HELP!!! My penguins are driving me crazy...

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Waterboy, Jan 17, 2016.

  1. Duane

    Duane Member

    I'd give up the house and stay in the camper.
    Just saying.
    Waterboy and STAGE III like this.
  2. Brian Albrecht

    Brian Albrecht Classic Reflections

    Hmmm. Sounds like we can expect big things from Ruthann. She has dibs on that camper. Best to check the camper's plumbing before the bird drops the "s" word.
    STAGE III and Waterboy like this.
  3. iowacat

    iowacat Well-Known Member

    Get an old Garmin that the maps are outdated or can't be updated.

    I got a used one for $5.00 and put it in my daughter's 2003 Cavalier after the speedometer quit working and she used that until I was able to pull the gauge cluster out to have it rebuilt.
    Waterboy likes this.
  4. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    Good grief! Already had a Inlaw induced argument this morning. I wanted to add water to the Christmas tree. My wife said, Don't bother doing that I'm going to take it down right after Christmas. I blew up! We used to leave our tree up way into January. That might sound crazy to some of you but that's the way we always did it because it looks so pretty and it extends the seasonal cheer. Ever since her parents started coming to our house earlier and earlier our Christmas tradition has changed. It is not going to happen this year! Usually her mother gets here right after New Year's Day and says to my wife, Come on, let's take the tree down. I am not going to stand for it this year! They can strip the tree of all the ornaments and lights, but I am not going to take it outside!
  5. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    Iowacat, your idea was a really good one. At first I thought you were going to tell me to give it to my in-laws to help them drive around town. Being it was outdated they would never make it back to the house. I still might try that. :)
    white72gs455 and Brian Albrecht like this.

    STAGE III Lost Experimental 455-4 Bolt Main Block.

    Brian? Did you have to go there? A “fat dumb blonde” squeezin one off in John’s camper in the backyard ?
    Can’t unthink that one now!
    Better keep that industrial plunger on hand big guy,for any late night calls:rolleyes::D:D:D
    Merry Christmas! Lmao
    Brian Albrecht and Waterboy like this.
  7. iowacat

    iowacat Well-Known Member

    Never thought of that!!! Better yet change the "HOME" address to something about 2/3 miles from where you live, you know, for "security reasons".
  8. Chuck Bridges

    Chuck Bridges Well-Known Member

    I use an outdated Garmin in my Wildcat for a Speedometer. Up here in Canada, we used Kilometers, not Miles. Since my speedomenter in the dash is in miles, the GPS keeps me honest (and avoids those nasty photo radar tickets).
  9. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    Holy ****! We are having a family barbecue with a lot of family members, and I just found out when the in-laws are coming. January 4, fifth, or the sixth. And the dumb ass brother Kevin is bringing them down. It can't get any worse. So I got the crazy blonde person who is fat, and no I don't really like her anymore. And the in-laws are coming with the dumbest son. I just wrote this hiding in the backyard. I have to go back to the barbecue. I'm going to P while I am way out in the backyard. I got to pack my bags
  10. Brian Albrecht

    Brian Albrecht Classic Reflections

    On the 3rd, expose youself (not like that) to a positive Covid case - that will buy you two weeks of quality quarantine.
    Guy Parquette and Waterboy like this.
  11. 2manybuicks

    2manybuicks Founders Club Member

    Good plan, but in reality, all he needs is someone a little distant to lie about having COVID -- he just needs to say he's going over to _____'s place to get some parts, four days later say _____ has COVID, done deal.
    Waterboy and Briz like this.
  12. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    I know, you guys are expecting sarcasm. Well, that's all I have. My fingers are kinda slow, but I'll do my best. I turned on the patio lights. I can see the keyboard now.
    First, my brother, his dog, and his son are down here. His dog is ok? His son is good. Richard, he's really a dick. As GSFred has said, We have free range kids. My brother blew up cause the kids were gone for a minute. These kids do the craziest things in our backyards. They are good. Never get hurt. I'm finished with Dick.
    The penguins. Oh Lord! I didn't realize my wife was turning 60. I tell my oldest son all the time, "When she turns 60 I'm putting her away." Alex laughs, and kinda agrees. She's there. Luckily she still works, and gives me insurance for 3 more years. I gotta wait.
    A bunch of us were going to my house in Virginia to play in snow. (Snowshoe Mountain is close.) Now it's gonna be above freezing, and a lot of rain. Forget that!!!
    They're coming. My birthday is 3 days away. I gotta stop thinking about them, and start thinking of me. More to come......
  13. pbr400

    pbr400 68GS400

    I know you can drink in the rain in Kentucky; so you drink in the rain in Virginia!
    Briz likes this.
  14. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    Today I was making lunch in the kitchen. I was delighted at how clean the kitchen was after having a ton of friends and family over for Christmas. I like the new throw rugs in the kitchen. I like the new throw rug in the family room. I really like the new cushy rug in the bathroom!!! It's a shame that I will have to throw them all away sometime in March. The family room and kitchen rugs will have food squished into them. No amount of shaking, beating, or vacuuming will help them. The bathroom rug? Food? Nope. Jane's hair falls out like dog fur in spring, only worse! Last year the bathroom rug was full of her hair!!! Gross!!!!! I can already smell the stench of dead fish.
  15. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    Patrick! How are you? Great I hope!!!
    Right now it is a sunny 78 degrees at 4:32 pm. We're going boating / fishing. I may drink in the rain at BG, but there's a reason. BUICKS!!! Virginia, cold fat girls with masks on. I'd rather drink beer boating with the guys.
  16. pbr400

    pbr400 68GS400

    I wonder what the beer goggle math formula is whrn a mask is added as a variable? (Similar to a paper bag?). I bet the butterfaces like mask mandates.
    Seriously, we’re good. Hunkered down enjoying our small not very extended family.
    Thanks! Hang in there!
  17. 2manybuicks

    2manybuicks Founders Club Member

    Wife just had 4 crates of travertine delivered for me to install on a 20 x 30 patio. If you like moving and cutting heavy slabs of rock, will gladly swap duties and take over penguin time.

    STAGE III Lost Experimental 455-4 Bolt Main Block.

    John......................I think it is seriously time to consider hiring some mercenaries,Sir.

    mrolds69 and Waterboy like this.
  19. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    Oh good Lord, here we go again. It's getting close guys. I think I actually have an ETA in my head. Tuesday afternoon. STRESS!!!
    First I want to say, everything you read is real. The names were not changed, just different. I am suffering, but... I enjoy all of your comments. My son, Alex, says, "You all have been there before." I agree!
    Christmas... My wife and I invited my younger brother and my oldest nephew down for the holiday. We had a blast, but Richard, aka the real Dick, is LOUD! Every morning he's barking orders and "trying" to get us organized. It doesn't work.
    This morning was soooo quiet. Really nice. I kinda miss him?
    The Penguins.... they are coming down soon. I tried to put my self in their shoes. It doesn't work. They're probably thinking about how warm it is down here. I'm thinking my house has NO heat. I love it when they complain!
    So... the dumbest boy, son, is bringing them down. DA Kevin, with his cackle for a laugh. He sounds like a hyena. And he's opinionated. He's staying for a week. My son and I are going to F with him.
    Have you ever gone "canal hopping?" We took our buddy from Virginia. It's basically going out boating in the canals around here after dark. The U.S.1 bridge, just before the spillway to salt water, is covered in iguanas. 3 to 4 foot iguanas! Alex pulled up to the bridge, grabbed one by it's tale, and thru him in the boat!!! Talk about a bunch of grown men screaming like little girls! I was one of them. That will be fun to do again!!! I'm not finished with iguanas... I've been trying to catch an iguana, or hunt them if you will. Yesterday I talked with my buddy, "Butcher Bob." Yes, he's a retired butcher and a big time hunter. He told me I can bait a treble hook with a grape, and that is a sure fire way to catch them. I know where Jane, AKA the "screech owl", sits in the backyard every day sunning herself. It would be awesome to have the fishing line go right under her chair, catch an iguana, and drag it right past her. Years ago I had 2 geese. Every time she'd go out back they'd chase her around and peck her. Ah, the good 'ole days!!!
    Today is Monday... I have a little over 24 hours to enjoy my house all by myself. Then my privacy ends. No longer can I take a poop or piss with the bathroom door open. I won't be able to walk into a silent house all day long. EVERY TIME the screech owl see's me she'll be asking stupid stuff like "What are you doing?" "Where are you going?" I truly believe she enjoys hearing her own voice. I wish I could just say, "Shut the F*** up!!!"
    That's all for right now. My typing hands are shaking. I gotta go find something to do.
    Brian Albrecht likes this.
  20. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    I just finished mowing the yard. Yes, grass is still growing down here. While I was mowing the grass I was thinking about things the screech owl says to Dick. She never uses a pronoun when she speaks to Dick. She always uses the proper noun. Dick, do you want some coffee? (I've never seen a Dick drink coffee!) Dick, are you ready for lunch? (I believe a Dick can be hungry.) Dick, would you like some potato chips with your lunch? (Dicks like chips?) Come on Dick, we're late. (I'll leave that one alone.) Dick, are you ready? (Oh boy!) I'm going to the store. Are you coming Dick? (Stop!!!) It never ends. I'm going to listen to see if she uses her D.A. son's name every time she talks to him. I don't hear her say my name all the time. Maybe she doesn't like Johns?

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