What a Shame,Stern/Brownback/Censorship

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by GS Kubisch, Jun 23, 2004.

  1. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    All this would be moot if more people voted Libertarian...

    Wake up America. The 2 party system has destroyed our country.
  2. StageTwo

    StageTwo It's a Beauty Too.

    The problems in our politics are only symptoms of the problem. It all comes down to the choices we make: good versus bad. As much as this world attempts to call good bad and bad good, it can never change good into bad or bad into good. Good choices bring good consequenses. Bad choices bring bad consequenses. It's that simple. It's not about politics, religeon, madness, witch craft, or defining grey lines. Input determines the output. It's about making the right choices; choosing our paths.

    The path we choose will lead us to our destination.
  3. JR Wills

    JR Wills Well-Known Member

    Religion & Politics!
    I have the RIGHT to do what I PLEASE, as long as I don't infringe on "Your Rights".
    If I want to stand in a field, and throw punches, thats MY RIGHT, IF you want to step INTO the area & within my arms length, and get your nose bloodied, thats Your FAULT, RIGHT OR NOT!
    I DON'T have the RIGHT to simply step into your space & throw punches, and that is "Common Sense".
    (Unfortunately, NOT used by MOST)
    I have run across TO MANY Hypocrites Claiming to be "Religious" and would break it off in you in a Heartbeat, & claim "that's Business" so they are exempt from what is RIGHT. B.S.
    Bernie Ebbers (Former CEO of MCI/Worldcom)wanted to "Pray" prior to meetings, then RAPED how many people for their retirement, & I can't go into other items known.
    Lawyers & Politicians Play "Word Games" & like to twist facts. We now have LAWS over riding other Laws, rather than just removing them, if superceeded. MORE B.S.
    "Little Johnny" gets hurt jumping off YOUR roof, YOU are at fault for not securing your property, so his inbred parents sue You. MORE CRAP. (put the little SOB on a leash)
    I DON'T agree with a lot of things on the Radio or TV, BUT there IS a Dial or Button, and that is MY CHOICE.
    Politicians put item into Bills that have NOTHING to do with the main item, and so they have the Smoke & Mirrors games covered.
    We have gotten to the point where we NO LONGER get to vote for "The Best" just the "Lesser of the 2 Evils" in elections.
    "Give Illegals drivers licenses" DUH.... WHY SHOULD THEY NEED A LICENSE, OR ABIDE BY ANYOTHER RULES!
    Put them on the next bus or plane, back,and if they try to come back SHOOT EM.
    END of Soap Box
  4. riv1973

    riv1973 Well-Known Member

    i am a conservative and i listen to stern. it pisses me off that every morning that i go to work he has to rant a rave about bush.

    don't people realize that all this FCC stuff start with JJ and 500,000 complaints that rolled into the FCC. clear channel dumped stern to try and get the heat off of them and to make the government think that they were cleaning up their company after the JJ thing.

    also the FCC is a bi-partisan group and both democrats and republicans voted to act. do i think that the government is targeting stern...yes. but is it because he "bad mouthed bush"? i do not think so. he is a big visible target and he is easy to go after. does he think that Kerry is going to stop the FCC? he is only kidding himself if he thinks that is going to happen.

    i do not think that there should be censorship. i do not think that stern is causing the downfall of american morals. he is tame compared to others like "bubba the love sponge". and there is more weird stuff on TV (cable that is).

    this political cr_p is just getting too much. i used to love politics. i loved debating issues. that seems to be all gone and there is just this anger and hate that one party has for the other. it has become almost intolerable.

    if i did not care about my taxes going up and government taking over i would never vote again and become wonderfully ignorant!

  5. Staged70Lark

    Staged70Lark Well-Known Member


    People like yourself scare the bageebies out of me. Who determines the definition of filth? Some say the cars we drive are also filth and should be taken away. All I know is that I can make my own decisions about religion, sex and cars and filth. I dont need the government telling me what is moral and what isn't moral.

    JR Wills'

    "2 MAIN CAUSES OF WAR: Religion and Politics"


    Take Care
  6. StageTwo

    StageTwo It's a Beauty Too.

    Don't be scared of me, JR. If I'm not being politically correct, then it's because I believe straight talk is more appropriate. I'm not pointing fingers at anyone either, just trying to offer some perspective.

    Each of us should be able to recognize filth. The problem occurs when the majority of us can't and begin to reason that filth isn't filth. Somehow, this world seems to accept that a majority of opinion is what determines what is good and what is bad, even what is true and what is not. Now that is what's scary if you ask me.

    I don't want the government telling me what to do either. But I don't want filth trampling it's way into my everyday life. It has been in recent past and will continue to do so without end unless some of us do something about it. Why should I, for one, stand idle and let it? Do I not have the right to fight back? I love this country and I believe it to be in the best interest of everyone here to keep things clean.
  7. Staged70Lark

    Staged70Lark Well-Known Member


    The post was from me and not JR.

    Here is how you fight what you dont like..... You turn the dial, or turn off your TV or sell your computer. Do I want all out porn on my TV at 5pm when my children are supposed to be watching cartoon... NO. But if porn was on my TV at 5pm then I would get rid of the TV.

    This is what scares me.... This attitude!!! My favorite color is Red... so.. do I go around telling everyone that RED should be everyones favorite color??? What you may think is filth may be OK to me. I have a feeling that if you and i sat down and talked our definitions of filth are completely different. No two people in the world will have the same opinions on every subject.

    Take Care
  8. Davis

    Davis Moderator

    The big issue here that is being missed is the fact that it was piggy backed onto another bill. I get so sick of taking a decent bill and adding their crap onto it or purely rewriting the original intent of the bill to fit their own agenda. Trying to hide it with another bill.

    Why is this done, to get crap thru when it wont stand on its own or to make another look bad for voting it down giving the rewriter leverage.

    Calling them on it for voting it down saying they don't represent what the original bill stands for when in fact it was no longer what it was in its conception because it has been revised form its original intent.


    So raising fines on filth shouldnt have happened????
  10. Dana/Beth Andrews

    Dana/Beth Andrews Huc accedit zambonis!

    Nope, the free market should determine
    what stands and what falls.
    just becouse a few right thinking politicians dont like the content or opinions in a particular mediam that doesnt mean they should be able to re write the laws to basicly run the supposed offenders off the air by means of extortion.
    And if they really felt they had a good piece of legislation it should have been presented & voted on by its own merit and not tacked on to a military appropriations bill, to me that is just dirty pool.



    So having a standard to live up to in the public eye has no place at all...............
  12. msc66

    msc66 still no vacuum

    Ya know, the reason that this so called filth on TV and radio exists is obviously because the majority of people want it. If they didn't then it wouldn't be there because advertisers would pull their advertising because the shows would not get ratings because people wouldn't be watching this objectional stuff. Get it? I'm sorry if your definition of objectionable is different than the majority. Should you be forced to accept it? No. But I also don't want to be forced to accept someone elses definition because they were able to sneek a BS bill through on the back of another. In this country the majority rules and yeh, sometimes it sucks to be in the minority but thats life. At least you have the option to change the channel.

    To be honest, I didn't even know about this Howard Stern thing. He doesn't offend me but I'm not a fan either so I just don't tune in. Its that simple. I'm pretty sure that what I find offensive is way different than some others here but I refuse to believe that this makes me a bad person. I know the difference between right and wrong in the purest sense. I believe in treating all human beings with respect and civility. The fact that I might like to see some of those human naked I don't think makes me a bad person as long as they don't mind being seen. (just an example, I'm not some kind of porn hound or anything)
  13. Dana/Beth Andrews

    Dana/Beth Andrews Huc accedit zambonis!

    Mike, I think we all have our own standards, mine is not the same as yours and yours is not the same as mine, we are individuals who live in a country where free thought, speech and expression are cherished and encouraged.
    I would not throw bologna at a strippers butt slathered with mayonaise,
    but I would defend to the death Howard Sterns right to do so.

  14. StageTwo

    StageTwo It's a Beauty Too.

    Oops. Sorry about that. I'm not really talking to anyone in particular anyhow.

    Here's the problem with that. Where do I turn the channel to? There are only a few shows and channels left that are clean. There was a time when all shows and channels were basically clean. It's getting progressively worse. Before long all channels will be nothing but filth. Same concept applies to all media outlets. It's not enough to turn the other way because the filth is spreading and one cannot simply avoid it any longer. One would have to live in a cave in the middle of some tropical island. That being the case, I choose to stand up against it. I choose to promote a livable environment that is free of it.

    I'm not suggesting that everyone like or embrace the same things. I do believe that any healthy individual can identify what is good and what is bad. I am suggesting that we keep the bad out of our everyday lives. I don't think that is unreasonable. That would allow us all to indulge in what we choose to indulge in without getting into each other's hair.

    I'm done.

    KEN COTRONA Well-Known Member

    I find god filthy.
    please get rid of god.


    Just because people want it dont make it right. Another anoligy can be if everyone's doing it it must be ok.............. Lets all jump off a cliff together everyones doing it, it must be ok.......

    Everytime someone like Stern (I dont care for him myself so I change the channel) gets away with pushing the rules line back another person pushes the line back some more then the line has been pushed back so far that the original intent of the rule is gone and then anything goes. So where does it stop??? Who will be the first to say STOP ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!?? Why should I have to explain homosexuallity or abortion, or sex at all to kids in elementary school??? Noone has any shame anymore. The NEA wants to teach kids at kindergarten that "Joey has 2 dads"

    WHAT THE HELL are we doing bringing kids into that discussion at that age??? We are robbing them of their innocence at an early age. Why are they getting pregnate at 10 11 or 12 now ??? WE have robbed them of their youth and have allowed the trash (I used to think was ok is now out of my house !!!) to infiltrate their minds!!!! I am not saying we need to shelter them at all corners but what has the world pushed into our houses as PC crap. Its out of hand now. I may sound old school but know this what kids are taught from the earliest of ages will stick with them forever!! Look at the Dads who are molesters, their kids have a 80% chance of doing the same. The dads or moms that abuse their kids, the kids are 90% more likely to repeat the same as they get kids and so on .....

    I am totally tired of having to tell my kids " I will explain that when your older"

    Why do have to say that?? Its because the line has been redrawn in the sand so many times what once was intolerable has become the norm.
  17. GS Kubisch

    GS Kubisch THE "CUT-UP" BUICK

    I just get mad at people abusing power.......
    This Brownback has an agenda based on his own beliefs.He is out of line because his mindset is;"I think it is bad,So I've made the decision for everyone".

    I've never driven drunk,done drugs,been arrested,etc.

    I get a kick out of all that find "JESUS" after years of sorry living and want show me "the way"........
    Until now,I've been a good citizen,Just minding my own business.......And now these people want to tell me what is "decent"?
    And in doing so,adversely affect,Or remove things that I enjoy?

    I won't quietly let them do it....Not even in the name of religion.


    I think it is a bit "Fruity",Rediculous,And out of line that this message board has a section called "Help from above" BUT......
    I would not take it from those that need/like it......
    See how that works?
    If you don't like it,Leave it alone.......If it is still there,Someone must want it.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2004
  18. GS Kubisch

    GS Kubisch THE "CUT-UP" BUICK

    You don't sound "OLD SCHOOL".........
    You sound completely unreasonable.....

    Trust me......instill the right ethics in your Kids-"Do on to others,As you would have done to yourself"
    And......."A little hardwork,Goes a long way"

    This has worked for me,Even w/o religious influence.

    I know right from wrong.......And there is alot wrong with you last post.......But then again,I would've expected that after seeing the sticker on your Dually.


    Unreasaonable??? Its not unreasonable to show common sense about crap.

    Why dont you throw a fit at the Democrats that pounded several bills with their own attachments to spend more money to improve the habitat of a feild mouse sanctuary?? I didnt hear anyone getting upset that it will cost us millions to study the mating habits of insects that was also an attachment to a bill. Where is your level thinking now???

    And what sticker are you talking about?
  20. GS Kubisch

    GS Kubisch THE "CUT-UP" BUICK

    This thread proves that not everyone is of the same opinion.....Therefore the "sense'' you speak of,Is not "Common".

    And the reason for this thread,Was to voice my displeasure of the adverse affect a certain INDIVIDUAL's affect will have on my day.

    I am one of millions that enjoy the humor on Howard Stern!
    Just because someone doesn't like him,Does not mean I shouldn't be able to listen,

    You are more hypocritical than you will ever know,Bottom line.
    I don't type well enough to do it here,SO.....
    Next time we meet,I'll be glad to explain that statement to you.

    After I'm DONE RACING:moonu:

    This is not Dem. vs Rep. either....

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