HELP!!! My penguins are driving me crazy...

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Waterboy, Jan 17, 2016.

  1. 1969RIVI

    1969RIVI Well-Known Member

    Yes. Do it. You can call your show Waterboy's World :D. It will be a hit for sure!
    Waterboy likes this.
  2. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    Jim and river, we will have another party buddy. Bob in Canada. I do believe I talk to you all the time and I still forget. Sorry I am an old man. My neighbor told me don't do what you told me to do. I'm preparing to do it. Yes I'm an asshole
    1969RIVI likes this.
  3. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    Oops, that was a bad word. Sorry Jim. Sometimes I think way faster than I think.
  4. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    All right, the fire extinguishers are placed. I got to go back in and take a picture of them.
  5. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    Jim, I did not call your wife river. I said Retha, but my phone spelled it wrong.
  6. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    Can I be weird? Heck yes, it's my thread. GSFRED, I know you read this thread sometimes. You should've seen the grandkids tonight at the racetrack. Talk about free range kids! These kids were climbing under and over and on top of the grandstands. Any other parents would've pooped . We laughed and laughed and laughed. Life is very very awesome!
  7. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    Fred, Milton has been coming by with his Fred Weiss built engine. I'm being facetious. His Jim Weiss built engine. Are we allowed to give shout outs to the forum owner. One of the fastest cars I've ever been in! There actually should be a lot of exclamation points. Milton has a smile from ear to ear. The hyena is leaving any day. Actually Monday evening. Give me a shout and come by anytime.
  8. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    I can't believe myself. The fire extinguishers are at either end of the toaster. The wet vac is sitting outside ready to come in. The fire extinguishers did not make me feel bad. The wet vac makes me feel kind of bad, but happy
    1969RIVI likes this.
  9. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    The fire extinguishers are set. IMG_0424.JPG
    1969RIVI and partsrparts like this.
  10. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    I'm outside on my patio enjoying a cup of coffee. The screech owl came outside and told me, I got your message John. I put the fire extinguishers in your bedroom. I told her I seriously doubt there will be a fire in my bedroom. Wait till she sees the wet vac.
    1969RIVI and stump puller455 like this.
  11. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    CLIFF HANGER!!! Having my wife's BD party so I can't write now, but I made a prediction and it came true. More later....
    PS... I hate that witch, but it's spelled with a B!!!!!
  12. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    OK, here's the scoop. Pick you
  13. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    Sorry, I did not mean to hit post. The witch came out and I had to turn the phone off. The party is over and I'm all by myself. Believe me, it's awesome, and quiet!
    Here was my prediction for today. It was my wife's birthday. We decided to do KFC chicken instead of barbecuing. We're at KFC ordering double $30 buckets, and we had to wait for our order. I asked my son for a lighter so I could smoke a cigarette. He said, I think you're pretty stressed out right now Dad, why? I said, we are going to go back to the house, set the food up in the kitchen, and Jane is going to grab food first because she's a greedy witch, and she's going to spill it all and make a big azz mess. I was right but I was wrong. There were more than 20 people over, including kids. When I got home, luckily my wife said, we can just set it up right here in the patio area. I thought, my prediction is not going to be true. I was wrong. Her mom got her food and Dick's food first. Literally walked from the serving buffet and spilled it all over the ground. I was out front with my nephew and told him, I predicted this. I don't care if she is Catholic. If she was my wife, she would have been divorced! Now I have to go back through this and edit it properly. I hate that hard part.
    I think there are no bad words in this article.
  14. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    Oops, I forgot to edit it.
    I think I fixed all the B words and anything else offensive. I hope
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2021
  15. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    We went to a car show today. I think I was bad, but it is good. We went to a new place for a car show way back in November. When they were giving away the trophies, the owner said over the microphone, I can't believe no one did a burnout? So I asked my nephew Stan, who knows the owner, can I go up to the stage and do a burn out? He said heck ya! I smoked the place out!
    Today I was in my zoom zoom, which is a Volkswagen sandrail. I was good all day. After the trophies, which I did not participate in, but I do a applaud, The organizer of the show came up to my zoom zoom. She said her birthday was in two weeks and she wanted to sit in it. I told her you can do anything you want on it. She did all the sexy positions and I took her pictures. She's really not that sexy. After that, she asked if she could take a ride in it. Oh boy! Of course I said heck yes. We got in the zoom zoom and she said, do I have to wear my seatbelt? I told her no. As I'm putting on my seatbelt she said, Why are you putting on your seatbelt? I said, because you should wear a seatbelt. She put her seatbelt on, and said, can we hit that hill? Oh heck yes! The front tires came off the hill a couple feet in the back tires came off the hill at least 1 foot! This lady was having a good time. I did donuts all over the field where the car show was. Unfortunately there was a large 50 gallon plastic drum of trash, that I hoped was empty, but it was not. I smacked the crap out of that can with my right front tire. You should've seen that can fly up in the air and trash fly everywhere!!!!
    stump puller455 likes this.
  16. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    Then I took my new girlfriend for a ride. That's a whole Nother story.
  17. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    I know, you didn't expect that. I stayed away from the screch owl almost ALL day!!!!!! Sure wish I was more sober, cause typing is taking tooooooo long. Sorry. Tomorrow
  18. alvareracing

    alvareracing Platinum Level Contributor

    John you need your own show, this is just hilarious.
  19. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    Good morning! Well kinda. It is so nice and warm out today, but I did have to see her wrinkled face already this morning. YUCK!!! I have to get out of my sweat pants and put on shorts. I'll be back...
    I'm back. Much better. Alex and I took the hyena boating yesterday. We went to the local hangout, Peanut Island. Even though it was kinda chilly, there was plenty of eye candy hanging out near us. We all voted the girl in the purple bikini as #1. A very good day!
    We got home and cooked up a batch of hamburgers and hotdogs. These "northern animals" get sooo cranky when they're hungry! (We always eat late. They must be on a 5 o'clock feeding schedule.) The Dick actually came outside with his plate so he could get his burger first. It didn't work out for him. Alex had already put all the cooked burgers on a platter and quickly walked right past the Dick. So Dick had to follow him all the way back into the house. The owl was next. As I entered the kitchen I saw her tongue hanging out of her wrinkled beak. She hurriedly scooped food onto her plate. I watched her every move, and she knew it. I did not want a repeat mess like the night before. I even followed her to the table. We all ate without any messy incidences. After dinner Alex and I grabbed the beer cooler and went to our friend's garage. No more screech owl for the rest of the night. Bliss!!!
    Today is the hyena's last day in Florida! Alex and I, along with a couple friends, are going to take the hyena to lunch. Our lunch place costs a dollar when you walk in. I don't know why. Then you get a couple choices for a free lunch. I'm going to pick the hot steak sandwich. We drink a few 6 dollar beers, and throw dollar bills at these girls dancing on stage. It's a blast!!! We're going to try to talk the Dick into going to lunch with us. You should see Dick's eyes perk up!
    Brian Albrecht likes this.
  20. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    This newsbreak is brought to you by Cheetah's Gentlemens club. I asked The Dick if he wanted to go. He smiled and politely said, No, I'm to old for that. Probably E.D. We got there and ate a great free lunch along with some ice cold beer. The beer is not free. brother-in-law wanted to stay there forever. Alex had to pick his kids up at school. Being I'm old, and was about ready to have a heart attack inside that place, or was it a hard attack? I volunteered to pick up the kids, and Alex could hang out there with the hyena. IMG_0447.JPG
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2021
    Brian Albrecht likes this.

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