Why are girls my age all crazy?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by mygrain, Mar 10, 2003.

  1. mygrain

    mygrain quivering member

    Well, the most recent one was a stalker and a psyco. She finds out a have a few female friends and goes nuts and ACTUALLY HIT ME A FEW TIMES!! I dont hit girls for any reason but it took all I had not to fight back. I just left and told her to lose my phone number. BTW, she hates my Buicks and was pissed when I told her I was selling my Honda to start driving another Buick. "what do you want an old grampa car for?" :moonu: :moonu: Yeah, whatever.:rolleyes:
    Roll a joint
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2011
  2. mygrain

    mygrain quivering member

    And its not like theres a way around them. I mean what are the alternatives?:blast: :error:
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2011
  3. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    The only 2 things I can tell you about dating/marriage are:

    1) Don't marry a crazy person


    2) Marry someone smarter than you.

    And if you keep the lines of communication and trust open and clear they won't tend to go too bonkers on you.
  4. Mr Big

    Mr Big Silver Level contributor

    It (violent tendencies) will only become worse with time.

    Best move that one along!
  5. John Eberly

    John Eberly Well-Known Member

    Crazy People

    I agree with Jeff - I'm paying the price for marrying a psycho. My first wife latched onto me at a vulnerable time - I was 20, away from home and from my college buddies on a co-op job. She made me feel "needed" and important. We got married to get her away from her "crazy family".

    Fast forward 20 years. We have been split for 8 years after 12 years of the worst hell you can imagine. I am trying to raise two teenage daughters from that ill-fated union, and they are turning out as crazy as their mom! I have always been responsible for them, even when I was married to their mom, and I took them when we split up. See, it's not always the single MOM trying to hold things together! And it's not always the DAD who causes the damage.

    Take your time getting involved. I don't advocate catting around for lots of sex with different women - I think that is less fun than it looks like, and it's not good for your self respect. But be sure that you are choosing somebody for healthy reasons, get to know yourself before you settle down. I really think most people should wait until 28 or older to get married.
  6. john campbell

    john campbell MASSHOLE

    these are words of wisdom
  7. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    Re: Crazy People

    Truer words have never been spoken!!!!!!!! Right on John.

    If you don't know who YOU are, then how in the world will you make a union work when they are trying to get to know you and you are still trying to develop into who you want to be?

    It is very difficult to hit a moving target.
  8. Tomsriv

    Tomsriv Well-Known Member

    Join a club at college and you will meet people with similar interests.

    I always found that you can meet the stable girls at church and youth group. They share my values, which is the most important thing when you are heading towards marriage.

    Dating is good but don't wait to long because by the time you are 21 most of the really good ones are taken, all that is left are the career women.
  9. mygrain

    mygrain quivering member

    Re: Crazy People

    I dont go "catting around". Its not good for my reputation and its not worth the risks. I mean, I dont want a kid at my age.

    I havent been pursuing marriage or even a real serious relationship, just someone who I can spend time with and enjoy life with. But it seems like all the girls I know have some sort of instability and it drives me nuts. I dont go to parties around here either, because I dont drink or do drugs like everyone else in my freakin town.
    Cannabis seeds
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2011
  10. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

  11. tlivingd


    tell me about it

    tell me about it

    at 23 its a bizzo finding anyone dateable. though at the bar mentioning hobbies the buick comes up and generally ears perk up and add the convertable part helps too.
    If a girl can't understand my car fetish then later.

    and im not at all religous so cant find any that way.

    it sure as hell isnt getting easier.

  12. mygrain

    mygrain quivering member

    Re: tell me about it

    Truer words seldom spoken.
    Buy E Cigs
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2011
  13. Shortymac83

    Shortymac83 Not Your Father's Olds!

    Oh, BTW, the X hated the Olds. She thought it was old, loud dirty and stinky, which at the time, it was. Now the new g/f wants to help me work on it and over spring break(Starting Friday) she wants me to teach her how to work on it. It's gonna be mostly body work, and I think I might just sit back and supervise(I did it all on my dad's CJ, so I know what I'm doing - it's her that needs the practice) and give her pointers. then she wants to learn how to change an alternator and the oil. Can't wait for those. Oily G/f. ack.
  14. Smartin

    Smartin Guest

    Re: tell me about it

    Ditto. Out of college and stuck in a rut dating-wise. The bar isn't even a good place to meet people...unless you get lucky and just happen to stumble onto a single good-looking girl. THAT happens a lot:puzzled: :rolleyes:
  15. rtabish

    rtabish Well-Known Member

    here is a few words of advice: don't drive cars you can pick up, dont go with girls you can't pick up. and beware of women who are intellegent enough for you, they may end up smarter than you. that might not be a bad thing, just beware!
  16. JTY

    JTY 1969 Buick Skylark

    For the record... I love my girl friend and I've been with her for over 2 years.

    She likes my car, and my many toys. :) BTW: She grew up in the military.

    Don't date a girl, that's materialistic. It won't work, leave her for the yuppies. :)
  17. tlivingd


    the problem here is that I go to a nearly all guys school. The girls who do go here are to big to pick up and man hating lesbians.. and some are smarter than me... darn engineers.

    makes me want to go to a state school to get an assoc just to find out what i missed out on. (florida state, SIU) University Miami Ohio seems like it wants to be a valley school in the midwest though. (more girls than guys and 90% of the girls are really attractive) shoulda been my first choice but didnt know about it till i came here but hey.. im outtie in 73 days..!!!

    anybody know a company looking for entry level mechanical engineer??

  18. BuickLark66

    BuickLark66 Lost in space

    Jake, what do you mean "at you age"? All women of all ages are NUTS!! (except my gf :rolleyes: ).

    I have had long relationships, one engagement, casual things with misc women and now my current G/F. Women and men are just wired differently.

    As my dad puts it, they are all crazy, you just have to find the one that is the right kind of crazy.

    FWIW it seems like as you get older you don't get the quantity but you start to get better quality.

    It always seems that the good ones come around when you least expect them. Don't try to hard and don't worry....They will come.

    It's like the joke about the old bull and the young bull. I can't post the whole joke due to it being umm dirty. But if you know it, just remember....walk, don't run....
  19. Jim Weise

    Jim Weise EFI/DIS 482

    The Five Year Plan

    Just a few words from a 36 year old single guy...

    Never get married until you have dated someone for at least 5 years. That does not mean you can't be serious, even to the point of buy a house, getting engauged, and intertwining your lives together.

    Just don't "seal the deal" until you have been together for a least 5 years. It takes a long time to really get to know someone, and women tend to change as they go thru their twenties.

    I had a perfect wife all picked out.. smart, funny, beautiful, good job, and a great future. We got engauged, bought and renovated a big house out in the country (with a 1200 sq ft attached garage, with 10' celings and a floor drain!) and had our whole life planned out. Things were great for 3 years. In that time, I invested all my spare time in our house, to lay the ground work for our future. My race car sat, fully assembled and ready to go, for 2 years.

    After a while, I realized that I never really did anything for myself anymore.. it was always things for "us".

    Then things started to go down hill, in the 4 th year. Hard to point to any specific cause or problem. but after a while a realized that we were just really good roomates and friends.. but not really in love. There were some things missing, on her part, mainly because here Mother was a mean woman, cold at heart. I could see my finace' turning into that woman.

    So, in the spring of the 4th year, I started putzing with the race car, and working on other projects. This made her mad "You don't spend any time with me anymore" was an oft repeated line in our house. When I announced that I was going racing that summer, the straw that broke the camel's back came out..

    "Racing is a waste of time and money"...

    Oh man, was I glad there was not a ring on my finger..

    If I had not had the courage to leave, and go back to my house in town (which I had kept, and rented to a few friends) then I would still be working at the dealership, and my company, this board, and prolly the new club would not be around..

    Now that I am five years removed from that relationship, I realize that the only thing I really miss.. is the garage..

    Had I not waited that extra year, then I would be in the same boat as many of my friends.. miserable..

    Life is short, and you get one chance to live it the way you want to. Don't be sure that you have to get married by any specific age, but be damn sure you know who you are marrying. Don't be afraid to go after something or someone you want, even if you think it's just a pipe dream.

    Live by the 5 year plan, and you have a better than average chance of your union not turning into a statistic.

  20. SmittyDawg

    SmittyDawg Need another garage....

    Most people have no idea what they REALLY want/like/need etc. until into their 30's....at least I didn't. Like JW said, there probably is no pre-determined best age to get married, but if I had to picka number, I'd say 30 minimum. Also, the 5-year rule is a good idea, but I don't mean date them for 5 years....I mean LIVE with them for 5 years (assuming that "living in sin" is acceptable to you!).

    I'm 45, got married a few months out of high school (duh:spank: )

    got divorced ater 4 years of misery, but I sure grew up fast. Got married again, probably still to quickly, but after all is said and done, I have a very understanding wife, puts up with my Buick addiction, and two great kids. Would it have been be easier if I had stayed single? Probably.

    Hey - relationships take work, especially the guy/gal ones. As someone said earlier, men and women are just "wired" differently.
    The grass always looks greener, but unless you really have a psycho on your hands (or perhaps you're the psyho???!), rarely is that the case. Don't kill yourself looking for that perfect someone. She (or he :laugh: ) will show up when you least expect it. Good luck!


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