What a Shame,Stern/Brownback/Censorship

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by GS Kubisch, Jun 23, 2004.

  1. GS Kubisch

    GS Kubisch THE "CUT-UP" BUICK

    Well......I try noy to get Political but this one really gets me.
    Senator Brownback representing Kansas has gotten his way by "Piggy-backing" a Bill to increase FCC fines with a Military Bill.
    So of course no one wants to go against it due to the fact it would then be used against them.IE "So-and-so voted against Bill such-and-such so they are anti-Military."

    When will people understand the difference between Church and State????

    I don't need someone from "The Fellowship" That thinks they are doing Jesus's work by telling me what is,And isn't decent.!!!!!!!!

    Especially with the mess in Iraq,I would think they would have bigger issue's than "Penis Jokes".....

    The Soldiers are fighting in Iraq for Freedom's that are being taken from us here....

    I am just one of many "Swing Votes that are going to come out of the "woodwork".....

    They started it,Now it is my turn to respond.:af:
  2. leo455

    leo455 LAB MAN

    That's what makes this country great. People that will to stand up for what they beleive in. My personnel feelings, It should be illegal for someone to piggy-back a bill.
  3. Dana/Beth Andrews

    Dana/Beth Andrews Huc accedit zambonis!

    Is this to extreme

    Swing Away

    Quoted from email I receieved...

    "The government today announced that it is changing its emblem from an Eagle
    to a CONDOM because it more accurately reflects the government's political
    A condom allows for inflation, halts production,
    destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of
    pricks, and gives you a sense of security while you're actually being screwed."

  4. 8587GN

    8587GN Well-Known Member

    With GW in the office,there will never be a seperation of "church & state" After all,he "talks to God":Do No: The leader of this country SHOULD NOT let his beliefs get into the way of him doing his job,in GW`s case,it sure is.
    The govt should be concered about what is happening over in the middle east,but since JJ`s breast poped out:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: there more concered about what we see and hear...HELLO...thats why radio`s and tv`s have knobs on them....to change the channel:Dou: :Dou:
    I guess pee-pee,and poo poo jokes are more important than people getting beheaded in Iraq,soldiers getting killed,etc

    off my rant know


    I talk to God myself................... everyday. (I guess im a lunitic too :rolleyes:)
    And I do beleive he should allow his "Morals" help him with his decisions. See my other post about america waking up.
  6. GS Kubisch

    GS Kubisch THE "CUT-UP" BUICK

    Morals should be based on the People here and now.....
    And yes,After reading your posts about how fast you made here,And there......Yes you are a Lun-A-tic!

    Your "Wake Up" post was about more relavent/important issue's than people that can decide for themselves what is and isn't "Decent".....

    If you need God to help in your daily routine.......That's great,Most people need to feel they belong to something.

  7. Dana/Beth Andrews

    Dana/Beth Andrews Huc accedit zambonis!

    Gary, you are right, I belong to V8 Buick,
    BPG & CCGSCA :laugh:


    I dont think anyone is trying to force their beliefs, that would be like the Taliban.
    But more and more the religious right expects all to step in line with their way of thinking or be damned, wait that is just like the Taliban

  8. into_l

    into_l Well-Known Member

    If 'ya ain't 'fer us, 'yer agin' us!

    Amen and Hallelujah!?! :grin:

    This sounds like an underhanded (politely speaking) way of equating one's religious values with their support of the military. You're absolutely right, this is worth getting riled about!

    I am AGAINST censorship, and a lot of the other cr_p that this administration has been getting away with!
  9. TuBBeD

    TuBBeD Well-Known Member

    Alot of it has to do with changing times. Years ago the government didn't have to interfere too much even though they had censors, because most people took it upon themselves to be more conservative and show more respect towards other people. The way life was followed was through higher morals, stronger beliefs, and respect for the traditional ways. With Janet showing her goods and gay people getting married everywhere, it's probably one way for our leaders to try and get everything back to a normal and traditional sense of American living. I don't believe the government should interfere with our rights. One thing I'd rather not see is people exploiting there ways of life upon other people (including me) in a disrespectful way through tv, newspapers, or radio. If I hear or see something of that nature I turn it off, but seeing the craziness nowdays seems to show the over-extending use of our rights.
  10. 8587GN

    8587GN Well-Known Member

    Mike...reread my post,Where did I call you a lunatic????????

    I for one am against all organized religin,its all about the ALMIGHTY dollor .....nothing else,I guess they forgot about God,Alah,or whatever you believe in.

    With this adm in office its kinda like the middle east,take our views,or else we`ll make see things our way. I dont believe in it.And I will be voting this year[its something I havent done in quit a few years]
  11. Dana/Beth Andrews

    Dana/Beth Andrews Huc accedit zambonis!

    ]TuBBeD said:Alot of it has to do with changing times.[QUOTE

    Most of the civilized world is getting more open and progressive, while the U.S. is is getting more repressive and puritanical.

    Years ago the government didn't have to interfere too much even though they had censors, because most people took it upon themselves to be more conservative and show more respect towards other people. The way life was followed was through higher morals, stronger beliefs, and respect for the traditional ways. With Janet showing her goods and gay people getting married everywhere, it's probably one way for our leaders to try and get everything back to a normal and traditional sense of American living.[QUOTE

    Years ago commercial radio and TV (regulated by the Govt.) werent pushing the envelope in regards to decency i.e. "sex sells" the way they are doing now.
    Clear channel did not have a problem with Howard Stearns "penis jokes" untill he came out on the air against the Bush administration.

    I don't believe the government should interfere with our rights. One thing I'd rather not see is people exploiting there ways of life upon other people (including me) in a disrespectful way through tv, newspapers, or radio. If I hear or see something of that nature I turn it off, but seeing the craziness nowdays seems to show the over-extending use of our rights. [/QUOTE]

    Our founding fathers came here and formed this democracy after over extending the use of their rights in the countries from whence they came.
    Should we really play the old
    "I dont like it so you cant do it" game?

  12. Mentalkase

    Mentalkase Desert Coonass

    Sorry,I keep reading that this administration is forcing things upon you.Let's see,I don't recall anyone saying you HAVE to accept Jesus as your saviour.That is your choice.Remember,ALL but one founding father of this country were full blown Christians.The one being Ben Franklin,and he himself declared he had a belief in Jesus,but did not practice it on a regular basis as did the others.This country was founded on the teachings of Jesus,and was meant to follow the bible to live our lives.Thomas Jefferson even wrote that the teachings of the Bible were so important that it should be taught in schools.

    In 1962 is when the Supreme Court ruled you could no longer pray in public schools.Since then,murders,rape,molestation,violence in general have shot up hundred fold.Before then,we had too many prisons and some were even being torn down because they could not justify keeping them open at about 15 to 20 % occupancy.Now we can not even build them fast enough to house prisoners.

    The United States had never lost a war,The Revolution,1812,WW1,WW2,Korea and several others,all before 1962.Look what happened in Vietnam after that.Hundreds of thousands of men were killed.

    Allowing people to kill unborn babies,homosexuality being pushed on us telling us this is natural,gangs blowing each other away along with innocent people,political correctness,being told we are not allowed to even have bible studies in our own homes in several cities around the country,teenage pregnancy at an all time high,drug abuse at an all time high,DWI at an all time high,high school dropout at an all time high.ALL since 1962.Check it out,it is all in the library.I have done my reading,I have seen it all with the people I have grown up with.My mom is just blown away at the difference between her generation and mine.She is 52,I am 32.

    Yes,times have changed and so has this country,but it has not been because of this administration,it has been because of a total rewrite of our Constitution by people who have had different agendas than that of our founding fathers.

    I am not a political person,but I have seen what is going on in this country.Not because I am living here,but because I listen to more than one side.I watch Fox news,I watch CNN,I see the headlines I hear the radio.BOTH sides.Left and Right.I never fully agree with either side,I listen and make my own opinion,but nowadays,people just repeat what they hear on tv or see in the paper with no regard to look uo the whole story.

    Anyway,I am going to bed,I have work in the morning.Go ahead and flame me,send me hate mail,call me names and try to discredit me.I am a Christian and love Jesus with all my heart,I am used to people making their remarks.

    Everyone have a blessed night.
  13. TuBBeD

    TuBBeD Well-Known Member

    "Most of the civilized world is getting more open and progressive, while the U.S. is is getting more repressive and puritanical."

    I think that isn't true since we have homosexuals getting married and illegal aliens able to work and vote. Tell me how we've gotten more repressive and puritanical from years past? What laws were enforced which took our privliges away that we once had?

    " Years ago commercial radio and TV (regulated by the Govt.) werent pushing the envelope in regards to decency i.e. "sex sells"
    Clear channel did not have a problem with Howard Stearns "penis jokes" untill he came out on the air against the Bush administration."

    All this started from Janet showing off her goods during the middle of the superbowl. From then on the FCC said they were going to crackdown on programs and the people associated with airing obscene content during the daytime. These rules have been in place for awhile and the FCC is finally enforcing them.
    I believe, between the times of 10pm and 6am there are no restrictions on the radio as I hear them play songs with foul language during the night and into the morning. If Howard wants to do what he wants, then he should reschedule his show. I believe the government had these rules set before his show aired, so he should've realized it before going on. The FCC is just enforcing the rules, not making new ones.

    "Our founding fathers came here and formed this democracy after over extending the use of their rights in the countries from whence they came.
    Should we really play the old
    "I don't like it so you cant do it" game"

    Just because we have rights it's possible to over-extend them too, like you've mentioned in your post that I quoted. There has to be a fine line drawn in order to keep civility in our country. Just because we have rights doesn't give us right to do whatever we want, whenever we want. There has to be a set of rules to follow, or this country will go to hell in a heartbeat. People keep pushing the envelope to see how far we can go without thinking how much it'll hurt our society. I guess people are becoming more selfish instead of respecting the people around them.

    To me, I can care less what Howard does, or anyone else for that matter. I just ignore them and as long as people don't bother me, I don't bother them. The only reason I'm posting on this thread is people need to realize the consequences of their actions. Alot of people don't take that into consideration when they do something and then they feel they have their rights taken away when someone steps in and stops them from doing more damage than what they've done.
  14. MPRY1

    MPRY1 Gear Banger

    Well said Rob,

    I'd like to add that the FCC restrictions are not getting any more severe and Bush isn't creating any type of theocracy. It's just that the US population's morals are going down the toilet. Watch 10 mins of MTV and you will see that we as a nation have hit rock bottom.

    How do you think Howard Stern would have played back in the 50s? They probably would have thrown his sorry butt in jail. Hoover and the FBI would have made him "disappear". So lets please keep things in perspective in regards to freedoms being taken away.

    If anything we have gotten way more freedom now then we have ever had. You want to see the difference, go to "progressive" Europe. Head to Germany and start waving a nazi flag and yelling white power. Lets see how well your freedom of speech right is protected. Or head on over to the UK where the police can search your house without a warrent and no probable cause.

    As far as George Bush forcing religeon on you. I recomend doing some looking back at religeous references made by past presidents through out our nations history. Some of these guys would have been considered religeous zeolots by those that are so offended now by any reference to God.

    Our country is based on freedom of religeon. It does not say freedom FROM religeon. A Christian has just as much a right to practice as an athiest has to not believe. So why do the athiests constantly try and force there non belief on us?
    It swings both ways.
  15. StageTwo

    StageTwo It's a Beauty Too.

    Progressive? I'd agree . . . with "progressively in the wrong direction". Things are getting worse. Much worse. How could anyone defend the filth that is "progressively" being streamed into our homes? Short of throwing the television out the window, just how exactly do you not avoid it when you're trying to enjoy something good? It's impossible because it just gets worse and more frequent. That "progressive" stuff has no social redeemable value. It simply degrades.

    Freedoms are only good to the extent that they are used for wise purposes. Trying to protect garbage with freedom is not wise. We may be free to choose, but we're never free to choose the consequences of what we choose. Consequences of the poor use of freedom can result in the loss of that freedom.

    One of the most ignorant statements I've ever heard is "morals change as people change." Morals don't change. People's acceptance/rejection of them change, but that should not be mistaken for some new level of morality. Morality is a standard, the same today, yesterday, and tomorrow. Obviously, there must be a standard on which to have a just perspective and/or argument. Without such, there would be no meaning, no basis, no objectives, or no truth. No truth.

    Don't fool yourself into thinking that rules are designed to restrict freedom. Though not all rules are created equally, the good ones are designed to guide us in the best direction. Good rules are based on experience and knowledge of what consequences are for a given choice. In fact, good rules help us to ensure that freedoms are not lost. Censorship has its place and should be designed to assist in that effort. Don't be fooled into thinking freedom should protect bad choices. We all need to protect our freedom by making good choices. What's a good choice? Whats a good rule? That's where standards come into play.

    Die filth! Die!
  16. StageTwo

    StageTwo It's a Beauty Too.

  17. Ergot

    Ergot Fast with cash.


    Interesting theory that prayer in school could somehow
    prevent people from growing up and being criminals.


    The boom in prison population is due ( in part ) to mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenders both violent and not.
    Serious violent crimes have been declining since 93 as well as property and firearm related crimes.


    Yet prayer in school has not exactly increased since 93.

    I am not getting into the rest of this discussion but I am a nerd
    and a little over-read when it comes to criminology & the american
    justice system so I thought I would chime in with some facts.

    I will say one thing about the rest of this thread.

    isn't it GREAT to live in a country where we can criticize our government? Even having a website with dissenting
    views in China can land you in jail for a very long time.

    I love this country. :)
  18. tlivingd


    I hope I'm quoteing the correct person..

    anyway I agree with this statement.

    I've seen this with certan laws. I was involved with the Anti-Rave bills that went thru. it's tough. I was a raver. did i do the drug aspect, no but the right for me to go listen to a guy on two turntables and a microphone playing "repetitive" electronic music and been taken away. Currently most of that is because of scare tacticts and police busts. rights of people have been trampled.

    the tickets given in the above article were drug related not just being somewhere they wern't supposed to be. so if they just paid the ticket (many from out of state) they'd have a pretty serious drug charge on their record. I was 2 hrs from going to this party too but wasn't able to make it

    in chicago mayor daily made it illegal to have someone play electronic music to a group well not technically but that's how it is being enforced. This group of people may be as few as 3 people. I've been to small parties where it's just like us sitting around shootin' the schitt about cars giving 1/4 mile times and technical info and drinkin some beers. I's guys on turntables trying new things playin' new music sharing ideas and drinkin some beers and doing some dancing if your not into the music mechanics.
    I've also been to parties (and threw some) where over 600 people showed up thruout the night. and everyone is having a good time.


    This is from experience not just hear-say in media.

    if you look all over europe, they have very open ways to view eachother and their ideas. if you think american shows and advertising are getting extreme here you need to open your eyes. Sure we're not in europe but still this country was made to get away from those restrictions from the "mother country" put on our forefathers in the past and now where can we go since the restrictions are now being placed back on us by our own government?

    ok sorry about the long rant. flame away.


    TROSE11SECGN Boost is my drug

    Oh man what a barn burner this one is. I have to side with people with keeping beliefs to themselves. I was raised Catholic, mom is stepfather is protestant, went through catholic schooling since 5th grade, now will be graduating from jesuit college, basically same thing. i think religion is great but can be overused in the sense, forcing someone to be what you are is not right and doing that only aggravates the situation. Sorry to all those muslims who we have offended but blood in my veins goes through the roof when i hear soldiers dead, and people are worried about some women who says her right of religion is being bypassed b/c she cant wear a turbin on her face to cover it up for a drivers license. it s sad to say especially coming from parents who both came over from italy and austria, but we should lock up our borders. that commercial they are playing with the guy who drives past his factory everyday says he worked 30 years till Dubya sent his job overseas and now serves burgers and fries is ridiculous. i have quite a bit of friends at least 7 i can think of who have lost their jobs b/c of "outsourcing" to foreign nations where those people make $3 an hour and $25k a year salary over there is what a $100k salary over here is, absolutely ridiculous. sorry for getting off topic, i get hot with this especially being a political science major!:af: but i do believe people who love god, can do it but do it privately and dont tell your neighbor they are wrong and they should convert to ur religion. remember "to each his own." i am a catholic and go to mass almost every sunday, but i dont tell my g/f who is greek orthodox "become catholic or we will break up." that is ludicrous and also defaming towards a person and should not be allowed. as for stern i love him to death, if he offens people, b/c he does but his joking is misunderstood as being the spoken word, b/c people are ignorant and dumb, if you dont like it change the channel, like keith said very simple to do. thats my 2 cents and im sticking to it!:beer
  20. StageTwo

    StageTwo It's a Beauty Too.

    I absolutely disagree. Why should we allow filth to be spread freely? Are there no places where virtuous standards can be maintained in public? Must righteous behaviors be limited to privacy? I believe it should be the other way around. If people wish to indulge in immoral behavior they should keep it private and allow good things to be freely accessible in public--free from the instrusion of filth. Freedom from exposure to such dirty environments should be maintained so that people who wish to avoid it do not need to sacrifice the basic rights to enjoy pleasant environments.

    I'm not going to tell anyone they shouldn't listen to Stern (or anything else), but I believe that kind of stuff should not be mingled with the good. Keep it private, not public.

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