Factory Floor Mats Group Order

Discussion in 'Repro Parts' started by STAGE III, Jan 27, 2007.

  1. batcar

    batcar Well-Known Member

    A set of USED mats just sold on E-bay for $184.50 YIKES

    STAGE III Lost Experimental 455-4 Bolt Main Block.

    3/29/07 UP DATE

    Haven't had much to tell ya'll on these but here are the two most recent updates in order received.



    March 23, 07

    John, we still have a little time. Be assured I have not forgotten about you!!!! We will produce these mats. At this time we are still playing catch up in our connect and development dept and it is simply taking longer than I anticipated. I do have the original mats and they look pretty good. Once again to make absolutely sure... can we destroy these mats??? since in our process we need to remove the spikes on the back side. Please advise ASAP as I do anticipate starting these in the next week or so!! We will be making the back side like the original. Thank you, Martin

    March 26, 07

    John, I beleive we will be starting these mats next week. I will provide (2) free sets of mats in BLACK for the gentleman who provided them as masters. I will keep you posted over the next few weeks. Martin
  3. ss4825

    ss4825 Well-Known Member

    John, That is looking real good to me. Thanks for all you work on this project. I can't wait to order mine.

    Thanks agian,
  4. David G

    David G de-modded....

    I will take 1 set in black.
  5. Hector

    Hector '79 Buick Limited

    Thanks for taking the time and your work with these.If you are keeping up with the tally I would like a second set in black.Thanks.
  6. 1972 Stage 1

    1972 Stage 1 Well-Known Member


    Can you ask if they will be selling these at the GS Nats in May? If so, can we get a ballpark price so we can know how much :dollar: to bring? Thanks.

    STAGE III Lost Experimental 455-4 Bolt Main Block.

    Thanks for the kind words guys.


    Won't know the price till they have all their costs together.

    I may be buying the car the mats came out of (reason I am selling my car in "cars for sale")and it is KILLING me to let them destroy the original # matching mats (yeh, I know it shouldn't be that upsetting but the car is original and I hate to loose anything that originally came with it) anyhow letting them destroy those original mats will keep all of our costs down as they won't have to make expensive "sub masters" instead of just keeping the originals on hand.

    Long story short anyone who buys a set owes me at least ONE beer when you see me at a show! This could be a pretty fun show:Brow: ha ha!

    On the question of May, unfortunately not, I tried everything I could to convince them that it would behoove them to make them in time for the show, and told them about the show judges requesting them as well as concourse car owners but they just couldn't get them done that quickly, but believe me I wanted them like LAST YEAR:pray:

    Next big show there shouldn't be a show car out their without a brand new set of Buick Tri Shield mats in them, I'm really excited about being able to be a little part of this project for another part we can check off the "Not available list" Very excited to get to see them soon :TU:
  8. 2manybuicks

    2manybuicks Founders Club Member

    I'm in for one set in black.

    -- Steve
  9. MikeM

    MikeM Mississippi Buicks

    John, thanks for your continuing pursuit on this. As I said before, I can buy several sets for my cars. I hope these guys are not just pulling your chain and this really happens.
  10. Carl Rychlik

    Carl Rychlik Let Buick Light Your Fire

    I agree. I really want these mats to be made and I will buy 2 full sets. You have my word.
  11. buicks4ever

    buicks4ever Member

    Have fullsize Buicks, but I'll still take a full set in Black. I have a fullsize NOS set in black for fullsize 71-74. Do you think they might reproduce these also?
  12. kilkm

    kilkm Well-Known Member

    If they will make the mats for the early 60's full size Buicks I'll definately buy a set.
  13. Bob Lindquist

    Bob Lindquist Well-Known Member

    I will buy 2 black and 1 saddle. Thanks, Bob

    STAGE III Lost Experimental 455-4 Bolt Main Block.

    April Update :Okay, guys looks like we are getting real,real,real close.Here is the latest letter I got from Legendary.

    "John, Update!!! We have started the mats last week and as of today we have made much progress on preparing the masters for duplication for tooling. With a little bit of luck, I believe we will be able to ship your first sample by the end of next week. I believe you and Eric discussed the minimun quantity you would need to order. The color sample book you received, all those colors may be used as well. Color prices are slightly higher and can be accumulated with the black for the minimum. Final pricing we will determine by the end of next week. As I recall we were originally talking about the $175 range. Please advise if this corresponds with your notes. Thank you, Martin
  15. PackerBacker

    PackerBacker Blake's Dad

    I'd take 2 full sets in black as well.
  16. TG

    TG New Member

    I will order one set of black mats
  17. carbineone

    carbineone Well-Known Member

    So have these ever gotten done yet.....I need a set of Black
  18. David G

    David G de-modded....

    Sounds like they are very close to going into actual production, but will not be ready before BG in May.
  19. dl7265

    dl7265 No car then Mopar

    1 set Saddle.

    STAGE III Lost Experimental 455-4 Bolt Main Block.

    Just called one of my contacts at Legendary in regards to his email from yesterday evening, but he was in CPR training.

    I might need some CPR if I have to hold my breath much longer on getting these mats into production! :Dou: :laugh: :laugh:

    Well, his email said they were going to have the "samples ready at the end of next week".

    Said the mats required more attention than expected, but everything was looking good.

    He is calling me back after their class, so I'll post anymore specifics.

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