discussion of the film and it's content made me curious.

    Let me start by saying this and it is my opinion, as I am not trying to garner support.

    The film points out factual truths.
    1. Bush family connections with Saudi government
    2. Bush's involvement with the Bin Laden family financially backing his Texas oil ventures.
    3. When all flights in the US after 9/11 were grounded, the BinLaden family was flown out of the country without a subpoena issued concerning Osama or thier known info about him
    4. Saudi Arabia having an estimated $860+ billion invested in the US economy.
    5. Haliburton, and Carlyle involvement with appointing new Afghani govt with people formerly involved with a Unocal 76 natural gas pipeline through Afghanistan
    6. Bush cutting aid to military vets, families and loss of benefits

    Now the film does go for the heart and tries to sway opinions by showing dead bodies, low troop moral, innocent civilians dying in Iraq, US military invasions of private Iraqi homes, parents of KIA soldiers and a comedic view of the current administration.

    I saw the film formed my own opinions and can say that this will be viewed by some as propaganda, but will seen by others as the truth.

    I think that's what makes this country great. The ability the demonstrate free speech.

    If you want to see it, go
    If not, don't go.
  16. mineseats9

    mineseats9 Gold Level Contributor


    I love my country and truthfully would love to watch a flag burner get socked in the jaw,but that is still not the right thing to do and won't change their opinion. I don't like Bush because of the things he is doing to my country and the future of my country. I have nothing but complete support of our troops and their families. Young men should not die. I believe that the war is doing more harm than good and really will not change things in the region. Movies are opinions and stories and of course they are going to be biased towards whatever side the filmaker is supporting. Hopefully we are all smart enough to see through the BS (and there is a lot of it on every side) and form our own opinions on each person or group and not rely on the local newscast for all of our information. "take what you can,give nothing back" sounds like what our government has been doing to all of us for a long time. I hope we are not just getting or going to get used to it. I'm going for a ride in the Buick,the world is really pissing me off and the only cure is to drop the top and cruise.
  17. preztoyz

    preztoyz Well-Known Member

    I was thinking about keeping my opinion to myself, but I can't resist.

    I don't think it is all Bush where the economy is concerned. It all started with Clinton. If he hadn't signed the NAFTA agreement people would not be losing their jobs left and right. the Businesses wouldn't be sending the work over seas. Bush is just left with the remains of what Clinton started. I have heard people blame it on 9/11, but most of it started with Clinton. If he wasn't getting his "CIGAR" smoked under his desk and understood what he was signing the economy wouldn't be this bad. I know I am having trouble finding a job in this small place where I live. Wrangler Jeans Corp. Shut down all their plants around us except for one. They sent all their work over seas. Now all that is really left is fast food and Wal-Mart and they are hiring the school kids. (No offence to any school kids).

    I would never burn the AMERICAN FLAG. I love this country. Who ever would burn a flag, may as well smack all of us AMERICANS in the face. I support our troops and their families too. I can only imagine what they are feeling. My grandfather was a prisoner of WWII and I can remember stories he would tell me, and they weren't good. I think what should have been done is........when they attacked us. We should have dropped one bomb and blown them off the map. The only bad thing about doing that though is all the innocent people dying.

    AMERICA: If you don't like it, then get the F%#K out and Stay out.


  18. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    And the political atmosphere is only going to get worse over the next 20 years. The yuppies are killing this country. Yes, there's always been big-business pulling politician's strings (rent Mr. Smith Goes to Washington), but never to this widespread appeal.

    Ben Franklin is rolling over in his grave at what we've done to his country. Don't forget he was a loyalist to England for most of his life, then became a full Patriot (even condemning his own son to prison) all for the sake of the idea the founding fathers had of self government. And now with the very type of monarchy in power that he detested, we're all in serious trouble as a free nation.

    Remember, you heard it here first. 6/25/04.
  19. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    Well said.

    I also back what Yardley stated.


    It bothers me to be considered unpatriotic because I don't agree with someone's opinion. Oh well.

    As for the economy, it is typical to blame an administration. The government can help or hurt, but can't put us in this far under. The funny thing is, if we look outside our little bubble, we'll notice the economic problems are world-wide; like it or not.

    Because our economy is so large we are often hit last... and longer. As for NAFTA - the world economy was linked far before. This was true before we were such major force. Look at the world picture during our depression, WWI or WWII.

    I'm certainly not for Bush, but I doubt I'll see the movie. I liked Moore back when he had his TV show, but am not too interested any more. The commercials show one thing I think is neat, though. The golf scene.

    I can only imagine how it is intended to come across, but it made me think how nice it would be to see more of our presidents going about their lives. To be able to see more than just speeches and interviews. Then again, they have very little privacy as it is.
  20. 72 pet chicken

    72 pet chicken i dont wanna be a pirate!

    i think bush, or the administration has done that to some extent already.

    i liked mores doc. on columbine. i think ill go see this one too. seems pretty intertaining. the scene in the preview where hes urging other contries to do all the can to fight terrorism and then says something like "now check out this swing" is priceless!

    i would love to here a bush supporter spin that one around. :Dou:

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